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Earth's Grid System, Becker-Hagens, Ley Lines, Hartmann Net, Curry Lines - Science and Pseudoscience

Earth's Grid System, Becker-Hagens, Ley Lines, Hartmann Net, Curry Lines - Science and Pseudoscience
Earth's Grid Systems Science and Pseudoscience Topography, is the study of Earth's surface shape and features or those of planets, moons, and asteroids. It is also the description of such surface shapes and features (especially their depiction in maps). The topography of an area can also mean the surface shape and features themselves. Planetary Energetic Grid Theory Planetary Energetic Grid Theory falls under the heading of pseudoscience. Plato recognized grids and their patterns, devising a theory that the Earth's basic structure evolved from a simple geometric shapes to more complex ones. Becker-Hagens Grid Bill Becker and Bethe Hagens discussed the code of the Platonic Solids' positions on Earth, ascribing this discovery to the work of Ivan P. Becker and Hagens' attention was drawn to this research through the work of Chris Bird, who punished "Planetary Grid" in the New Age Journal in May 1975. South America's grid triangle forms the continent around itself. We see Dr. According to Dr. Related:  Miscellaneous stuff 3`test 1021`test 1021

Mapping The World Grid MAPPING THE WORLD GRID by David Hatcher Childress What is the World Grid? How can it be it mapped? What does it do? Why should we be concerned about it? What does it have to with anti-gravity? In my many travels around the world in search of lost cities and ancient mysteries I have often wondered if there was some link connecting many of the ancient megalithic sites. Are megalithic sites laid out on a grid? In other words, we are speaking about an intelligent geometric pattern into which, theoretically, the Earth and its energies are organized - and possibly in which the ubiquitous ancient megalithic sites are also positioned. What we are speaking of is fundamentally different from longitudinal and latitudinal lines that we are so familiar with from conventional geography. However the familiar image of the Earth as a globe girded in a lattice of longitude and latitude lines helps us understand what an Earth Grid, based on more primary energy lines, might be like. Planetary Grid R. S.

Why Time Slows Down When We’re Afraid, Speeds Up as We Age, and Gets Warped on Vacation by Maria Popova “Time perception matters because it is the experience of time that roots us in our mental reality.” Given my soft spot for famous diaries, it should come as no surprise that I keep one myself. That’s precisely what acclaimed BBC broadcaster and psychology writer Claudia Hammond explores in Time Warped: Unlocking the Mysteries of Time Perception (public library) — a fascinating foray into the idea that our experience of time is actively created by our own minds and how these sensations of what neuroscientists and psychologists call “mind time” are created. We construct the experience of time in our minds, so it follows that we are able to change the elements we find troubling — whether it’s trying to stop the years racing past, or speeding up time when we’re stuck in a queue, trying to live more in the present, or working out how long ago we last saw our old friends. And yet the brain does keep track of time, even if inaccurately. Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr

ELEPHANTS From Left to Right: Jean-Antoine Alavoine, Elephant of… | Architects Corner From Left to Right: Jean-Antoine Alavoine, Elephant of the Bastille, Place de la Bastille, Paris, France, 1814 / James V. Lafferty, The Elephant Hotel, Lucy the Elephant, Margate City, New Jersey, 1882 Pierluigi Nicolin and Italo Rota, Project for Piazza Stamira, Ancona, Italy, 1978 / Bernhard Luginbühl, The Big Boss, 1971 Ancona, ARCHITECTURE, art, Bernhard Luginbühl, colossal, Elephant of the Bastille, Elephantine Colossus, elephants, form, France, Italo Rota, Italy, James V.

Eloge de l'oisiveté Dans un essai revigorant, “L'Art d'être oisif”, le journaliste fondateur de la revue britannique “The Idler” plaide pour que l'indolence gagne le monde. Nous avons rencontré ce maître à penser de la procrastination. Comment êtes-vous devenu paresseux ? Tom Hodgkinson - J’ai toujours eu une inclination naturelle à la paresse. Comment définiriez-vous l’oisiveté ? Johnson disait que toute personne est, ou aspire à être oisive. >> A lire aussi : La playlist idéale pour glandouiller La paresse n’est pas un comportement que les gens revendiquent facilement. La querelle entre les paresseux et les zélés du travail est très ancienne, archaïque même. Mais je pense que la meilleure époque pour être paresseux était le Moyen Âge. Aujourd’hui, c’est devenu tellement central que des gens acceptent d’avoir des “bullshit jobs”, comme dit l’anthropologue américain David Graeber… >> A lire aussi : Pourquoi multiplie-t-on les boulots à la con ? Pourquoi Baudelaire figure-t-il dans votre Panthéon des oisifs ?

Mephistopheles Mephistopheles (also Mephisto, Mephistophilus, Mephist, Murphy, Mephy, Murphy Stoffelis, and Mephistophilis as referred to in the original text) is a name given to one of the chief demons of Christian mythology that figure in European literary traditions. The name is frequently used as an alternative form of Satan or the Devil. Because the name Mephistopheles evolved during the Renaissance, Mephistopheles makes no appearance in the Bible. However, according to certain extra-biblical texts relating to Christian mysticism, and a number of related works written during the 17th century, Mephistopheles was the first to join with Lucifer during the rebellion against God at the beginning of time. When the rebel angels were banished from Heaven, Mephistopheles was the second to fall, after Lucifer. Mephistopheles is portrayed in the legend of Faustus, as the name of the Devil to whom Faust sells his soul. Mefisto is also the title of a book by contemporary Irish writer John Banville.

Train Your Brain To Let Go Of Habits – 10 Methods For Creating New Neural Pathways When you understand how neural pathways are created in the brain, you get a front row seat for truly comprehending how to let go of habits. Neural pathways are like superhighways of nerve cells that transmit messages. You travel over the superhighway many times, and the pathway becomes more and more solid. I used to drive with one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator, and I wanted to train myself to drive with one foot only. Because of neuroplasticity, the brain’s ever-changing potentials, anything is possible. Whether you work with others on their habits or you work with your own (or both), you can apply these understandings to boost your success. Some Powerful Ways to Retrain the Brain 1. You may remember the punch line “The light bulb has to want to change.” 2. Look at feelings, thoughts, and how the body is responding to the habit, and see what results you’re creating in your life. 3. This is very important. 4. 5. 6. This isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Elogio della tristezza «Inside Out», il nuovo cartone animato della Pixar ambientato dentro il cervello di una ragazzina di undici anni, è un’opera geniale e coraggiosa. Ci vuole genio per trasformare le emozioni umane nei personaggi di una storia. E ci vuole coraggio per rivendicare, tra queste emozioni, il ruolo fondamentale della tristezza, raffigurata come una bambina occhialuta, goffa e blu: il colore dello spirito. Per buona parte del film la tristezza si accompagna alla gioia come un intralcio, una ganascia conficcata nelle ruote dell’ottimismo e della felicità. Non così nella vita vera, dove la tristezza è stata espulsa da qualsiasi discorso pubblico e privato. Per il pensiero dominante la tristezza non consuma e non comunica, si nutre di astinenze e di silenzi, è antieconomica e dannosa.

Dimensions Chapitres 5 et 6 Deux notions seront utiles pour la suite : Le module d'un nombre complexe z= x +i y est simplement la distance du point correspondant (x,y) à l'origine. On le note |z| et il est égal, d'après le théorème de Pythagore à √ (x2+y2) . L'argument indique la direction de z. Les mathématiciens ont longtemps essayé de faire la même chose dans l'espace de dimension 3 : comment multiplier des points dans l'espace ? En résumé, les points du plan sont définis par un seul nombre... complexe.
