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The National Gallery

The National Gallery
Paintings The National Gallery houses one of the greatest collections of paintings in the world. Enjoy free entrance 361 days a year. Explore the collection Discover the collection online Virtual tour Get closer to the paintings Take a virtual tour of the National Gallery and get a closer look at over 300 paintings Take a virtual tour of Gallery rooms Picture of the month Peter Paul Rubens, 'Peace and War', 1629-30 When art meets politics Find out more Research In depth Find out about conferences, Gallery publications and academic research Research at the Gallery Learn about art Great ways to discover paintings From Gallery talks to online guides The Art Fund The Art Fund has a long history of supporting National Gallery acquisitions. The Gallery and the Art Fund Latest arrivals New acquisition George Bellows, 'Men of the Docks', 1912 History of the Gallery From the 1820s to the present day Explore the history of the National Gallery Keep in touch Channel Tune in View the Channel Art posters and prints

Histoire des Arts en cours d'anglais Here, you can find the documents studied in class through the year... So you can remember them, see them in colour and print them... 3ème September 11th, 2001 "Unspoken Courage" by Pomm (2001) Anonymous painting (2001?) A photograph by Thomas E. London in World War 2 Felix Nussbaum (only for a few pupils who didn't go skiing...) "Self Portrait with Key" (1941) "Self Portrait with Jewish Identity Card" (1943) "Triumph of Death" (1944) A short video on his exhibition in 2011 in Paris: From Negro Spirituals to Rock'n'Roll A few links to the videos we watched in class: "Amazing Grace" by the Harlem Gospel Choir "When the Saints go marching in" by Louis Armstrong "Boom Boom" by John Lee Hooker A medley of Elvis Presley's songs 4ème Thanksgiving "The First Thanksgiving, 1621" by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1915 ?) "Freedom from Want" by Norman Rockwell (1943) Corpse Bride 5ème

Histoire des Arts – 2.0 Histoire des arts Fiches pédagogiques Lexique des peintres, écrivains, sculpteurs… Ressources de proximité Actualités (voir plus d'actualités) En Alsace et dans le Rhin supérieur Domaines artistiques En venteau CRDP d'Alsace En prêtau CRDP d'Alsace Instructions officielles Portail Histoire des Arts - Ministère de la Culture Site principal du CRDP | Mentions légales | Contacts | Droits de l'image et du son | Aide Louvre - l'art britannique L’amour dans un climat froid Ce titre emprunté à Nancy Mitford, la plus française des romancières anglaises du XXe siècle, résume bien la nature parfois inattendue des liens qui ont toujours unis les deux pays qui bordent la Manche. De l’invasion de l’Angleterre par Guillaume le Conquérant aux champs de batailles du XXe siècle, l’histoire des relations entre ces deux nations s’analyse mieux comme une fraternité qu’un voisinage. Cette longue histoire ponctuée de violences, d’admirations, d’exaspérations, d’influences a rarement été mesurée à l’aune des relations artistiques. La méconnaissance des Français en matière d’art britannique est souvent considérée comme acquise et en dehors de Turner, la réputation des artistes anglais est rarement notée. Il y a depuis le milieu du XVIIIe siècle, une fascination parfois avouée, souvent cachée, pour l’art britannique. Cette fascination des artistes se traduit par un grand nombre d’œuvres dans les collections françaises. Olivier Meslay

L’autoportrait - Italien - Langues en ligne L’autoportrait Quel peintre n'a pas cédé à la tentation de se représenter ? Exercice de virtuosité technique, signe d’une promotion sociale, expression d’une interrogation métaphysique, l’autoportrait est aussi, est d'abord, une quête commune à tous les hommes : celle de son identité. A1-A2 (Primaire-6e) Faire son autoportrait à la manière de Modigliani Dans ce dossier pédagogique, on découvre la technique du portrait de Amedeo Modigliani, on réalise son propre autoportrait en équipe, on apprend et on chante une comptine, on construit sa carte d’identité, en aboutissant à une galerie d’autoportraits pour jouer aux devinettes sur l’identité. A2-B1 (Collège) Autoportrait de Nanni Moretti et de sa génération Dans ce dossier pédagogique, on découvre l’œuvre cinématographique de Nanni Moretti et son personnage principal, Michele Apicella, alter ego de lui-même, ses goûts, ses activités et sa vision sur sa génération. B1-B2 (Lycée) L’autoportrait dans l’œuvre de Caravage

Art et folie - Espagnol - Langues en ligne Art et folie L’art occidental n’a cessé de représenter la folie : visions réjouissantes du bouffon médiéval ou plus inquiétantes du « possédé » de l’âge classique, romantisme funèbre d’un Goya ou d’un Friedrich ou approche naturaliste d’un Géricault... A1-A2 (Primaire-6e) La superstition dans la peinture de Goya On joue avec les tableaux de Goya, on découvre ses gravures à travers les animaux, la sorcellerie, on réalise ses propres gravures en utilisant la caricature, pour aboutir à une affiche réunissant tous les travaux des élèves. A2-B1 (Collège) Goya et la duchesse d’Albe On découvre la vie et l’œuvre d’un grand peintre à travers un biopic, on apprend à repérer des informations grâce à un document audiovisuel, on exprime des sentiments, pour aboutir à l’interprétation d’une dispute amoureuse entre Francisco de Goya et sa maîtresse, la duquesa de Alba. B1-B2 (Lycée) L’histoire franco-espagnole dans l’œuvre de Goya

INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH PAINTING Course Description You can attend this course if you are an MA student, if you are studying to be a teacher under the old system; you can do part of the Zwischenprüfung here. You can attend if you are a B.A. student doing part of Profile Module 3 (provided you have completed Basic Modules 1 and 4); you get 3 credit points for attendance, participation and end-of-term test, which will be graded. The course will offer you a survey of English painting from the Middle Ages to the present; in examining the paintings of the various periods, we will also be studying the history of these epochs, though that will not be the main focus. The artists' work will be discussed in its historical and social context: in terms of the changing market for art, and how what painters see, how they see it and how they represent it reflects the society they live in. Programme Preparation for 29.4.05 Tudor painting: Holbein and miniatures 1. Draw up a thumbnail sketch of Tudor England. 2. 3. Hans Holbein (1497-1534)

Jackson Pollock. The She-Wolf. 1943 Gallery Text: Abstract Expressionist New York October 3, 2010–April 25, 2011 In the early 1940s Pollock, like many of his peers, explored primeval or mythological themes in his work. The wolf in this painting may allude to the animal that suckled the twin founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, in the myth of the city’s birth. Audio Program excerpt MoMA Audio: Collection Curator, Ann Temkin: The most amazing thing about Pollock I think to many people today still is what appears to be the absolute freedom that he brought to what he did. Painting, Pollock felt, had to get away from the very disciplined idea of an easel and a paint brush. The she–wolf has a long history in all sorts of cultures, myths and legends. The she-wolf in this painting has her head pointing at our left. Publication Excerpt: The Museum of Modern Art, MoMA Highlights, New York: The Museum of Modern Art, revised 2004, originally published 1999 Drawn in heavy black and white lines, the wolf advances leftward.

William Merritt Chase (1849–1916) William Merritt Chase was born in Indiana in 1849, the oldest of six children of a modestly successful shoe merchant and his wife. In 1872, after studies in Indianapolis and at New York's National Academy of Design, Chase was asked by a group of Saint Louis businessmen if he would like to study in Europe with their support. He is said to have replied: "My God, I'd rather go to Europe than go to heaven." Chase decided to work in Munich rather than Paris—the magnet for most aspiring late nineteenth-century American artists—because he thought the German city would be less distracting. Although he enrolled in the Munich Academy, he was more interested in the flashy brushwork and dramatic chiaroscuro espoused by Wilhelm Leibl, Gustave Courbet's German friend and stylistic alter ego. Like most of his American contemporaries, Chase was eclectic, borrowing with pride and pleasure from many international styles, past and present.

William Merritt Chase William Merritt Chase (November 1, 1849 – October 25, 1916) was an American painter, known as an exponent of Impressionism and as a teacher. He is also responsible for establishing the Chase School, which later would become Parsons The New School for Design. §Early life and training[edit] William Merritt Chase was born on November 1, 1849, in Williamsburg (now Nineveh), Indiana, to the family of Sarah Swain and David H. Chase, a local businessman. Chase's father moved the family to Indianapolis in 1861, and employed his son as a salesman in the family business. After a brief stint in the Navy, Chase's teachers urged him to travel to New York to further his artistic training. In 1870, declining family fortunes forced Chase to leave New York for St. In Europe, Chase settled at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, a long-standing center of art training that was attracting increasing numbers of Americans. §Chase's roles: father, artist, teacher[edit] §European Summer tours[edit] §Landscapes[edit]
