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Your Source for Emulation! RepRap RepRap est la première machine autoréplicable de production d'usage général fabriqué par l'homme. RepRap se présente sous la forme d'une imprimante 3D, pilotée par un logiciel libre, capable d'imprimer des objets en plastique. Puisque la RepRap est composée de plusieurs pièces de plastique et que la RepRap a la capacité d'imprimer ces pièces, la RepRap peut être considérée comme autoréplicable — tout le monde peut la construire avec du temps et le matériel nécessaire.

Google’s been quietly recording your voice; here’s how to listen to—and delete—the archive Sometime during the early 2000s, big, gold, “door-knocker” hoop earrings started to appeal to me, after I’d admired them on girls at school. It didn’t faze me that most of the girls who wore these earrings at my high school in St. Louis were black, unlike me. And while it certainly may have occurred to me that I—a semi-preppy dresser—couldn’t pull them off, it never occurred to me that I shouldn’t. This was before the term “cultural appropriation” jumped from academia into the realm of internet outrage and oversensitivity.

Emulateurs, roms et jeux vidéo. PokeMMO - Coming Soon Renosite (code name: CDEOp) Please take the time to read and understand the reasoning behind this product. This site is dedicated to a special project that has been missing in the computer industry. Once this project started other similar devices started showing up on the market, but to this day this one is the only open-source version out there. The development has started and stopped over the last couple of years. And to date there has been 3 versions developed.

MAMEWorld - The Largest MAME Resource on the Net Quintet - Multiplayer Space Game Cerowrt CeroWrt is a project built on the OpenWrt firmware to resolve the endemic problems of bufferbloat in home networking today, and to push forward the state of the art of edge networks and routers. Projects include proper IPv6 support, tighter integration with DNSSEC, and most importantly, reducing bufferbloat in both the wired and wireless components of the stack. The CeroWrt 3.10 series of builds include the following features and capabilities: Linux 3.10 kernel. Many of the fixes for bufferbloat are being implemented in this 3.10 kernel, so we are tracking these developments carefully. Active Queue Management fixes for bufferbloat including: the Codel algorithm - Kathie Nichols' and Van Jacobson's newest AQM algorithm; Eric Duzamet's FQ_Codel, which enhances codel significantly; working ECN; Stochastic Fair Queueing-Random Early Drop (SFQRED); and other queue disciplines, including a version of codel from the current ns2 model and a fq_codel (nfq_codel, efq_codel) based on that.

Bufferbloat I received the following question today from Ralph Droms. I include an edited version of my response to Ralph. On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 9:45 AM, Ralph Droms (rdroms) <rdroms@yyy.zzz> wrote: Someone suggested to me that bufferbloat might even be worse in switches/bridges than in routers. True fact?
