Gregory Colbert Gregory Colbert's Ashes and Snow is an ongoing project comprised of photographic artworks, a one-hour film, two short films, and a novel in letters. The work is shown in a purpose-built temporary structure called the Nomadic Museum. Ashes and Snow debuted in Venice, Italy, in 2002 and was presented in the first Nomadic Museum in 2005 in New York City. Ashes and Snow then traveled in the Nomadic Museum to Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Mexico City. : LUNDLUND : Home - He & She Photography Fashiontography Music / Home - Tom Tykwer After Tom began taking piano lessons at the age of eight, he came to realise that understanding cadences was a fast route to developing his own musical ideas, which made the music he learnt a basis for striking out on his own musical path. Later, once he had developed his great passion for film, he came to admire filmmakers, who through long and close co-operation with composers were able to develop a mutual and credible language on a musical level. He reserved the same admiration for those filmmakers who composed the music themselves. His own soundtrack career began more by default, and out of financial necessity than anything else. Originally motivated by putting together a soundtrack, the music now composed by Pale 3 (Tykwer/Klimek/Heil) is not only film music. Pale 3 The trio has been working together since "Winter Sleepers", and scored a chart hit ... Soundtracks The soundtracks for almost all of Tykwer's films have been created within ...
Koray Birand Digital Portfolio Navigation How They Built a Glass House for “The Lake House” In honor of Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be fun to take a look at the unforgettable glass house from the romantic drama The Lake House. Back in 2006, Speed co-stars Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves teamed up again for this remake of the South Korean film Il Mare, about a doctor who falls in love with an architect she’s never actually met. See, Alex (Reeves) is living in 2004, but Kate (Bullock) is in 2006, which is kind of a problem. (To be honest, I’m not sure it makes much sense even if you do manage to unravel all the logic behind it. It was built for the film on Maple Lake in Willow Springs, Illinois. According to Celebrity Wonder: After weeks of scanning lakefront locations in Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Indiana and virtually every mile of the vast Lake Michigan shoreline for something that embodied all the necessary elements, The Lake House production team rose to the challenge and built the iconic house themselves. In this shot we get a look inside the house at night:
Luxury Advertising Community 下雨了,你会在地铁口买一把10块钱的雨伞吗? | 邻居的耳朵 歌曲:How Insensitive 专辑:The Look of Love(爱之本色) 艺人:Claudine Longet 年代:1967 厂牌:Polygram 你相信吗? 造物主会赋予一些寻常物品以天才的人性。 它们,哦!更准确地说,应该是他们——他们幽默风趣,才华横溢,气质不俗,喜欢天马行空地想象,以拜伦式英雄自居;他们可能是一瓶货架上的苏打水,一件橱窗里的衣服,一个公用厕所的马桶盖。可,为什么造物主要这样做呢? 他最恨的就是下雨天。 即使是在暗无天日的仓库,他也可以在太平洋航海,在黄石公园探险,在挪威古堡救公主——当然,一切只存在于他的想象中。 五道口地铁站。 “十块钱啊~雨伞十块钱一把! 他清楚,自己命中注定要度过无尽孤独的一生,他的存在不需要谁来肯定,甚至不需要被发现。 这时,就在他面前,一双指甲平整、指尖冻得淡红的手,从包里掏出一把黑色雨伞,利索地撑开来。 天哪! 一颗子弹,一粒种子,一团火! 从那之后,他喜欢每个夏日傍晚的积雨云,他盼望每场突如其来的暴雨,他不再咒骂一双双湿淋淋的手。 对于一把懂得如何去爱的雨伞来说,这简直是莫大的煎熬…… 过了多久? 然而“期待”这个词,仿佛天生是与“落空”相搭配的。 他非但没能再见她一眼,连再见的机会都被剥夺了。 当雨水第一次落在身上的时候,他感到了透心的凉意。 “一切是场梦吧! 开门,关门,他被男人随手扔在了地板上,浑身湿透,狼狈不堪。 这一切,扎得他眼睛生疼。 女人娇羞地笑着,伸出手来把他从地上捡起来。 “嘿,好久不见~我们真算是有缘。” 一切是场梦吧,不要醒…… ============================How insensitive I must have seemed When he told me that he loved me How unmoved and cold I must have seemed When he told me so sincerely Why he must have asked Did I just turn and stare in icy silence What was I to say? 本文章版权属于文章作者所有,转载请与作者联系并注明出处:邻居的耳朵 以及链接地址: 下雨了,你会在地铁口买一把10块钱的雨伞吗?
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