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Design - Welcome

Design - Welcome
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Using VMWare Images with Virtualbox After installing VMWare 2.0 and VirtualBox 2.0.2 i wanted to make a comparison of both virtualization engines. I thought about installing the same guest in both software stacks. But this seemed like too much work ;-). So i started to google about migrating a guest from VMWare to Virtualbox.I found this helpful blog.So it is very easy. i chose Existing... and added the vmdk-file from the debian-guest, which i used with VMWare Server 2.0.So i thought, everything was ready but after pressing start the system stopped with: Waiting for root file systemAfter a short search, i found out, that VMWare prefers guest systems with SCSI hdd controllers and VirtualBox can only mount IDE hard disks.

Apprendre à utiliser Material Design Lite : La grille Récemment nous avons jeté un oeil sur le nouveau Framework front-end de Google, Material Design Life (MDL). Nous avons découvert que MDL est livré avec une floppé de composants pour construire l'interface utilisateur d'un site web grâce à des lignes directrices et des principes de conception matérielle. Dans cette séries de tutoriels, nous allons examiner les composants individuels de MDL en détail, à commencer par son système de grille qui constitue la base de tout Framework front-end. C'est parti ! Avant de pouvoir utiliser la grille, ou tout autre composant de MDL, nous devons d'abord implanter ses librairies CSS et Javascript. Les feuilles de styles pour les icones de MDL La police Roboto qui est la police principale La feuille de styles générale Le fichier Javascript Une fois implanté, nous pouvons commencer à construire l'interface utilisateur avec les couleurs définies dans les feuilles de styles. Nous commençons une grille avec une balise div vide.

Using your own SQLite database in Android applications | ReignDesign Most all of the Android examples and tutorials out there assume you want to create and populate your database at runtime and not to use and access an independent, preloaded database with your Android application. The method I'm going to show you takes your own SQLite database file from the "assets" folder and copies into the system database path of your application so the SQLiteDatabase API can open and access it normally. 1. Preparing the SQLite database file. Assuming you already have your sqlite database created, we need to do some modifications to it. If you don't have a sqlite manager I recommend you to download the opensource SQLite Database Browser available for Win/Linux/Mac. Open your database and add a new table called "android_metadata", you can execute the following SQL statement to do it: CREATE TABLE "android_metadata" ("locale" TEXT DEFAULT 'en_US') Now insert a single row with the text 'en_US' in the "android_metadata" table: INSERT INTO "android_metadata" VALUES ('en_US') 2.

Structure - Layout For guidance on arranging elements in z-space to achieve the correct behavior and shadows, see the Environment and Elevations and shadows sections. This structure includes a permanent app bar and floating action button. An optional bottom bar can be added for additional functionality or action overflow. Side nav menus overlay all other structural elements. This structure shows a permanent app bar with a floating action button. The desktop structure contains a permanent app bar with a floating action button. Side navigation menus can take up the full height of the screen size (including under the app bar) and be accessed temporarily or pinned for permanent display. Define a primary horizontal or vertical divider. Avoid slicing up the interface into too many regions which can cause L shapes. Break edges with cards and floating action buttons.

Magazine/HowTo/Switching_From_VMWare_To_VirtualBox:_.vmdk_To_.vdi_Using_Qemu_+_VdiTool Introduction VirtualBox is a free and OpenSource alternative to VMWare. A reasonable alternative! It is much more convenient than QEmu (Another OpenSource Virtualizer) for several reasons: It has an intuitive Graphical Interface It can handle USB devices simply (non-OSE version only) Using it you can switch between iso disc images quickly The speed up tool is VERY simple to install, the simplest around. (Qemu's one is KQemu and it is really hard to get working. In this Guide I assume you know about Virtualizers and are actually using VMware Player, which is a free tool but not OpenSource Software. It is Free and Open Source Software It can create and handle any Virtual Machine or Virtual Disc with no problem. And Why would you prefer VMWare Player over VirtualBox? VMWare Player offers more Network modes. So you like Virtual Box and want to switch to this wonderful Open Source software, but you already have a VMWare Virtual Machine you often use? Installing Virtual Box Running Virtual Box

University | Product Design Training Bryan Zmijewski Founder, President Bryan is our fearless leader and chief instigator. Hailing from the Stanford Product Design program and getting his roots from IDEO, he has advised more than 200 startups on how to build digital products. Brandon Arnold Design Lead Brandon is a mastermind when it comes to responsive design. Daniel Codella Marketer Marketing guru Daniel Codella brings his experience in sending emails and maintaining customer relations to ZURB, where he practices creating campaigns, sending and receiving customer emails daily.

A simple guide to 9-patch for Android UI | @radley While I was working on my first Android app, I found 9-patch (aka 9.png) to be confusing and poorly documented. After a little while, I finally picked up on how it works and decided to throw together something to help others figure it out. Basically, 9-patch uses png transparency to do an advanced form of 9-slice or scale9. The guides are straight, 1-pixel black lines drawn on the edge of your image that define the scaling and fill of your image. By naming your image file name.9.png, Android will recognize the 9.png format and use the black guides to scale and fill your bitmaps. Here’s a basic guide map: As you can see, you have guides on each side of your image. The black guide lines are cut-off/removed from your image – they won’t show in the app. Your guides must be solid black (#000000). Also you should keep in mind that remaining area of the one-pixel outline must be completely transparent. *(updated 1/2012) This is actually a “fix” in the latest dev kit.

Gestalt principles in UI design. Here’re the Gestalt principles which can inform today’s UI design. Elements arranged close to each other are perceived as more related than those placed further apart. This way different elements are viewed mainly as a group rather than as individual elements. How does the Proximity principle apply to UI design? We can use the Proximity principle in UI design for grouping similar information, organising content and decluttering layouts. As the principle states, items that are related should stay close to each other, while the unrelated items should stay further apart. We can apply the Proximity principle pretty much everywhere from navigation, cards, galleries and banners to lists, body text and pagination. Similarly to the Proximity principle, elements placed within the same region are perceived as grouped. How does the Common Region principle apply to UI design? The Common Region principle is particularly useful. How does the Similarity principle apply to UI design?

The Intermediate Guide to Living Entirely Inside Chrome - Lifehacker iOS Human Interface Guidelines As an app designer, you have the opportunity to deliver an extraordinary product that rises to the top of the App Store charts. To do so, you'll need to meet high expectations for quality and functionality. Three primary themes differentiate iOS from other platforms: Clarity. To maximize impact and reach, keep the following principles in mind as you imagine your app’s identity. Aesthetic Integrity Aesthetic integrity represents how well an app’s appearance and behavior integrate with its function. Consistency A consistent app implements familiar standards and paradigms by using system-provided interface elements, well-known icons, standard text styles, and uniform terminology. Direct Manipulation The direct manipulation of onscreen content engages people and facilitates understanding. Feedback Feedback acknowledges actions and shows results to keep people informed. Metaphors User Control Throughout iOS, people—not apps—are in control.

Free Icons Set designed by Brankic1979 - Free psd Brankic1979 About icons A set of 350 pixel perfect glyphs icons, perfect for apps, websites or just about anything you can think of. You may use this icon set for both personal and commercial use, which means this resource can be used in any project without worrying about licensing. But you may NOT distribute our icon set elsewhere without our consent. Some basics We do the best to provide high-quality source of PSDs that are free for both personal and commercial use. Spread the word Download!

Laisse-moi faire ma diva – 24 jours de web Ou pourquoi détruire un design en dev c’est plus grave que ça en a l’air. Développeurs, intégrateurs, je vous dédie ce poème. Designers, graphistes, vous n’êtes pas seuls. 1. Quand j’étais intégrateur HTML chez Publicis, il y avait une race de chefs de projet qu’on redoutait plus que tout : celle qui croyait mieux connaître notre métier que nous. C’était il y a dix ans. Eh bien dites-vous que pour un créatif, ces nuisibles, c’est à chaque projet. 2. C’est humain : tout le monde a des yeux. Sauf que le créatif qui a bossé sur votre projet n’a jamais eu pour objectif de vous plaire : il fait du design, pas de l’art. Le designer n’utilise pas ces outils au hasard. Tout ça pour dire que cette expertise a une véritable valeur. Alors si vous avez des idées à soumettre à votre créatif : il peut les écouter, mais il n’est certainement pas tenu de les mettre en œuvre. 3. Votre designer vous a autorisé à parler ? 4. Voilà pour la théorie et le modus operandi. Pourquoi ? Un exemple ? 5.

Dual-Boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu in Perfect Harmony Windows 7 and Ubuntu, despite their opposing missions, can get along like best pals on a single computer. Here's how to set up a dual boot system that lets you enjoy the best of both worlds in perfect harmony. By default, Windows 7 takes over your boot-up process and wants to be your only OS, and Linux treats Windows like a weekend hobby you keep in a shed somewhere on your hard drive. But I've been dual-booting Ubuntu and some version of Windows 7 for nearly a year, and I've learned a lot about inconveniences, annoyances, and file-sharing necessities, and now I'll walk you through how to set up your systems to achieve a peaceful union of your dual-boot OSes. (Both with Windows 7 already installed, and with a clean system ready for a new dual-OS existence.) Follow through this guide, and I'll explain how to rebuild a system from the ground up with Windows 7 and Ubuntu, with either a backed-up and cleaned-out hard drive (recommended) or Windows 7 already installed. What you'll need
