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40 Lessons for Finding Strength in Hard Times

40 Lessons for Finding Strength in Hard Times
post written by: Marc Chernoff Sometimes you have to die a little on the inside first in order to be reborn and rise again as a stronger, smarter version of yourself. Nobody gets through life without losing someone they love, someone they need, or something they thought was meant to be. But it is these losses that make us stronger and eventually move us toward future opportunities for growth and happiness. Over the past five years Angel and I have dealt with several hardships, including the sudden death of a sibling, the loss of a best friend to illness, betrayal from a business partner, and an unexpected (breadwinning) employment layoff. Here are some lessons we’ve learned along the way: You are not what happened to you in the past. – No matter how chaotic the past has been, the future is a clean, fresh, wide open slate. Photo by: Chris Schoenbohm If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)... Related:  Education planletscho2000

Enneagram Test These two online Enneagram tests help you to determine which personality type you are. Your wing will also be indicated. Some suggestions on how to take the tests to get the most accurate results can be found below. Classical enneagram test This test consists of pages containing nine questions or less (one for each Enneagram type). Enneagram test with instinctual variant With this test you are presented with pairs of character traits to rate. Getting accurate results from these Enneagram tests It's important to answer the questions honestly. Actually it is not so easy to answer the questions honestly, as we all want to see ourselves as better than we are, and we often have preconceived ideas about ourselves that are not really true. For instance, if you resent being fearful, you might have worked to develop courage to compensate, but the fear is still there beneath the surface.

Windows X’s Live – Bringing the best Windows 10 and OS X El Capitan user experience to everyone Dust If You Must...Inspirational Poem from Dust if you must. But wouldn't it be better to paint a picture, or write a letter, bake a cake, or plant a seed. Ponder the difference between want and need. Dust if you must. Dust if you must. Dust if you must. Please select from Drop-Down Menu, and click "Go Now". Midi: "Here Comes The Sun" Sequencer: Unknown

Personality Types Under Stress Personality Types Under Stress - INTP, INTJ, INFP, INFJ INTPs lack follow-through and this can isolate their ideas from practical examination. Their notions become over-intellectualized and too abstract to be of practical benefit. With their sharp critical thinking and analytical abilities, INTPs tend to nit-pick, hair-split, and generally overdo simple issues. Their desire for accuracy and precision exacerbates any error they may perceive in themselves or in others - they are, in other words, highly self-critical. If stress continues, the INTP's mind seems to freeze and block out the vital information it has worked so hard to accumulate. INTJs' precision thinking and need for accuracy causes them to be inflexible at times. When stress increases, the INTJ can become argumentative and disagreeable. INFPs feel internal turmoil when they find themselves in situations in which there is conflict between their inner code of ethics and their relationships with others.

25 Documentaries Everybody Should Watch Sans Soleil This is not your average documentary. It is a fleeting memory, a sudden remembrance of times long past, a meditation on time and culture, a touch of an emotional diary. We follow the eyes of a world traveller who makes sharp observations and tries to convey them to his friend. We never learn who they are and where they came from, and this is perhaps a subtle point the documentary wants to make. The narrator’s voice switches from Japanese to German to English to French, thereby embodying the language of the places visited. The Corporation Corporate personhood is probably the elephant in the room when it comes politics. Watch The Corporation for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Cosmos: A Personal Voyage This list wouldn’t be complete without the documentary Cosmos. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High This is a must watch for everyone. Watch The Union on YouTube. The Century of the Self If I have to recommend one documentary to anyone, this is it. Life in a Day Food Inc. Inside LSD

Interlude: Prayers We offer this eclectic collection of prayers for your inspiration. Prayers for All Buddhist Prayers Native American Prayers African American Prayers Prayers for All For Unity of Faiths O God, we are one with you. You have made us one with you. May He Who is the Father in Heaven of the Christians, Holy One of the Jews, Allah of the Muhammadans, Buddha of the Buddhists, Tao of the Chinese, Ahura Mazda of the Zoroastrians and Brahman of the Hindus lead us from the unreal to the Real, from darkness to light, from disease and death to immortality. O Lord, grant us to love Thee; grant that we may love those that love Thee; grant that we may do the deeds that win Thy love. Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. St. Jewish Liturgy Thomas Merton Prayer for Quiet Confidence from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer Prayer for Peace Amen. From an Orthodox Christian prayerbook Rufus Jones, Quaker (1863-1948) Peace Pilgrim's Beatitudes From the Prayer of St. A Thanksgiving Prayer Tom Barrett

INTJ Relationships INTJs believe in constant growth in relationships, and strive for independence for themselves and their mates. They are constantly embarking on "fix-up" projects to improve the overall quality of their lives and relationships. They take their commitments seriously, but are open to redefining their vows, if they see something which may prove to be an improvement over the existing understanding. INTJs are not likely to be "touchy-feely" and overly affirming with their mates or children, and may at times be somewhat insensitive to their emotional needs. However, INTJs are in general extremely capable and intelligent individuals who strive to always be their best, and be moving in a positive direction. INTJs live much of their lives inside their own heads. INTJs are not naturally in tune with their own feelings, or with what other people are feeling. Sexually, the INTJ enjoys thinking about intimacy, and about ways to perfect it. Many INTJs believe that they are always right.

Reeti, neuer Open Source Roboter aus Frankreich - Es gibt mal wieder etwas Neues von der Open Source Front zu berichten. Das französische Unternehmen „Robopec“ stellt vor wenigen Tagen einen neuen Roboter vor, der sich mit Open Source Software programmieren lassen kann. Der Roboter „Reeti“ verfügt dabei aber über keine Arme und Beine und kann sich auch auf Rollen nicht fortbewegen. Die Stärke des Roboters soll in der Kommunikation mit seiner Umgebung liegen. [adcode] Geht es nach den Hersteller, soll sich in den nächsten Monaten zeigen, was der kleine Roboter „Reeti“ alles so auf den Kasten hat. „Reeti“ verfügt zusätzlich noch über mehrere Touchsensoren, mit denen er seine Emotionen zeigen kann. Inwieweit sich der Open-Source Roboter in Zukunft durchsetzen wird, muss man abwarten. Quellen: via,

Dog Photos, Pictures, Cute Puppy Pics, Puppies - A Place to Love Dogs Rational temperament Description[edit] As the knowledge-seeking temperament, Rationals trust reason implicitly. They rely on objective observations and factual analysis in any given situation. Interests: Rationals are drawn to science and technology. Self-image: The Rationals' self-esteem is rooted in their ingenuity; their self-respect in their autonomy; and their self-confidence in their resoluteness.[2] Values: Rationals appear calm even in times of turmoil. Social roles: In romantic relationships, Rationals want a mindmate with whom they can discuss the topics that interest them, which are often abstract or theoretical, such as philosophy. Stress[edit] The directive Rationals (Masterminds and Fieldmarshals) experience stress when their long-range vision is resisted or derailed. Traits in common with other temperaments[edit] Keirsey identified the following traits of the Rational temperament:[1] Abstract in communicating (like Idealists) Pragmatic in pursuing their goals (like Artisans) See also[edit]

Wie uns die Roboter das Fürchten lehren - Automatisierung Autobauer Great Wall eröffnete 2012 als erster chinesischer Hersteller ein Werk in der EU. Die in Nordbulgarien gebaute Fabrik wurde damals unter großem Medienrummel eingeweiht. Auf 500.000 Quadratmetern legten die Chinesen mit 120 Mitarbeitern und einer Jahresproduktion von 4.000 Fahrzeugen los. Andere Hersteller schaffen mit 2300 Mitarbeitern rund 150.000 Fahrzeuge pro Jahr. Wer je eine Autofabrik besucht hat, weiß, dass Menschen dort eher rar gesät sind: Arbeitskräfte üben in diesen Produktionsstätten vielfach nur noch Kontrolle aus. Wo Maschinen effizienter sind als Menschen, übernehmen sie ihre Jobs. Wo Maschinen effizienter sind als Menschen, übernehmen sie ihre Jobs. Dass Maschinen Menschen Arbeit abnehmen, wird niemanden erschrecken. Auch die Roboter sind schon lange da. Geschichten auf Knopfdruck Was dem einen oder anderen Unwohlsein verursacht: Auch Menschen, die geistige Arbeit verrichten, können mittlerweile ersetzt werden. Geht es nach George A. Wachstum durch Technik

What Elizabeth Kubler-Ross Can Teach Us about Life, Happiness and Pain Image by mathias-erhart (license). Note: This is a guest post by Michael Miles of Effortless Abundance. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross was a Swiss born psychiatrist who spent much of her career writing and speaking about illness, death and dying. Kubler-Ross, who wrote the famous book, ‘On Death and Dying,’ developed the idea of the ‘stages of grief’ at a time when the medical establishment was largely refusing to address these issues. Her work on death is monumental in scope and importance, and through her writing comes an immense humanity, compassion and wisdom. “You will not grow if you sit in a beautiful flower garden, but you will grow if you are sick, if you are in pain, if you experience losses, and if you do not put your head in the sand, but take the pain as a gift to you with a very, very specific purpose.” The message here is that we can learn from every experience, and that in fact every experience can be regarded as a gift. “People are like stained-glass windows.

INTJ According to Myers-Briggs the INTJ represents "The Mastermind." INTJs are one of the rarest of the 16 psychological types and account for approximately 2-4% of the population.[2] Women of this personality type are especially rare, forming just 0.8% of the population. The MBTI assessment was developed from the work of prominent psychiatrist Carl G. Jung in his book Psychological Types. Jung proposed a psychological typology based on the theories of cognitive functions that he developed through his clinical observations. Prominent American INTJs are believed to include Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, John F Kennedy, Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight D. The MBTI instrument[edit] The MBTI preferences indicate the differences in people based on the following:[6] By using their preference in each of these areas, people develop what Jung and Myers called psychological type. I – Introversion preferred to extraversion: INTJs tend to be quiet and reserved. Characteristics of INTJs[edit]
