Kusudama Me! - Modular origami! This Awesome Origami Yoda is Just 7 Centimeters Tall! Artist Yoyo Ferro’s latest work appeals to Star Wars and origami fans alike! Using teeny tiny pieces of paper, the artist has made an origami Yoda, complete with wrinkled green face, orange robe and staff. The origami master based this awesome Yoda on an original design by Fumiaki Kawahata. To see how these paper renditions of Yoda are made, check out the video after the jump! © MarigamiToo, to see the rest of the instructional videos, visit their website The miniature Yoda is made from one small folded sheet of orange tissue paper glued to one sheet of metallic foil paper, and green construction paper for the face and body. + Yoyo Ferro
Origami Compound of 5 Octahedra (Meenakshi Mukerji) Origami desde Lerma: Un par de dragones Supongo que para este momento todos están informados de mi falta de inspiración reciente, dadas mis INTERMINABLES entradas sobre lo mal que he estado trabajando últimamente. Así que si quieres ir directo a la entrada, sáltate este párrafo completo, que no hago más que pobretearme sobre como me ha costado tantísimo trabajo recuperar un diminuto porcentaje de mi antigua capacidad de plegado y diseño, todo por culpa de todo el trabajo escolar en el que he estado enfrascado últimamente, y por cuya culpa he perdido hasta el gusto por doblar. Ehjem, ya acabé. Volviendo al tema de nuestra incumbencia, mientras no tenía nada que diseñar se me ocurrió la posibilidad de adaptar la base de mi dragón a todos los tipos de dragón que apruebo. Por si alguien no recuerda mi maravilloso dragón occidental, he aquí el vínculo a la entrada que escribí para él. En fin, preséntoles las últimas dos adiciones a mi catálogo de modelos reproducibles indefinidamente. Wyvern Ahora les seré sinceros. Oriental
FOLDING TREES Printable Origami Click the Links to Download! Scroll down to find the links to all of the printable origami diagrams on this site, made into convenient pdf's for you! Just click to download, then enjoy! You will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer in order to open the pdf file. Show Off Your Origami!! If you liked these printable origami designs, you might like this... More Origami Links Online Diagrams How-To Guides Free Instructions More Great Designs Learn to make a Dragon Origami Diagrams I thought of sharing some of the diagrams I have been collecting over the last few months from various websites. These are available freely over the Internet and are mostly in the PDF format. I still haven’t gotten around to folding most of these as yet. For some of these models, I have found instructional videos on YouTube; and have provided links to view these PDF files as well as instructional videos accordingly. For more videos, please check out the category Instructional Videos on this site. In this category are those tutorials recorded by me. Model: Origami Tessellation batDesigned by: Anna Kastlunger (2006)Diagrammed by: Gerwin StrurmDiagram Courtesy: Origami ÖsteriieichDiagram: Tessellation Bat InstructionsImage Courtesy: Mélisande*’s photo stream Model: Car (VW Bug)Designed by: Charles Esseltine (2001)Edited by: Jeremy Shafer (2002)Diagrams: Car InstructionsImage Courtesy : egg.origamiYouTube Instructional Video: Part 1; Part 2 Model: Praying MantisDesigned by: Robert J.
Origami papier: Des idees d'origami papier, pliages faciles d'origami- Origami enfant - Tete a modeler Origami : idées et modèles d'origami Origami expliqué : un dossier et des activités sur l'art de plier le papier : l'origami. Modèles et idées de pliages d'origami. Si l'origani peut se réaliser avec de très belles feuilles, il peut aussi être réalisé avec n'importe quel papier y compris le papier de récupération. 2.71 sur 5 note basée sur 1136 évaluations. Pliages origami et activités de bricolages origami Dans cette rubrique sur l'origami, vous trouverez un ensemble de fiches et d'activités sur l'art de plier le papier : l'origami. Les activités d'origami sont les plus économiques possibles. Des infos, des conseils, des activités... Boites en origami Des idées de boites en origami. Etoiles origami Une rubrique spéciale pour tous les origamis étoile ! Vous trouverez dans cette rubrique les explications illustrées ... Fleurs en origami Des idées de pliages origami pour réaliser des fleurs origami. Jouets en origami Origami de décoration Des pliages origami pour la décoration de la maison.
Gói quà dễ thương chỉ trong 5' Túi quà nhỏ xinh này trông nữ tính quá! Đựng những món quà nhỏ vào bên trong là hết ý luôn nha! Cổ điển mà đẹp "thôi rồi"! Mình có thể thay kẹo bằng bánh quy đựng cũng rất yêu nhé! Một gợi ý gói quà rất hay ho cho mùa chia tay cuối cấp đó nghen. Gift bags made from envelopes The event for which I needed that non-Satanic craft was this past weekend. In addition to little demon-free booklets, we also made these mini gift bags. "Baglets," as one participant christened them. (Or maybe you'd spell it "Baglette"? Find an envelope of any size. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All done. Update: Try this envelope gift bag project with decorative masking tape.
DIY :: Origami Christmas Tree And finally I managed to post this origami tree tutorial...for those who follow me on instagram, you know I've made these last week. So if you wanna know how to make this.... Starstruck at Christmas « Kate's Creative Space Regular followers will know of my obsession with all things paper, and with projects which take very little time or specialist skill. As Christmas draws ever closer, I’ve been experimenting with different types of festive stars and bring you some simple projects to try today. My usual reassuring criteria apply; these had to be things I could a) get right the first time – or very occasionally the second; b) could do in front of the TV, merlot in hand, and c) look far more elegant and skilled than the actual labour would suggest. I hope you’ll agree! Below you’ll find my instructions on how to make each of these stars; the classic 5-point Amish barn stars, 6-point folding stars and concertina or snowflake stars, which look beautiful hung in windows. Once you’ve got the hang of it, each of these are really simple to make and look beautiful when clustered together on a tree, or hung on a staircase - or even just gathered in a large bowl on the table. They make gorgeous gift-toppers too….