Photography: How to Take Sharper Pictures Welcome If I had a nickel for every time someone with a new camera blamed the camera itself as the reason why their pictures aren’t coming out as crisp as those seen in photo books, magazines, or even this website, I’d be able to pay someone to write this guide for me. Unfortunately, I don’t. So here I am. Here are some easy, but essential tips on achieving the best (and by best, I mean the sharpest) results from your digital camera. Is it the Camera or the Photographer? If you are new to photography I would suspect your technique first. If you did your research and paid good money for your camera (and lenses) and still aren’t getting good results, you have to wonder, is it really your camera? There could be several reasons why a camera may not be shooting sharp. Do you know all the features and buttons your camera has? Know your camera Before you set off to photograph anything, you should get to know your camera. Set the picture quality and compression Memory cards are cheap. Focusing
Your Camera Doesn't Matter Home Donate New Search Gallery Reviews How-To Books Links Workshops About Contact Your Camera Doesn't Matter © 2013 Ken Rockwell Also in Spanish, Ukrainian, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Dutch, Hebrew, Vietnamese, Russian, Portuguese and Hungarian. Mono Lake, Saturday, 25 July 1993, snapped with a broken camera. bigger. tech details. Mono Lake, 11 August 2001, snapped with a floppy-disc camera. Dawn, Mono Lake, 12 August 2001, snapped with a floppy-disc camera. This free website's biggest source of support is when you use any of these links when you get anything, regardless of the country in which you live.It helps me keep adding to this free website when you get yours through these links — but I receive nothing for my efforts if you buy elsewhere. Better Pictures: The Secret Composition Simplicity FART Shadows Lighting Adjustments It's Not Your Camera Exposure WB Don't Worry: Shoot NEW, 09 September 2013: Canon 5D Mk III/24-70 II vs. The shots at the top were shot 12 or 20 years ago. 1.)
Food Photography Techniques and Tips Today food photographer Jonathan Pollack shares some wonderful food photography tips (and some positively mouth watering photos. Also check out our previous Food Photography Tips.. The food photography techniques in this post are ones that I use in photos I take for both a local food magazine and my wife’s cupcake blog. Styling Your Food for Photography I’ve never had the luxury of working with a food stylist; if you aren’t well-known, you will most likely take on this role yourself. Place solid or simple patterned papers (available at a scrapbooking store) as a background. Food Photography Composition My natural inclination when I started photographing food was to anchor myself somewhere, pick one zoom length for the entire shoot, center the food in the frame, and look down on it at a 45-degree angle – after all, this is how food appeared when I sat down to eat dinner. Zoom – with both your lens and your feet – to put the food in its place. Remember Established Photography Techniques
Tasteful Food Photography Food photography traditionally has been the realm of a handful of weathered professionals well versed in their niche profession, armed with high-end, medium-format cameras and a ton of expensive studio gear, and flanked by a small army of dedicated chefs and food stylists. You can see their work in ads, cook books, and high-end glossy magazines such as Sunset, Gourmet, Bon Appétit, and Food & Wine. So for the casual shooter or even the ambitious amateur, getting great food shots can seem like an intimidating and daunting task at best. But it doesn't have to be that way. The digital frontier has changed the way we shoot and the things we can shoot successfully. This article will show you how you can achieve professional results with a minimum of equipment, some budget-conscious props, a little technical know-how, and a big dash of creative fun. What Makes a Great Food Image? I love food. So what does all of this have to do with food photography, you ask? Equipment
10 Ways to Know You Made a Good Picture Copyright Scott Bourne - 2009 All Rights Reserved How Do I Know if I Shot a Good Photograph? My pal Rick Sammon gave his take on this subject a few days ago here at Now it’s my turn. Here are 10 things to look for in a good photograph. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _______________ This post sponsored by the Digital SLR Store Like this: Like Loading... Related 10 Tips for Photographing Wildlife Copyright Scott Bourne 2008 - All Rights Reserved Careful readers of this blog know that I am primarily a wildlife photographer. In "Shooting" Photo Critique Guidelines Photo critiques are a good way of learning more about photography. In "Technique & Tutorials" 25 Photo Composition Tips ADDITIONAL PHOTOS by Nicole Young, Rich Legg & Other iStock Contributors One of the most common problems facing new photographers - and some of us OLD photographers - is finding…
Ten Things I’ve Learned About Food Photography Sometimes I look back at my older food posts on The Pioneer Woman Cooks…and cringe. I knew nothing about photography in general…let alone food photography. I want to reshoot all those old recipes. But I know I’ll never have the time. So I just keep those old photos in the archives, referring back to them whenever I need proof that my photography has improved through the years. Today, I feel more confident with my food photography than I probably do with photography outside of my kitchen. I’m no expert—not by a long shot. Disclaimer: Don’t listen to me. 1. Step back a bit, Ree. (Photo taken in February 2007.) 2. This is how I posted my Apricot Bars on my site back in (I think) 2008. This is after applying a curve lighten just now. Lightness. 3. Blech. 4. Artificial lighting environments can be created to try to replicate the look of natural light, but I’ve found it to be very difficult. 5. This is where I shoot most of my final food photos—the shots of the finished dish. 6. Emphasis on not.
strobist: When you absolutely, posit... DIY: Greenscreens and Backdrop or Background Stands | Life is a This article will explain how to design and assemble bluescreens, greenscreens and backdrops for photos and video, as well as how to easily and inexpensively build a portable frame to support these backdrops (or other things like quilts, etc.) out of PVC pipe or metal conduit. (NOTE: Please be sure to read some of the extra notes at the bottom of this guide for optimal performance). For amateur or hobbyist photographers and video producers, coming up with the money for a nice, $200 (and up!) backdrop and the expensive stands and hangers required to help support it isn't very easy. In this article, I will show you how you can make a great portable backdrop frame that allows you to transport your backdrops and hang them at any height and width you would like—all for under $50, using parts from your local fabric and hardware stores. An example of a picture using the greenscreen. Buying Parts for the Frame and Support Items needed for the frame (with prices from Lowe's as of 5/28/2005):
How to Be a Curious Photographer How do some people end up more curious than others? Is Curiosity a personality trait or can it be learned? How can I be more curious? How can you add Curiosity to your Photographic toolbox? 1. There are a lot of ‘rules’ going around when it comes to photography. Rules are a great thing to know (and use) – however the curious photographer often takes great shots because they not only know the rules but because they set out to break them. 2. Curious photographers are always asking questions. Find someone with the same camera as you and ask them how they use it. 3. One of the key questions you should get in the habit of asking is ‘what if’? Many of the solutions will end up being thrown away but if you ask ‘what if’ enough times you’re bound to make progress eventually. What if I held the camera on this angle…. 4. Asking ‘what if…’ (and other questions) is not enough. 5. 6. Edward De Bono has a lot of different exercises that help people develop lateral thinking skills. 7. 8. 9. 10.
49 Awesome Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects Following the great demand, here are 49 Awesome Photography Hacks, Mods And DIY Projects. Something for everyone with Tripod hacks, lighting hacks, light modifiers mods and a few crazy projects that are simply not classifiable. In this section tripod for macro photography, tripods for food photography, tripod for your bicycles. Did I say tripods? Here you’ll find all your light stand needs. Got a flash? If you’re a Strobist this is the section for you. This one’s for all the pinhole lovers. This is where you can get your lighting fix. The rest of the ends and odds. Here are 43 more Photography Projects. Know of more cool projects? [This is a new and improved edition of an old post, if you've seen it before, simply give it a big hug and move on :)]
Food photography setup | Wrightfood Just recently I have got a few emails from people asking about the food photography setup that I use. I honestly find those some of the most flattering emails I have ever received, because honestly, I am a big time hack. BIG TIME. I don’t do photography as a job, and really have very little time to shoot the food I cook, before I eat it. I don’t like eating hot food cold.. even if it means a good photo, and I generally (there are exceptions..) don’t like to piss guests off either by making them wait for theirs.. Because of this, I have my little system which really limits the time it takes to shoot after the food has been cooked and plated. To make all this digestible and manageable I am going to split the topic of food photography into two posts. Cameras, lenses and tripods JPEG vs RAW Shooting Tethered Lighting, Bounces and scrims White Balance Controlling Reflections and highlights My approach to composition and styling My approach to getting a shot fast You have two options here really.