Dr. Karla Turner
Dr. Karla Turner [back] MILAB [Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for her work. She was just 48. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation have also experienced threats followed by highly unusual cancers (see: Disease)] Articles InterviewsKarla Turner Interviewed by Randy Koppang and Melinda Leslie Interview with Karla Turner, Ph.D.From Contact Forum, May/June 1995 ELF Infested Spaces Researcher Re:Viewed Books[pdf] Masquerade of Angels by Dr. External linksDr. See: Barbara Bartholic James Bartley MILABS Dr. Guest: James Bartley Breaking away from her usual format of having a guest for 90 minutes, Lorien introduced her guest, James Bartley, a few minutes into the show and let him speak the entire 2 hours. "...She was told, 'If you don't cooperate, we'll replace you with this and nobody will know the difference.' She got an offer; apparently a real smart woman and good at her job.
Freeware Solfeggio Mixer Software
This standalone application (no installation needed) allows you to generate the purest of frequencies using your PC. Volume sliders are available for the six sacred Solfeggio frequencies as well as many more variants of the Solfeggio scale: Very pure frequencies: Double precision sinusoids are generated realtime so frequency purity will be as high as your hardware is capable of. The use of high quality headphones or speakers is recommended. Play with your computer keyboard: Use keys 'A' ... Fibonacci Arpeggiator: Tick the tones that you wish to be included in the sequence and turn up the Fibonacci Arp Level. Digital Delay Line: A digital delay is included to give your sounds added depth, turn up the feedback level to make some crazy ambient sounds. White Noise: Optional white noise (spectrally flat) is available for added ambience. Custom Tones: you can enter any Hz value and your PC will generate those tones.
The Shakti Helmet :: mindmachines.com
The Shakti Helmet by Scott Miller As I prepare to write this, I set the portable CD player at my feet, insert the specially created CD, and unwind the six feet of wire, one end of which gets plugged in to the headphone jack of the player. The other end I connect to an odd looking, duct tape covered bicycle helmet. Concealed beneath the silvery fabric are several symmetrically arranged electromagnetic solenoids whose locations align more or less with brain structures which hold the distinction of being voted (or at least nominated for) “most likely to produce a somewhat predictably altered state of consciousness”. The CD contains six ten minute tracts of sound pulses whose amplitude, wave form, and duration have been (hopefully) carefully designed to affect the targeted areas – the amygdala and the hippocampus -when said pulses are fed into the helmet which translates them into electromagnetic pulses. You may contact Scott at: scott@wizardsgate.com Copyright: Scott Miller / August 2001
Mankind in Amnesia
Mankind in Amnesia, book cover Immanuel Velikovsky bibliography Mankind in Amnesia is a book (1982)[1] by Immanuel Velikovsky described by Lynn E. Rose as follows: "Immanuel Velikovsky described his work on collective amnesia as follows: "Mankind in Amnesia has to do not only with the past, like my other books -- primarily it has to do with the future, a future not removed by thousands or tens of thousands of years, but the imminent future, on whose threshold we now stand". "The subject that Immanuel Velikovsky has chosen is the psychological condition and case history of the human race. "Velikovsky wrote Mankind in Amnesia over the course of many years. "The theme of collective amnesia was so important to Velikovsky that during those many years he never failed to include it in his lectures in colleges and universities, in several cases devoting the entire lecture to the subject Review Writing in the The Jerusalem Post Magazine, Ralph Amelan writes: Book contents Notes
New World War: Home Page
Dark Heart
Software: The papers listed below come with a suite of Mac XCode applications with full source code, and additional Matlab files. The most up-to-date downloadable releases of the major XCode applications, which have been tested for Tiger, Snow Leopard and Lion are as follows: NOTE: Dark Heart and Riemann Zeta Viewers are now bundled together!! Riemann Zeta Viewer Latest Version 1.7.1 with Mellin transform smoothing: Application - Source - RZ Flight Manual Includes movie generation, c-scripting, and many types of abstract L-function. DHViewer and RZViewer are the twin primary applications covering most of the research examples. The Wave Function method is a method I invented, which performs effective inverse iteration by forward mapping the domain and colouring by a wave function of the eventual iterated range. Research Papers
Subliminal God
Archaeology Answers About Ancient Civilizations Indus River Valley, Ancient Maps of the World, Ancient India Civilizations, Ancient China Civilization, Strange Pictures, Dead Men's Secrets, Lost Technology, and more...
Neurosoup: Entheogens, Drugs, Consciousness Exploration, Spirituality
About my art I’ve been painting for around 15 years; although, I didn’t throw myself into it fully until about seven years ago. I work mainly with acrylics, but I also create mixed media art and drawings from time to time. I live in Wichita, Kansas. I have a home-based studio and used to have an art gallery in Wichita’s Towne West Mall (closed due to Covid). I’m currently focusing on painting animals in a colorful style that I call visionary impressionism.
Unisonic Ascension - Beyond Meditation
meditation | Solar Roots Blog
[ DOWNLOAD/Share while it's available ~ A free 60-min chakra "Kundalini Awakening" track utilizing binaural frequencies that are specifically mixed/tuned for headphone listening: ] ~ The Seven Human Energy Chakras ~ According to the tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, the human body has seven “force centers” or energy focal points that are used for the reception and transmission of energies. These are known as chakras. It is typical for chakras to be depicted as either flower-like or wheel-like centers for energy, which produce energy for various aspects of our lives. These seven energy centers are rooted along the spine starting from the base of the spine and extending to the top of the forehead. When tapped into through meditation, these energy channels can be used to benefit your life in many different ways. There are various ways to activate and channel energy through these chakras through meditation. Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra