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Worldwide Buddhist Information and Education Network

Worldwide Buddhist Information and Education Network

Awake to Wisdom Home Buddhist Blog of Everyday Dharma Edo Shonin & William Van Gordon The Buddhist Blog Start Now: Accept Personal Responsibility / My Notes / Collaborators / Summary Digital Dharma However, I was rather taken with the idea of Discovery Place (DP), after I twisted my head around what I now consider to be irrelevant 8th Tradition issues. (See the afterword.) Since I have contacts in the Nashville area I was able to reach out and learn that DP is well-regarded in the recovery community, and so I figured I’d make this exception to my rule. I’ll let Bill explain it: Discovery Place opened its doors in 1997 as a recovery/spiritual retreat for men battling drug addiction and alcoholism. Founded by two men with long-term sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous, Discovery Place formulated programs around the principles contained in the Big Book. Place. So, that’s that, and hopefully someone will find their program interesting and perhaps useful. Now, a word about the 8th Tradition issues. All of the above being the case, I am not going to host a forum on 8th Step issues here.

Finding Happiness in Troubled Times The Reformed Buddhist Professional Education and Training - Mindfulness - UMass Medical School Oasis Institute began in 2001 as a school for a new generation of health care and other professionals interested in learning, from the inside out, how to integrate mindfulness, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), and other mindfulness-based approaches into disciplines and communities all over the world. While this is our primary focus, Oasis Institute has a more fundamental objective, which is to foster a direct, experiential understanding that inner experience, intuition, imagination, and non-conceptual awareness are as crucial and valid as objective, evidence-based knowledge to an understanding of the world. Oasis Institute is a rigorous forum for the development and integration of these mutually effective, interdependent approaches to knowing, caring, and serving. BECOMING AN MBSR TEACHER“Cultivating wisdom is the teacher’s path. ~Saki Santorelli, EdD, MA, Executive Director, Executive Director, Center for Mindfulness Phase 1: First Steps Program at a glance Program in depth

50 Best Buddhism Blogs If you were ever under the impression that Buddhism is just for elderly men in orange robes, think again! Many modern followers of the Buddha´s teachings believe that Buddhism is as relevant in the 21st Century as it has even been and reveal their reasoning in lively and passionate text. Dividing the Zen Buddhism categories into “Light” and “Not so Light” is intended to separate those which are easier to read from those which are philosophy or teachings based – it bears no reflection on the author´s level of enlightenment! Zen Buddhism (Light) The Buddhist Blog – Despite its modest denial that this blog is not the definitive guide to Buddhism, it is written in such a touching and relevant way that you can only feel if the Buddha were physically with us today he would commenting in the same way on identical issues. Ecological Buddhism – Sensible and well-balanced, this blog reports on the many positive things happening to combat global warming Zen Buddhism (Not so Light) Rev. Shin Buddhism

Harry's Last Lecture on a Meaningful Life: The Dalai Lama
