- Visual Bookmarking Made Easy portaportal home NetVibes CLIPZINE 15 herramientas para la curación de contenidos El content curator (o curador de contenidos, en español) tiene cada vez mayor importancia entre tanta maraña de información. Su función, principalmente es la de buscar, seleccionar y compartir la información (transformándola en conocimiento) más valiosa. A continuación, publicoinicialmente (este post irá creciendo) 15 herramientas de curación de contenidos. Bagtheweb: Sitio que permite recolectar, seleccionar y publicar contenido de diversas fuentes de la web.
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50+ Tools to Harness The Power of The Web January 21, 2014 In the midst of this growing tsunami of digital content, digital curations emerges as one of the pressing skills that we need to develop in order to thrive in this knowledge economy. Being able to digitally curate content empowers you with the right dispositions to enhance your overall learning and boost your professional development efforts. There are actually several web tools that you can use to discover, curate, and share content online. The collection below created by Shirley Williams presents some of the best digital curation tools out there. Zeen
With Bundlr you can select the most relevant content about your favorite topics, be it photos, videos, tweets, presentations or articles. Research for a work assignment, pick your favorite music videos, cover real-time breaking news or wrap up an event are just some examples of things you can do. by sergeykucherov Feb 27
Fantastic social bookmarking site by aanderson00 Nov 5