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The 10 Commandments of Social Media Content Marketing

The 10 Commandments of Social Media Content Marketing
In 1997 the first social network was created called and was the forerunner of the modern social networks that started to gain traction in 2002. The first of the modern next generation social media networks that followed in 2002, had the the funky name of Friendster, which to my ear sort of sounds like a hybrid cross between a “Friend” and a “Hamster”. As with any good idea it was quickly copied (“ripped off” is another phrase that comes to mind) and MySpace was created and launched in 2003. This social media network dominated for the next 5 years as teenagers became addicted to the interactive and multimedia rich, self publishing web platform that allowed them to share music, content and information with their friends. The addictive power of the social network was on display to many parents as dinner tables around the world were deserted by teens after gulping down their meat and potatoes, as they rushed off to their computers to continue their “MySpacing” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Yahoo! Deutschland SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides 11 Incredible Mobile Marketing Statistics (and why you should care) - Mobile marketing is changing the way marketers, brands, agencies and consumers think about marketing. Smart phones have changed the dynamic forever. No matter whether marketers care about social media, local marketing, email marketing, e-commerce, phone calls or web traffic—mobile marketing is changing them all. If you don’t believe that mobile is changing marketing forever…you’re wrong. Hopefully a few of these stats will open your eyes. There are 7 billion people on Earth. 5.1 billion own a cell phone. 4.2 billion own a toothbrush. Why You Should Care Mobile marketing gives marketers access to a captive audience in a hyper-targeted way. Everything will be touched. Marketing executives need to start prioritizing mobile marketing in their budget right now. To start conservatively, consider a mobile landing page or a mobile text-back campaign. Marketers should view mobile with excitement. Trust me, get out in front of this wave of mobile marketing or you will be swept away by it.

The Best Online Tools for Content Curation A content curation tool lets you pull videos, images, presentations, tweets, blog posts and other web content into a bundle which you can then easily embed and share on the web. Let’s say your team has just launched a new product at some conference and they have asked you to collate all the conversations and buzz happening around that product on various websites, blogs and social sites. You have to act fast because the stuff that gets shared on the real-time web often gets buried almost as quickly. So how should you go about collecting stuff around the Internet? There are umpteen ways to do this but what you should really look at is a dedicated content curation tool that is designed to capture web content with minimal effort. A content curation tool, in simple English, lets you easily pull videos, images, presentations, tweets, blog posts and other web content into a collection which you can then embed, publish or share online.

Social Media From Scratch Coming Soon: A New Video Series from Mark W. Schaefer: Social Media Explained! ShareThis Copy and Paste Selling Through Social Media to Close More Leads - Insideview Selling Through Social Media to Close More Leads Share this Infographic with friends on Twitter: Embed the above image on your site - copy and paste from the code below. <!-- InsideView Infographic: Selling Through Social Media to Close More Leads --><a href=" src=" alt="Selling Through Social Media to Close More Leads" title="Selling Through Social Media to Close More Leads" width="550"/><BR />Selling Through Social Media to Close More Leads</a> InsideView What is Social Selling? There is a growing amount of buzz about a concept called "social selling" (often used synonymously with Sales 2.0). In the last five years the notion of social sales has changed dramatically with the adoption of Web 2.0 and social media. Social Sales and Customer 2.0 Intelligence Is Key

Content Marketing: Content Curation als Strategie – Online Marketing Das Zusammenstellen und Präsentieren ausgewählter Inhalte gehört zu den nachhaltig erfolgreichen Strategien im Internet und gewinnt auch im Marketing immer mehr an Bedeutung. Wir erklären in diesem Beitrag das Konzept der “Content Curation” und zeigen gute Beispiele für das Veröffentlichen fremder Inhalte. Inflation der Inhalte Es ist wie mit frisch gedrucktem Geld: Wir haben eine Inflation der Inhalte, eine Flut Suchmaschinen-optimierter Nichtigkeiten, getrieben vom (auch weiterhin gültigen) Marketing-Dogma “Content is King”. Wenden wir doch einmal den Blick von dem vermeintlich unvermeidlichen Abgrund, der Furcht vor dem Absaufen der eigenen Schöpfungen im Zuge der globalen Content-Erwärmung, denn es tun sich zugleich bemerkenswerte Chancen für Positionierung und Marketing auf. Was kann Marketing von einem Museum lernen? Die Rolle des Kurators ist vor diesem Hintergrund essenziell. Eine große Chance für Marketer Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie würden sich über einen Newsletter freuen!?!

Most Valuable Global Brands Recovering Faster Than S&amp;P 500 Slightly off-topic, but likely worth a look to anyone with a vested interest in how the global economy fares (which means pretty much everyone reading this blog): Millward Brown Optimor has compared the financial performance of its list of most valuable brands – you know, the one that pegs Google to be the most valuable at a whopping $100 billion – with the S&P 500 as a whole. The analysis shows the top 100 brands, which Millward Brown refers to as the BrandZ Portfolio and includes many technology companies like Apple, Vodafone, Microsoft, Nokia, BlackBerry, Intel and others, are recovering from the recession at a faster pace than the market. As the chart above shows, the most valuable global brands have been outperforming the S&P 500 for a number of years now but show a much faster recovery from the recession than the market in recent months. The BrandZ Portfolio is now worth 28% more than the S&P 500, and it has returned to profit (+5.6%) ahead of the market.

Marketing et médias sociaux aux États-Unis : les blogs déclinent, Facebook (et LinkedIn) triomphent Je m'abonne En 2011, l’étude menée auprès de 500 entreprises ayant la plus forte croissance par l’université du Massachusetts (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Center for Marketing Research) portant sur l’usage des réseaux sociaux à des fins marketing relève une forte hausse de l’usage de ces réseaux et l’abandon des autres points de visibilité (blogs, podcasts, forums etc.) Points notables, plus des deux tiers des 500 entreprises américaines étudiées utilisent Facebook et LinkedIn et près de la moitié Youtube. Sans grande surprise, MySpace est dans les limbes, tout comme les podcasts. L’étude relève toutefois un paradoxe. Une approche somme toute assez logique. Vous pouvez lire un résumé de l'étude sur le site de l'Université de Dartmouth L'article de
