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It’s All In Your Head: How to Take Advantage of Neuroplasticity

It’s All In Your Head: How to Take Advantage of Neuroplasticity
“Riches, mediocrity and poverty begin in the mind.” - Remez SassonTweet How do you talk to yourself? Do you find fault with most aspects of your life? “Your beliefs become your thoughts,Your thoughts become your words,Your words become your actions,Your actions become your habits,Your habits become your values,Your values become your destiny.”― Mahatma GandhiTweet The concept of this emerging field of science is called neuroplasticity — the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. These changes are seen in many areas of the brain including the anterior cingulate cortex and the amygdala. What’s most important is that the brain is constantly rewiring itself. “Don’t believe everything you think.”Tweet In the labs of at institutions including the University of Wisconsin and Harvard Medical School, ground-breaking Western medicine meets centuries-old Eastern practices revealing the power of the mind to sculpt our gray matter. 1) Awareness

50 (More) Life Secrets and Tips Investigate what is known about deathWhat do you know about death? You certainly have beliefs around it, but what do you know about the science of death, or of those who have died and been brought back to life? Death is not as big of a mystery as it is made out to be. Do your research before you fear or misconstrue this most universal human experience.Notice the small, beautiful thingsAs cliche as this sounds, there is so much beauty in the world yet we rarely appreciate it. Find the supplements suitable for your lifestyleOur diets and habits are nothing like those which are bodies were built for. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could boldly display 50 life secrets and tips on your wall to serve as a beautiful, daily reminder of how to live a Higher Existence?

Descubren cómo afecta al cerebro tu canción favorita Pues a mi me encantaría que me hicieran el estudio...porque soy una verdadera macarra-analfaVeta en esto de la música..., el espectro de mis gustos musicales es tan amplio y dispar, que horrorizaría a los puristas...., lo mismo me gusta un flamenco serio, que muchas letras rapeadas de Hip-Hop.... Bueno como botón aquí dejo un popurrí que va a dejar a más de un@ escandalizado... Con el primero pido disculpas a los foreros #5 Francisco Jones y #14 maleficae ,por el "destrozo".... pero a mi me encanta la letra ¡¡ea!!...y lo pongo sin ningún complejo.....Si todos tuviésemos el mismo gusto¡¡¡Vaya aburrimiento de vida !!!¡¡¡en la variedad está el color!!! Y ésta se la dedico "a lo que yo más quiero...que ayer fue su cumple.

12 Tools For More Mindful Living Editor's Note: This story contains one of our 11 New Years resolutions you can actually keep in 2014. For the full list, click here. The focus of my life in recent months has been living mindfully, and while I don’t always remember to do that, I have learned a few things worth sharing. The first is a mindful life is worth the effort. It’s worth the effort, because being awake means we’re not missing life as we walk through it. The second thing I’ve learned is that we forget. The third is that mindful living isn’t just one thing. The Toolset 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. That seems like a lot to digest and remember, and I often forget all of this stuff, but then I remember, and say, “Ah, I was doing it again!” And then I forget, but I reflect, and I learn, and I practice again. This is the process of learning mindfulness. This post originally appeared in ZenHabits and is reprinted with permission.

Algunas neuronas tienen prejuicios El cerebro a veces interpreta erróneamente las emociones que ve. Imagen: Ralph Adolphs. Fuente: California Institute of Technology. Al evaluar las emociones de otra persona -feliz, triste, enojado, con miedo- los seres humanos buscan pistas en las expresiones faciales. Las neuronas de una parte del cerebro llamada la amígdala "se encienden" en respuesta a la estimulación visual, a medida que la información es procesada por la retina, la amígdala y una red de estructuras cerebrales interconectadas. Artículos relacionados La amígdala condicionada Cuando los investigadores tomaron datos de las neuronas del hipocampo -una estructura adyacente a la amígdala, que también está involucrada en el procesamiento de pensamientos, emociones y recuerdos- se encontraron con que las células respondían a los estímulos visuales, pero esas respuestas no reflejaban el juicio subjetivo de los pacientes. Imagen: Patrick Hoesly. Referencia bibliográfica: S.

The 7 Questions That Tell You Who You Are Many of the answers we’re seeking are answers we already have. We just don’t know how to access them. Understanding who you are isn’t something you stumble upon one day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Tagged Aspirations, Career, Dreams, Fears, Goals, Life, Love, Money, Philosophy, Relationships, Self Help, spirituality, Theory, Who You Are GPS Guide: Mirabai Bush's Mindful Response To Frustration And Impatience At Work The stress and strain of constantly being connected can sometimes take your life -- and your well-being -- off course. GPS For The Soul can help you find your way back to balance. GPS Guides are our way of showing you what has relieved others' stress in the hopes that you will be able to identify solutions that work for you. We all have de-stressing "secret weapons" that we pull out in times of tension or anxiety, whether they be photos that relax us or make us smile, songs that bring us back to our heart, quotes or poems that create a feeling of harmony, or meditative exercises that help us find a sense of silence and calm. We encourage you to look at the GPS Guide below, visit our other GPS Guides here, and share with us your own personal tips for finding peace, balance and tranquility. My document disappeared! It’s time for The Pause. Pausing, even for three breaths, before reacting to a difficult situation is a form of patience. Loading Slideshow Arianna Huffington On GPS For The Soul

The 10 Motivational Quotes To Get You Back On Track It is almost impossible to go through it without at least one tough breakup Many of us have many exs, but they can all be placed in two distinct categories. There are the types you forget about with ease and then there are the ones that can still hurt to this day. Post-breakup communication often turns into a game. Ironically, this turns into one of the biggest motivators that we as humans have. Rid Yourself of the Memory Sure, we all wish the Men in Black mind eraser to rid us of our relationship memories, but unfortunately we don’t. Conduct Yourself Maturely One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are going through a breakup is being immature and giving the appearance of being attention hungry. Succeed In Life Nothing kills an ex like seeing their ex find success in life. Cease All Communication Even during a break up the two parties still manage to talk here and there, but you must begin to give the silent treatment to really get back at them. Move on Be Spiteful Elite.

45+ Enlightening Quotes and Pieces of Advice Julian Bialowas is a Photographer & Graphic Designer based in Canada. While juggling his final year of design school and freelance work, he ran two big personal projects:365q and 16HOURS. 365q was intentionally created to inspire, motivate and get you out there. All of the quotes were collected from books, newspapers, articles, lectures, conversations, films, etc. 16HOURS, however, is the result of a collaboration between Julian and fellow designer Sian Richardson. “I attempt to incorporate designs and phrases which work well with the photograph,” says Julian. When he’s not behind the lens or screen you can find him in the mountains. We hope you enjoyed this collection!

7 Most Inspiring 365 Day Photo Projects Like anyone else, photographers can get stuck. Sometimes they feel a lack of creativity, as if a wall has risen, blocking their artistic synapses. What better way is there to break that wall down than by forcing yourself to undertake a 365 Day project? 1. Alex Stoddard is a talented 18-year-old photographer who has already drawn much attention for his creative works, many of which can be found in his 365 project. 2. (365) Days of Tumblr (365) Days of Tumblr is a project by Ontario-based graphic designer Aaron Christopher Judd that features a series of breathtaking images superimposed with inspirational words. 3. Kyle Thompson is a 20-year-old photographer who, like Alex Stoddard, finds himself both behind and in front of the lens as his own subject. 4. Evan Ludes, aka billyunderscorebwa, is a Nebraska-based photographer who focuses primarily on landscapes and nature, though he appears to tackle a little bit of everything in his 365 project.

50 Quotes That Will Open Your Mind There are times in life when we simply get stuck. Our negative emotions get the best of us and we are no longer in control of our destiny. Feeling upset and depressed will essentially lead you nowhere. Why not stop feeling sorry for yourself and instead do something that bring you happiness. Why not do something inspiring like reading quotes? I think a huge problem with our society and our mindset is that we are way too logical. This is the same problem we now face. So how does this exactly relate to this article? Try to open your mind, see things from a different perspective, help out others, work hard, be thankful for what you have, stop being materialistic, make the best of every situation, kill sadness, think positive, do what makes you happy, reach for your goal, stop feeling sorry for yourself, be happy for others success, cut jealousy, conquer greed and etc. When reading these quotes try to apply them to your life.

How to Do What You Love January 2006 To do something well you have to like it. That idea is not exactly novel. We've got it down to four words: "Do what you love." The very idea is foreign to what most of us learn as kids. And it did not seem to be an accident. The world then was divided into two groups, grownups and kids. Teachers in particular all seemed to believe implicitly that work was not fun. I'm not saying we should let little kids do whatever they want. Once, when I was about 9 or 10, my father told me I could be whatever I wanted when I grew up, so long as I enjoyed it. Jobs By high school, the prospect of an actual job was on the horizon. The main reason they all acted as if they enjoyed their work was presumably the upper-middle class convention that you're supposed to. Why is it conventional to pretend to like what you do? What a recipe for alienation. The most dangerous liars can be the kids' own parents. Bounds How much are you supposed to like what you do? Sirens This is easy advice to give.

Blog Archive » Los arrepentimientos más populares antes de morír Muy poca gente tiende a pensar en su propia muerte. Máxime cuando por edad o salud ve la llegada de ese momento como algo lejano e improbable. Sin embargo, el riesgo de que nuestra vida termine de un momento a otro es real. Ya que la muerte no avisa, ¿te has puesto a pensar de qué te arrepentirías si hoy murieras? Si por más que piensas no encuentras nada de que arrepentirte, te damos una ayudadita presentándote las cinco principales cosas de las que se arrepiente la gente antes de morir. Fueron compiladas por Bronnie Ware, experta en cuidados paliativos y enfermos terminales, en su libro “Los Cinco Arrepentimientos de los Moribundos”. La idea de escribirlo surgió después de que en su blog publicó un post titulado “Arrepentimientos de los Moribundos”, el cual tuvo gran éxito e impulso a Ware a profundizar más en el tema. El libro es un recuento de las experiencias de la autora durante años de trabajo en cuidados paliativos. 2.Ojalá no hubiera trabajado tanto ¿Ustedes de que se arrepienten?

55 Inspiring Quotations That Will Change The Way You Think Sometimes life gets tough and we need that little something to keep us going. That little something is inspirational quotations. We love to read and get inspired from them, but a few seconds later we throw them out of our head. The way we perceive life most of the time, is wrong. Probably the biggest thing we all search for in life is happiness. People who search for happiness think that money and fame will make their life perfect. Now while reading this you are probably thinking we sound like your mother. Today we have gathered some of the most inspirational quotes we could find.
