Rien à dire
rien à dire Année de production : 2011Genre : FilmStyle : comiqueRéalisateur : Jérémy strohm, Claire Guihéneuf, Caroline WormserDurée : 12’40 minSynopsis : Rien à dire est un court métrage qui raconte l’histoire d’un jeune homme qui n’a jamais rien à dire. Sa copine le lui reproche, ses amis, et même un collègue de travail.
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Elogio de la inventiva. Entrevista con César Aira
Narrador infatigable, César Aira (1949) nació en Coronel Pringles, un pueblo al interior de Argentina. Avecindado desde su juventud en Buenos Aires, ha hilado una de las obras narrativas más copiosas de la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea. Además de sus novelas –muchas de ellas publicadas por Ediciones Era–, entre las que se cuentan La liebre, Cómo me hice monja, Los fantasmas, El congreso de literatura, Las aventuras de Barbaverde y Los dos payasos, ha escrito ensayos críticos sobre Copi y Alejandra Pizarnik.
Cet enseignant commence chaque journée de cours en complimentant tous ses élèves un par un...
Chris Ulmer est enseignant spécialisé : il donne des cours à des enfants en difficulté dans la ville de Jacksonville, en Floride. Ces élèves souffrent de différents troubles. Certains sont autistes, d’autres souffrent de lésions cérébrales traumatiques, d’apraxie ou encore d’agénésie du corps calleux. Dans n’importe quelle classe école à travers le monde, les enseignants ont souvent l’habitude de commencer les journées par un petit rituel ou de routine.
El misterioso señor Aira - 28.11.2009 - lanacion.com
Narrador infatigable, César Aira (1949) nació en Coronel Pringles, un pueblo del interior de la Argentina. Avecindado desde su juventud en Buenos Aires, ha hilado una de las obras narrativas más copiosas de la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea. Además de sus novelas -muchas de ellas publicadas en México-, entre las que se cuentan La liebre, Cómo me hice monja, Los fantasmas, El congreso de literatura, Las aventuras de Barbaverde y Los dos payasos, ha escrito ensayos críticos sobre Copi y Alejandra Pizarnik Aira ha perfilado un estilo personalísimo, lleno de retruécanos imaginativos y dislates sucesivos que lo marcan como un escritor, si no marginal, por lo menos raro. Esa rareza, y el frenesí con que publica sus novelas siempre breves, han provocado que se lo encasille como un autor para verdaderos devotos.
EY promeut le «flexible working» dans des vidéos décalées
VIDÉO - Le «flexible working» comprend les modes de travail et de réunion alternatifs pour permettre aux salariés de travailler en plus grande autonomie et plus librement. La société de conseil et d'audit EY (ex-Ernst & Young) a lancé en septembre un chantier pour adapter son organisation du travail aux ruptures technologiques (révolution numérique, intelligence artificielle…) que subissent les entreprises. Parmi les évolutions retenues, EY encourage le «flexible working». Comprenez les modes de travail et de réunion alternatifs pour permettre aux salariés de travailler en plus grande autonomie et plus librement.
Prometheus Explained: Unraveling The Unanswered Questions
If you're reading this post, you've clearly seen Prometheus by now and-- wait, you haven't seen Prometheus yet? No seriously-- do not read this post until you have seen Prometheus. This post intends to break down all of the lingering questions about the movie, most of which come late in the film and all of which are much more fun to think about yourself as you watch the movie than to let yahoos like us tell you what to think. So, anyway, if you're reading this post, you've clearly seen Prometheus by now, and if you're anything like us you've spent hours debating the many questions brought up by the movie, trying to figure out how many unanswered questions were screenwriter Damon Lindelof trying to drive you crazy, and how many questions were supposed to be figured out. So we've brought the conversation to you, not just a rundown of all the questions we think still aren't answered, but our theories on how we might answer them. What does the black goo do?
Dialogue: Sir Ridley Scott Explains 'Prometheus,' Explores Our Past, and Teases Future 'Alien' Stories
Sir Ridley Scott appears to be feeling reflective. After directing a string of impressively original features that include American Gangster, Kingdom of Heaven, the underrated Matchstick Men and Black Hawk Down, Scott is revisiting his earliest classics. He’s prepping a sequel to his seminal sci-fi thriller Blade Runner, according to reports.
The Get Rich Slowly Philosophy
There’s been an influx of new readers at Get Rich Slowly lately. To serve as an intro the new folks (and to celebrate the site’s fourth anniversary, and in honor of Financial Literacy Month), today I’m going to review my financial philosophy. Although we covered each of these points in turn last autumn, it’s been a while since I collected these core values in one location.
10 Best Movies of 2012 (So Far)
The best movies of 2012?! I don't want to freak you out, but 2012 is half over. Wait, that's pessimistic!
10 Most Anticipated Movies Still to Come in 2012
I’m not sure how this couldn’t be everyone’s most anticipated movie of the year. Paul Thomas Anderson, who recent filmography is comprised of the masterpieces Boogie Nights, Magnolia, and There Will Be Blood, has decided to make a movie about Scientology. Well, not Scientology exactly, but pretty much Scientology. Philip Seymour Hoffman plays the head of Scientology (again, not Scientology, but pretty much Scientology) who captures the interest of Joaquin Phoenix, who looks to be giving a performance of a lifetime as a drifter with some problems.
Ten Terrific War Movies You Probably Never Heard Of
I’ve always been a war film buff, maybe because I grew up with them at a time when they were a regular part of the cinema landscape. That’s why I read, with particular interest, my Sound on Sight colleague Edgar Chaput’s recent pieces on The Flowers of War (“The Flowers of War Is an Uneven but Interesting Chinese WW II Film” – posted 2/20/12) and The Front Line (The Front Line Rises to the Occasion to Overcome Its Familiarity” – 2/16/12) with such interest. An even more fun read was the back-and-forth between Edgar and SOS’s Michael Ryan over the latter (“The Sound on Sight Debate on Korea’s The Front Line” – 2/12/12), with Michael unimpressed because the movie had “…nothing new to add to the war genre,” and Edgar coming back with “…‘new’ is not always what a film must strive for. So long as it does well what it set out to do…” From the 1920s into the 1980s or so, movies about men and the combat experience were a Hollywood staple, from The Big Parade (1925) to The Story of G.I.