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Teeth braces & Tooth Implant @ Dental Singapore

Teeth braces & Tooth Implant @ Dental Singapore

Myobrace Dedicated Centre The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends the first dental visit to be before a child’s first birthday. Introducing your child at a young age to dentistry is a great way to instil good dental habits and prevent numerous dental problems which may arise later on in adolescence or adulthood. A child’s first tooth erupts at about 6 months. By the age of 3, children should have a full set of baby teeth. Your child’s baby teeth are just as important as their adult teeth. The baby teeth are important for nutrition, speech development and act as a guide for the adult teeth to erupt.

Dental Implants - Coast Dental Written by: Dr. Nijam February 10, 2020 The Harmful Effects of Mouth Breathing - Coast Dental Written by: Dr. Nijam January 09, 2020 The benefits of breathing through the nose is that the fine hairs present inside the nose acts as a filter to prevent unwanted particles from entering the lungs. Breathing through the nose also helps to warm and humidify the air which is inhaled. Teeth Whitening - Coast Dental Written by: Dr. Nijam February 21, 2020 Myobrace Dedicated Centre
