Frozen Synapse: A Simultaneous Turn-Based Strategy Game / Turn-Based Tactical Game! levelhead/ Frances A Yates, in her book The Art of Memory, traces a geneaology of memory systems, practiced as an art, from the ancient Greeks through to the late mediaeval period. In a time without printing and paper for taking notes, these memory arts were of vital importance, both to the recollection of cultural artefacts (prose, theory, philosophical treatises) and practical tasks involving the storing of patterned information (numbers, names, dates). Of the many earliest methods used was the construction of imaginary architectures (memory loci) that were designed to specification precisely for the purpose of storing information such that it could be retrieved by 'walking through' the building in the mind. So it follows that the relationships between objects of memory were configured as being spatially associative, with the walking imaginary self acting as a reader. Several people have written suggesting that I make a version of levelHead with LCD screens.
Polytron Corporation » FEZ Gomez is a 2D man on a voyage of discovery into the mysterious 3rd dimension. Change your perspective and look at the world in a different way. FEZ is a game for XBOX LIVE ARCADE set to release in Q1 2012. A Slower Speed of Light Download the latest beta releases A Slower Speed of Light is a first-person game prototype in which players navigate a 3D space while picking up orbs that reduce the speed of light in increments. Custom-built, open-source relativistic graphics code allows the speed of light in the game to approach the player’s own maximum walking speed. Download our PowerPoint presentation about the relativistic effects in the game: PPT PPTX OpenRelativity A Slower Speed of Light was created using OpenRelativity, an open-source toolkit for the Unity game development environment. Requirements A Slower Speed of Light has been tested on computers with the configurations listed below. Intel Core 2 Duo T9900 or Core i7 (2.8GHz clock speed)Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) or higher, and Linux (Ubuntu 13)AMD Radeon HD 6970M/AMD Mobility Radeon HD 4850/Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT8GB RAM Screenshots Posters Credits Gerd Kortemeyer Product Owner Philip Tan Staff Liaison Ryan Cheu Programmer Ebae Kim Artist, Designer
Untitled Document LA Game Space | Center for Videogame Art × Design × Research Indie Game, Le film : "Il est temps de grandir les enfants !" Il y a des web docs qui font réfléchir, d’autres qui émeuvent mais la plupart que je regarde laissent une trace dans mon esprit de petit geek en plein épanouissement. Je pourrai en citer plusieurs mais le récent qui me vient à l’esprit est « Influencers (vostfr)« . Alors, oui c’est du réchauffé, on en apprend pas énormément sur ces leaders d’opinion mais j’ai pris pas mal de plaisir à le regarder et c’est justement ça le principal. J’ai découvert récemment le trailer de Indie Game : The movie qui montre l’univers des game designers, le business qu’il y a autour des jeux indépendants et j’en passe. Et là rebelote, le trailer met en scène Edmund McMillen (GAME DESIGNER DE SUPER MEAT BOY) puis j’ai pleuré. Indie Game: The Movie – Growing Up Edmund from IndieGame: The Movie on Vimeo. Autant dire que ce trailer est porteur de sens et je me retrouve un peu dans ce que dit ce grand Monsieur. Infinite Ammo – New Media Manitoba Business Showcase from BlinkWorks on Vimeo.
Free Online Games - Play the Best MMO, PC, Browser, and Mobile Games Hits Playtime : un concours pour les jeunes créateurs de jeux vidéo - Playtime - Blog Envie de découvrir les futures pépites du jeu vidéo ? Pendant six mois, le concours Hits Playtime , organisé par le, va promouvoir l'originalité des jeunes créateurs. De janvier à juin, une trentaine d'équipes d'étudiants, issus de cinq écoles de jeux vidéo (Creajeux, Enjmin, Gamagora, Isart digital, Supinfogame) vont tenir un blog pour décrire le développement de leur projet. Concepts expérimentaux, jeux de plates-formes ou d'action, party games... Une gamme variée de genres ludiques va peu à peu être présentée aux internautes... Ceux-ci pourront ainsi se plonger à loisir dans tous ces univers, des stations spatiales aux maisons hantées, en passant par des cours de récréation plutôt mouvementées... Avec le jeu Paper Plane, réalisé par des étudiants de l'Enjmin et dont la genèse a été racontée l'an dernier sur un blog du, nous avons pu constater que le processus de création d'un jeu passionne les internautes.
Swing Swing Submarine » Greek And Wicked Controls Arrows : moveX: use weaponsSpace: return to title screenEscape/P: Pause/keyboard mapping description Description “Greek & Wicked” is an experiment like “Tuper Tario Tros.” was, so not a big game. William started to think about the differences between old and modern games : what are those differences? Mostly better graphics and sounds, but in term of game mechanics old and modern games can be very similar. When we started working on it, Guillaume was playing a game that was the perfect modern and AAA game reference we needed : God of War. We had difficulties to finish this game, and in the same time daily news were (and still are) really hard too. Display all blog posts about Greek And Wicked
The Humble Indie Bundle (pay what you want for five awesome indi - showcasing the best in independent games.