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The Political Compass

The Political Compass

Demo.cratica (Beta) Actualité des loisirs numériques - Numerama NosDéputé : Observatoire citoyen de l'activité parlementaire What does the internet think Left vs Right NEW: Limited edition signed prints of this image now available the Left vs Right political spectrum. A collaboration between David McCandless and information artist Stefanie Posavec, taken from my book The Visual Miscellaneum (out Nov 10th). Of course, the political spectrum is not quite so polarised. Actually, it’s more of a diamond shape, apparently. But this is how it’s mostly presented via the media – left wing vs. right wing, liberal vs. conservative, Labour vs Tory. And perhaps in our minds too… Well, certainly in my mind. This kind of visual approach to mapping concepts really excites me. I’ve got a few more of these coming from my book. Oh and if there’s enough demand, we’re going to do a signed, limited edition poster run of this image before Christmas. The original design concept was “something like a rosette”. (I’ll be doing a ‘Great Visualizers’ piece on her in the future. There are two versions with different colours: a US and a World version.

Portail du Parti Pirate Français Derniers articles [Politique] Le Parti Pirate va faire reconnaître l'inconstitutionnalité du vote électronique L'élection des députés des Français de l'étranger a relancé le débat du vote électronique. Le Parti Pirate s'est toujours exprimé contre ces systèmes qui sont vulnérables à la fraude, et les très nombreux incidents et irrégularités du vote par Internet ont propulsé ce thème de campagne sur le devant de la scène. En parallèle de l'excellent travail de son équipe de candidats des français de l'étranger, qui ont déposé un recours pour faire invalider l'élection, le Parti Pirate vient de lancer une procédure pour mettre un terme définitif au vote électronique. Le concept de vote électronique semble séduisant au premier abord : pouvoir s'affranchir des contraintes de dépouillement avec les machines à voter électronique, et ne plus avoir à se déplacer grâce au vote par Internet, présenterait un avantage certain. + Lire la suite + Lire la suite + Lire la suite + Lire la suite

MY World Basic general questions answered The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have made a huge impact on the lives of billions, but there is still much more to be done to address extreme poverty, diseases and environmental crises.The global development agenda for the period after 2015 will build on the progress made on the MDGs while confronting persistent inequalities and new challenges facing people and planet.The new development agenda must result from a truly open and inclusive process that engages people from all parts of the world and all sections of society.The UN and the Secretary General’s High Level Panel on post-2015 want to hear directly from people across the world about what is important to them, so that their views can be taken into account in this global conversation. Basic methodology questions answered MY World is a way of listening to what people think a new global agreement on development should look like.

Rapture Stats Section 3: War, Terrorism and Global Trends The public sees the next 40 years as a time of violent conflict, both globally and in the United States. Fully 58% see another world war as definite or probable over the next 40 years. Nearly as many (53%) expect the United States to face a terrorist attack with nuclear weapons. Opinions about America’s future role in the world are mixed: 53% say the United States will be less important in the world than it is today while 40% say it will be more important. Notably, opinions about the U.S. role in the world – and whether China will overtake the United States as the main superpower – are associated with optimism about the nation’s future. On a very different subject, the public is divided over whether Jesus Christ will return to earth by 2050. Most Americans do not expect the adoption of a single global currency in the next 40 years. Apocalypse Soon? Jesus Christ’s Return

Vocabulary: Political Words Every clique has its own language — an insider's jargon that people outside the group don't always understand. Filmmakers talk about "panning" and "fading." Retailers talk about "floor sales" and "back orders." Politicians have a language of their own too, and it often appears in media reports about politics. What exactly do politicians mean when they talk about a "lame duck" or a "rubber chicken"? Big Government: A negative term, used mainly by conservatives to describe government programs in areas where they believe government shouldn't be involved, especially those that spend money on social problems. Bipartisan: A cooperative effort by two political parties. Bleeding Heart: A term describing people whose hearts "bleed" with sympathy for the downtrodden; used to criticize liberals who favor government spending for social programs. Bully Pulpit: The Presidency, when used by the President to inspire or moralize. Campaign: (noun) An organized effort to win an election. Left-wing: Liberal.

Un petit jeu simple, mais bien fait qui vous donne une idée d'où vous vous trouvez sur l'échiquier politique. by frederic.larochelle Feb 12
