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You might also want to look at Resources . Perhaps some or all of that page should be merged into this page. (Discuss) This page attempts to make some sense, in general, of how all the pieces fit together to create a RepRap. However, if you want to skip all this stuff and get straight to getting your hands dirty then your best bet is to take a look at The incomplete RepRap beginner's guide and the build instructions category. In addition to those guides, you may also want to take a look at the links under the Models section below. RepRap Component Structure. That being said, to get a higher-level overview, we must start with discussing the different models of RepRaps, then go on to the four main components of a RepRap: The software toolchain. Models These days there are a growing number of many great and detailed build instructions for RepRaps! If you're steampunk or just like to get away without commercial kits, there are also RepStraps. Software Toolchain CAD tools. CAD Tools Software Files Related:  3D PRINTelettronica

What is a Bowden extruder? | Start 3D PrintingStart 3D Printing One of the challenges when getting started with 3D printing is learning the terminology. Depending on your background, the various mechanical and project names may be complete gibberish. Fortunately, most of the ideas are pretty simple when you take a step back. For example, let’s look at the Bowden Extruder. In its simplest form, when someone refers to a Bowden-style extruder, what they mean is that there’s a flexible tube guiding the filament from the extruding motor (cold-end) to the nozzle (hot-end.) In fact, you can convert a “traditional”, direct extruder into a Bowden extruder by separating these two parts and running a tube (generally made of teflon) between them. The Direct Extruder The direct extruder is more common, and it’s easier to explain the Bowden variant in terms of its differences. (Source: wiki) The diagram above illustrates the workings of a typical, DIY extruder. (Image source: The Bowden Extruder Why go Bowden?

Improved Analog & Digital Interface with Arduino « Analog inputs with Arduino and EMC | Newest entries | Generating HAL files from Eagle schematics » Building on my earlier work , I've now improved the interface between HAL and the Arduino board to have: 6 10-bit analog inputs 6 8-bit PWM "analog" outputs 6 digital inputs/outputs (partition chosen when component is loaded) GPL license statement in source files As before, the driver consists of an Arduino Sketch ( halintf.pde ) and a HAL Userspace Component written in Python ( ). First, load the sketch (firmware source code file) in the Arduino GUI, compile it, and transfer it to the board. Now, if you don't already have it installed, install using apt-get or Synaptic Package Manager. Next, copy to the name (no extension) in a directory on your PATH. To demo it, in the sample hal script , change the line to reflect the serial port where the arduino is connected. Silkscreen Text (Diecimila board) HAL pin name arduino.analog-in- or arduino-digital-in-

Comment fabriquer ses filaments d’ABS pour son imprimante 3D à moindre cout Mon imprimante 3D devrait arriver d’ici une semaine, et je recherche déjà des techniques pour obtenir des filaments d’ABS à moindre coût. Lors de mes recherches, le projet Lyman Filament Extruder revenait souvent, mais il restais encore trop onéreux. Le projet de DeltaPrinter se base sur le projet de Lyman mais en utilisant que des éléments courants du commerce et une pièce imprimée en 3D. Cela permet d’obtenir un coup de revient de l’ordre de 100€, ce qui est de suite plus raisonnable. Le système est composé d’un tube de 10mm en acier inoxydable avec une ouverture dans lequel un foret à bois va faire l’office de vis sans fin pour pousser les billes d’ABS vers l’extrémité. Là, un bloc d’aluminium fait la jointure avec une tube de cuivre de 15mm de diamètre avec un embout percé et calibré au diamètre voulu. Le bloc d’aluminium est chauffé avec deux résistances chauffantes 230V à la température de 200°C.

Skeinforge - DEMOZENDIUM From DEMOZENDIUM Skeinforge is a tool chain composed of Python scripts that converts your 3D model into G-Code instructions for RepRap. Updating Skeinforge manual Skeinforge Manual Update advice from Enrique for updating pages and setting up a new structure. Tutorials Allan Ecker aka The Masked Retriever BotHacker Keep it Cool! C Blair 3D Model to G-Code File for Rapman Cliff Biffle, Nick Ames & Rick Pollack Compendium of calibration information: How to Calibrate and Tune Skeinforge for your MakerBot Daniel K. Skeinforge for RapMan Dave Durant Keith Fixing CupCake Build Problems Marius Kintel Explanation of setting the important Skeinforge parameters, extrusion width and layer thickness: - Skeinforge Width Thickness Tutorial Nick Ames Skeinforge Tutorial: - Configuring Skeinforge Rapmanist How to Generate Gcode with Skeinforge video. Tony Thanks With thanks to all the above and Enrique who has a Blog for discussion of all things related to Skeinforge: Fabmetheus Blog What Overview

ELM - DC Servomotor Controller This is an experiment on the closed loop DC servomotor control system (SMC). It will able to be used for practical use with/without some modifications. The closed loop servo mechanism requires real-time servo operations, such as position control, velocity control and torque control. Recently, most servo systems are using brushless motors called "AC servo motor" to reduce maintanance cost. Hardware Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 1 shows the block diagram for SMC. Figure 2 shows the circuit diagram for SMC. JP1 is an ISP connector to program the AVR, and it can also used to attach an LED display board. Figure 3 shows the built servo controller board. Software Figure 4. Figure 4 shows the theory on the positioning servo mechanism. The servo operator consists of error amplifires and PID filters. The single loop servo control shown in figure 4 is called "Conventional servo mechanism". Figure 5. Figure 5 shows the servo operation for SMC. Position capture Figure 6. Internal processes for SMC

Le projet | Plastified .org from Sam Guillemette on Vimeo. propose des outils en libre partage servant à transformer, à l’échelle locale, du plastique rescapé du flux de la collecte sélective pour en faire du filament utilisable dans une imprimante 3D personnelle, appareil de plus en plus accessible. Cette hyperdémocratisation de la technologie 3D est au cœur du projet qui veut en réduire l’impact environnemental potentiellement très grand. Le plastique étant déjà un fardeau pour les infrastructures de gestion des déchets du monde entier, nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre de faire entrer dans nos foyers des machines qui augmenteront considérablement notre consommation de plastique et par le fait même, nos déchets. Ce site met donc à la disposition de tous le processus de fabrication d’une déchiqueteuse à plastique ainsi que d’une extrudeuse à filament pour imprimante 3D. Cette plateforme web permet aux futurs utilisateurs de nourrir et améliorer le projet suite à leurs expériences.

Prusa Nozzle MKII Regarding the E3D and thermal analysis of CAD - I've done a fair bit of this stuff a long time ago outside of the scope of 3D printing, and I did run plenty of analysis in the design/verification stages. However I am also aware of when these types of techniques fail to produce useful results - this is very much one of them. The real design, analysis and calculation were done on a whiteboard with little more than fouriers thermal transfer equations, a bit of thermal resistance calculation and a hell of a lot of empirical analysis. Let us also bear in mind that the conditions we print in vary hugely, with print temperature ranging from 170C to 300C, and the temperature of the air we're pulling over the heatsink can be from 15C to over 75C in some cases. The large heatsink with active cooling has only a small amount of heat flowing into it, which is rapidly removed by the fan. TL;DR Simulation is nice, reality is more reliable. I Design/Sell all-metal hotends.

Capacitance Measurer v1.0 Question: is measurer a real word? - google doesn't think so. I, like many people I'm sure, find certain capacitor markings a little cryptic. So, with the help of my Arduino Decimilla, I set about building a device to measure the capacitance of a selected capacitor. First, a little of the theory behind its operation: Capacitors charge and discharge at certain 'speeds' based on the series resistance and its total capacitance. Example:100uF capacitor in series with a 10K resistor will take 1 second to reach 63.2% of full charge, then another 1 second to charge up to 63.2% of the remaining capacitance and so on... With this knowledge, I may be able to time how long it took for the capacitor to reach 63.2% charge, or, since they are proportional, 63.2% of the arduino's voltage level. Here is the schematic I have produced for my circuit: NOTE: Sorry, I've just noticed I missed out 3 of the PWM pins on the Arduino. The switch 'S1' is used to start the measurement. Now, here's the code: Chris P.S.

The incomplete reprap beginner's guide The incomplete REPRAP beginner's guide is an attempt to gather in one document all the information about REPRAP MENDEL PRUSA, that is available on the internet. The reason for doing it, is that it is sometimes more practical to have some basic information gathered in one place, than trying to get fast and accurate answers in IRC or anywere else in the internet, for issues that a newbie cannot even understand and express. Mostly this work is a ‘copy&paste’ of sites' critical info, links with usefull material, and some of my experience. This guide was firstly authored at OCTOBER 2011 and is updating since then. Although it is focused on the Mendel Prusa model, I hope it may be useful for builders of other models. Under no circumstances can this document be considered complete. By COS_ (Konstantinos Tziampazis). What is 3D printing? Reprap Mendel prusa is an FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) 3D printer. You can find many more on youtube. Videos of some commercial 3d printers: What is RepRap? Filament
