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Handouts Online: EFL / ESL Worksheets, activities and lesson plans

Handouts Online: EFL / ESL Worksheets, activities and lesson plans
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A to Z Teacher Stuff Themes | la mejor web de recursos gratuitos para aprender y enseñar inglés PHRASAL VERBS:Lista de phrasal verbs en vocabulario[E1] [E1]* [E2]* [E3]* [E4]* [E5]* [E6]* [E7]* [E8]* [E9]* [E10]* The best free TEFL websites If you are a TEFL teacher you'll find the web is awash with great sites for English language learners - and harnessing these and having a stock of the best ones is obviously helpful for teachers of English. You'll also get extra brownie points for keeping abreast of the latest and most relevant learner sites and tools. After all, few course books will have much on the economic crisis or Barack Obama's inauguration; but you can bet the internet does with neat articles perhaps already ‘treated,' ripe for the language learner interested in current affairs. Lets' start with one of my favourites: Onestop English. While most of this site is subscription based, check out their free-to-view news articles, adapted from the Guardian weekly and neatly treated for level. There's a fresh article every month and following each reading there are a comprehensive set of language activities with answer key; perfect for the classroom or self-study. Now for grammar. To finish, I'm going to cheat a little.

Top 10 Essential Web Tools For Project-Based Learning Making learning interactive has always been difficult for educators. Students rarely want to collaborate and get involved in discussions, because most of them are afraid of making mistakes and saying something wrong. Luckily for all of us, the emergence of technology used in classrooms has made educators able of making the learning process interactive. Blending the traditional textbooks with innovative web tools that inspire collaboration will be the wisest thing you’ve ever done for your students. The goal of project-based learning is to enable your students to put the things they have learned into practice and develop valuable skills through the project development. By implementing the usage of digital tools into the classroom, the students will get engaged and interested into each other’s opinions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Thumbnail image via

Woodlands Junior School, Tonbridge, Kent UK Engelska | Framtidskompassen Tyvärr finns inte det digitala materialet till "Whats's up" längre tillgängligt i fri form. Spotlight - digitalt material till 6:ornas läromedel Allmänt:BBC:s "Bytesize" - massor av övningar, förklaringar, animeringar och spelCrosswordlab - skapa korsord som går att lösa - blandade övningar på engelska, bra i flera olika ämnenDigipuzzle - Blandade språkövningar på engelska. Även matematik på engelska.ESL Games - om man är beredd att "klicka runt" lite så kan man hitta riktigt bra och roliga övningar.Gogo News - annorlunda och intressanta nyheter på engelskaMrNussbaum - blandning av övningar och spel. Ganska avancerat, främst för äldre - översättningstjänst från Norstedts. Ger många bra alternativ, även hur ord kan användas i fraser.Scratchgarden - Pedagogiska videos och ramsor. Träna glosor:Quizlet (skapa konto är gratis. Hör- och läsövningar:Why Anasi has thin legsThe Great RaceThe Greedy HippoAngel!

Good Grammar - Free Lessons in Grammar Skills Free ESL worksheets | Worksheets / Search / Grammar Focus: Past simple & continuous English Remove this ad Login See more See less FAQ | About us | Terms of Use | Your Privacy | Your Copyright | Advertise with Us | Press | Links | Contact The iSLCollective Team Loading in progress... message Adele's ESL Corner - Your free online English language website

« Saving our planet », un projet eTwinning avec de nouveaux outils Philip Benz, professeur d'anglais au lycée Pierre et Marie Curie de Châteauroux (36), présente le projet eTwinning « Saving our Planet » qui, mené en collaboration avec d'autres professeurs de son établissement et des établissements partenaires, a permis aux élèves d'échanger sur divers thèmes environnementaux et d'élargir leurs horizons vers l'espace européen. Présentation du projet Ce projet, « Saving our Planet », implique les professeurs de plusieurs disciplines, dont l’anglais, le français et les sciences économiques, et les élèves de six établissements dans cinq pays européens : Malgorzata Kulakowska, Justina Tracichleb-Lichosik et Agnieszka Twardowska au VI Liceum Ogólnoksztalcace im. Notre but principal est de faire communiquer nos élèves sur des problèmes environnementaux, en développant et en argumentant leurs idées, la plupart du temps dans leur langue cible. Utilisation des TICE dans le cadre du projet Résultats et bénéfices

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