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Family Echo - Free Online Family Tree Maker

Descubriendo Edmodo: beneficios del microblogging en educación de adultos. | Sáez López | Revista de Educación Campo Abierto Descubriendo Edmodo: beneficios del microblogging en educación de adultos. José Manuel Sáez López, Mauricio Fernández López, José Luis García González Resumen El presente artículo describe una investigación realizada sobre la plataforma Edmodo. El estudio se lleva a cabo en el curso 2011-2012 en un centro de educación de adultos. Es por tanto un estudio de caso que analiza las valoraciones que 52 estudiantes proporcionan en un cuestionario mixto y los mensajes que enviaron a la plataforma. This article is about a research on Edmodo. Palabras clave Comunicación mediada por Computadora; Aprendizaje Cooperativo soportado por Computadora; Microblogs; Sistema de Gestión del Aprendizaje; Web Social.Computer Mediated Communication (CMC); Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL); Learning Managemen Texto completo: PDF Refbacks No hay Refbacks actualmente. Revista de educación CAMPO ABIERTO - Universidad de Extremadura - Facultad de Educación

Naomi Rose can help you with: how to write a book, writing a book, short story writing, writing child book, tips on writing a book, steps to writing a book, writing your own book, writing a non fiction book, Book coaching, Book-writing guidance, Help writ by Naomi Rose Reprinted from Massage Magazine, Issue 104, Sept. – Oct. 2003 Most people don’t think of massage and writing as having anything to do with each other. After all, one is nonverbal, the other verbal. Even the human brain relegates these abilities into different hemispheres, the right and the left. But massage therapists and bodyworkers do need to write sometimes: for professional reasons (brochures, educational literature, newsletters, articles, even a book); for personal expression; or to heal a larger spectrum of people than can fit, one by one, on a massage table. Touching writing touches the reader’s heart and being, as well as the reader’s mind. To write in a touching way, you cannot set about to do it with your intellect. Happily, people who heal through touch are the perfect ones to write "touching writing." And now, a paradox comes in. This is where touching healers have an edge. Let the body ease you into it. Bring your intention/question into your heart. Back to top

(4) Tumblr Wordplay - Spanish Vocabulary Game 36 Writing Essays by Chuck Palahniuk 1: Establishing Your Authority Chuck teaches two principal methods for building a narrative voice your readers will believe in. Discover the Heart Method and the Head Method and how to employ each to greatest effect. 2: Developing a Theme At the core of Minimalism is focusing any piece of writing to support one or two major themes. Learn harvesting, listing, and other methods, after a fun excursion into the spooky side of Chuck's childhood. 3: Using “On-The-Body” Physical Sensation Great writing must reach both the mind and the heart of your reader, but to effectively suspend reality in favor of the fictional world, you must communicate on a physical level, as well. 4: Submerging the “I” First-person narration, for all its immediacy and power, becomes a liability if your reader can't identify with your narrator. 5: Nuts and Bolts: Hiding a Gun 6: Nuts and Bolts: “Thought” Verbs You've always heard the maxim, "Show, don't tell..." but almost no writing teacher ever explains...

12 Human Foods You Didn't Know Could Kill Your Dog | Foodbeast The most important thing with pet care is knowing what you can and can't feed your dog. That and capitalizing on your puppy for hilarious memes. As long as you stick to a pretty decent doggy diet, everything should be gravy right? Wrong. Turns out there's a ton of foods you probably didn't know about that can actually be really bad for your dog, including some that are perfectly healthy for humans. After all, there's nothing worse than having your dog suffer over a simple mistake in diet. Chocolate Chocolate is one of the most common foods that is bad for dogs, so we figured we'd knock it off the list early. What's In It: Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine which fall under the methylxanthines category. What It Can Do: If eaten by a dog, chocolate can cause vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pains, severe agitation, muscle tremors, irregular heart rhythm, elevated body temperature, seizures and death. Milk Yeah we know, puppies drink milk from their mothers after they're born. Cheese

Short Films & CI - El Vampiro y la Dentista On the fourth day of Spanish 2, I introduced the following set of focus words: olía mal, comía ajo, tenía miedo For each new set of vocabulary, I had a skeleton story, and the students helped to fill in the details.. My skeleton story for the above words (day 4 of the new semester) there was a guy that ate garlic all the time & everywhere because he was afraid of vampires. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. As a follow up, I may decide to show the Señor Wooley's "La Dentista" video. Update: For information and materials on an interactive reading of the story that I used to prepare for this video (in Fall 2015), check the blog post HERE. UPDATE: In August 2013, Laura Avila contacted me to say she had also made two readings (which can be used for level 3) based on the reading I created for my Spanish 2 students.

Misktakes In Writing Here's the slightly revised and updated text of an article I wrote a while back. It seems to have done a lot of folks a lot of good as they have set out to learn the craft of writing fiction. Note: Except for the links to my Home page and the list of my books, all of the links and jumps in this article stay inside the document. You can save it to disk, load it to your Web reader off-line, and jump from item to item without accidently popping off into some other file in Katmandu. by Roger MacBride Allen You can read straight through or jump to: Roger MacBride Allen's Home Page A list of Roger MacBride Allen's books Introduction Errors of Style: Passive Voice Inappropriate Use of Summary Narration Point of View errors Poor Choice of Tense and Person Time Control Errors Unnamed Characters Errors of Substance: The Weird Opener & The Unintergrated Opener Retread of the Same Old Same Old Confusing the Author's Motives with the Character's Failure to Deal with Consequences Development Errors Bad Planning 1. 2.

5 New Year’s resolutions for every WL teacher You could probably guess what the most popular New Year’s resolutions are; you’ve probably made them yourself. Get in shape, eat better, save money, quit smoking, volunteer. You could probably also guess many of the popular resolutions for teachers: be more organized, have a positive attitude, involve students more, set goals. Speak more target language in the classroom. I can think of so many more I should make – give students better feedback and give it on time. Happy New Year! Photo credit Tags: best practices, collaboration, resolutions, target language.

Fantasy Name Generator By Samuel Stoddard - Version 1.5 One of the perks of creating fantasy stories -- whether by writing a story or game or by role-playing -- is you get to make up the names. Some people relish the task while others are frustrated by it. Some like it but can't seem to create names that are diverse enough. In addition, this tool can be fairly amusing to use even if you don't have any name creating to do. You can use the fantasy name generator below. Second-Language Learning While education research has long suggested that studying second languages in K12 schools boosts student achievement in other content areas, the current testing emphases on mathematics and reading has placed foreign language instruction relatively low on district priority lists. However, a growing body of research indicates that second-language learning should be bumped up significantly, as demonstrated particularly in the following areas. Potential Benefits Cognitive ability. Numerous studies document a positive relationship between early second language learning and improved mental processes, including conceptual learning (Archibald, 2006; Robinson, 1998). Achievement gains.Dumas (1999) examined the test scores of 13,200 third- and fifth-grade students in Louisiana and found that those studying a foreign language performed better on the state assessment in English than those not enrolled in a foreign language class, regardless of race, gender, and overall academic performance.
