Create Dictations Now Dictation also available for your favorite device with HTML5 This activity is a dictation, therefore it consists in writing exactly the text that we are given. It is important, while you are dictating, to give details of the punctuation marks (like comas, full stops, question marks, etc.) so that the correction can be exact and also to avoid any kind of misunderstandings. When we define the dictation, we introduce the title and configure some correction options: Sensitive at capital letters.Sensitive at accents.Sensitive at skips of the line.Number of attempts. Once these parameters are configured, you have to write the sentences of the new dictation correctly. Finally, the written sentences are recorded, sentence by sentence, so that each of them can be repeated if necessary. Do you like "Dictation" activities? Look for all the Dictation activities that other users from the web have created in the Dictations Gallery. Do you want to create Dictation activities?
Our language The English language is written and spoken in many different ways. The way we speak varies according to who we are, where we are, and who we're talking to. Language can make people feel superior or inferior, included or excluded, well informed or ignorant, impressed or appalled. But language is not only about individual identity. In the following pages you can look at the way people have used language in different ways for different reasons. Persuasion Explore the contexts in which persuasive language is used as well as how it works. Who's in control? Learn how language is power - how it is used to create balance and control, to flatter and to encourage but also to deceive and dominate. Shared language Discover how language can be shared: by oppressed groups, by those with a particular identity or view, to preserve hierarchies and to prevent detection. Identity and prejudice
50 ways to use music and song in the classroom “Without music, life would be a mistake.” – Fredrich Nietzsche We could also say "Without music, teaching would be a mistake!" Music just makes any teaching job, no matter how hard, enjoyable. We also say, “Music makes the world go ‘round” but it also makes learning happen. Please see my presentation on this topic, for all the reasons why. Also, this post has lots of links/resources related to using music and song in the EFL classroom. Get all the other "50" lists to help you teach, HERE. Here are some of the best ways to use music in your teaching, each with a nice resource or example. 1. 2. Listen To It. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Listen To it. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33, Get Literal. 34. 35. 36. 37. View It. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. . 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
NALDIC | EAL News | Jump in EAL learners working at Level 2 or below in English at age 11 The latest attainment data for bilingual pupils shows little change in the gap in achievement between bilingual pupils and their English speaking peers at the end of Key Stage 2 but a marked increase in EAL learners being judged to be below Level 3 in the English assessments. This year, more than 6,000 bilingual pupils were judged to be working at Level 2 or below (B) and therefore not able to take the assessment. This is a marked increase on the previous five years in both number and percentage terms. Due to changes in the Key Stage 2 assessments for English, this year's statistics are not directly comparable with previous years, but many of the messages remain the same. There is an enduring gap between the achievement of bilingual learners and their peers in English and mathematics whilst a higher proportion of bilingual learners are judged as having made expected progress. 2012 Key Stage 2 results show:
Tar Heel Reader | Books for beginning readers of all ages Skills Practice | Socratic Seminars Using Informational Text Photo Look at the front page of any day’s New York Times and you’ll find plenty for teenagers to discuss, whether meaty matters of global geopolitics, or lifestyle topics that hit closer to home. Here on the Learning Network, we’re discovering via the enthusiastic response to our first persuasive essay contest just how central the skill of argument is in many curriculums this year. So when Jonathan Olsen and Sarah Gross proposed that this week’s Skills Practice focus on the age-old inquiry-and-discussion format of the Socratic method, we agreed that it was a perfect complement to the contest — and, beyond that, a wonderful tool to help students wrestle with real-world questions and issues. Below, Mrs. The Task: The announcement that the College Board is creating a new version of the SAT made headlines and inspired editorials last week. 1. 2. 3. To Get Ready for the Socratic Seminar Students Might … — Think about the essential question you’ll pose for the seminar as they read. Standards