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High Security Locksmith Light Bulbs, Fixtures, Lighting Supplies | Lightingandsupplies CBD Oil and Blood Thinners Interactions — CBD.CI CBD Living | CBD.CI CBD Living Many patients wonder whether taking CBD oil (also known as hemp oil) in parallel with their medications can cause negative drug interactions. Luckily, studies have been done in the past, and are currently ongoing, concerning how CBD affects the body in conjunction with other medications. While CBD oil is normally safe, it can cause some side effects, especially if taken in large amounts or improper dosages. Since CBD oil can interact with certain foods and beverages (such as mangos and coffee), it can also interact either positively or negatively with certain medications – such as blood thinners. Therefore, it is important to know how CBD oil can interact with your medicines before taking them together. This article will share useful information about CBD oil and drug interactions so you can make the best decisions for your health. How does CBD work in your body? Cannabidiol, CBD, and hemp are all different names for essentially the same thing. How does hemp oil affect your blood?
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