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FreshStart - Cross Browser Session Manager Web Developer 8 Freelance Project Management Apps for 2021+ | Webdesigner Depot Webdesigner Depot » Blog Archive In my experience, the biggest challenge that freelancers face — more than winning clients or setting prices — is project management; take on too much work, and you’ll start missing deadlines, take on too little, and you’ll start missing your rent. Some people are naturally organized; they rock up at their desk at 08:59, fully confident in what they will spend the next 8–12 hours working on. Let’s be kind and say that I am not one of them, and leave it at that. The only way I have managed to survive the industry is by self-consciously micro-managing my schedule on a daily basis. When I worked in an agency, I knew what I would be working on days in advance. That level of organization requires very, very, very careful planning. How to Choose a Project Management App The most important aspect of any project is the end. I know one freelancer who sets himself a hard stop at 7 pm every day. I know another successful freelancer who works on a budget. Personally, I prefer a task-based approach.

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