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10 iPad Apps for Web Curation

10 iPad Apps for Web Curation
Curation vs. Aggregation? Curation is such a necessity these days. The overwhelming wave of information we are exposed to is drowning us in facts and opinion. Not only do we need to be curating the information that we are consuming but we need to be insisting that our students have the skills and necessary tools in which to curate their own world. I have listed a number of capable curation apps that can help to do just that. I tend to use more than one of these and in fact there are days that I would use three or four. Pearltrees: FREE Pearltrees is a place to collect, organize, discover everything you like on the web. Flipboard: FREE Flipboard creates a personalized magazine out of everything being shared with you, from Instagram photos and Facebook updates to Tumblr posts and articles from your favorite publications.

FNTP du 15 septembre 2016 Développement Durable 15 septembre 2016 Formation Awesome Apps for Science Experiments, Storytelling, Coding and More Every month, we review some of our favorite educational apps that have been released or updated. You can find all the posts in our series here. Below you’ll find a mixture of iOS, Android and Web-based apps. Scribble Press is an iPad app that lets you build and illustrate your own e-books. The app offers numerous story templates and drawing tools, guiding you through the story-writing and book layout process. The books that are written with Scribble Press can be shared with others — either via Facebook or Twitter or email. Squad is a collaborative code editor. The mobile language learning startup Mindsnacks launched its Mandarin iPhone app this month. It’s hard to pick one app from the new educational game-maker Airy Labs to feature here, particularly as the startup updated all seven of its apps this month. Created by the Van Gogh Institute, the Van Gogh’s Dream iPad app is meant to explore Vincent Van Gogh’s artwork and writing in a new and interactive way. Anything we missed? Related

Infociments information fluency search tips Searching Tip #1 Don't waste time looking for things you are not likely to find on the Internet. What you are likely to find on the Internet: Text to Moby Dick Scripts to Shakespeare's plays What you most likely won't find on the Internet: Text to Harry Potter Text to The Lord of the Rings If you are searching for information that can only be found in a book (or other copyrighted materials) published in the past 50 to 75 years, chances are you won't find it on the Internet. Many publishers of these materials advertise their products on-line. If the book, pictures or music is more than 75 years old (and the copyright has not been renewed), there is a better chance that you will find it on the web. Online Learning Module: Traditional Sources RETURN TO TOP Tip #2 Search online versions of print resources (books, magazines, newspapers etc.) You can save yourself lots of time and frustration if you ask these two basic questions before you begin searching on the Internet. How do I refine my search?

Fntp 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RTE Le réseau de transport de l'électricité, ce en sont pas que des pylônes : RTE s'est en effet engagé à ne pas augmenter son réseau aérien, et même à le réduire au profit d'installation en souterrain. L'enfouissement concerne donc des lignes existantes, qui vont être modifiées pour passer de l'aérien au souterrain, et aussi de nouvelles lignes, qui vont être conçues, dès le départ, en souterrain. Prédominant en zone urbaine, ce mode de pose consiste à dérouler chaque câble dans un fourreau en PVC, ce qui limite la durée d’ouverture des tranchées. Cette technique similaire est utilisée pour les ouvrages haute tension en zone rurale, en absence d’autres types de réseaux. *polyéthylène haute densité La pose en galerie, onéreuse car sans tranchées, est utilisée pour des passages en environnement particulier, comme en zone fortement urbanisée lorsque l’alimentation par lignes aériennes est impossible. Les câbles sont placés dans des caniveaux en béton armé remplis de sable et munis de couvercle.

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