CPsquare Communities of practice enable the integration of work and learning. At the Employee Advocacy Summit this afternoon, Jim Dudukovich, a lawyer from The Coca-Cola Company, gave us a rare glimpse into the world where social media and law intersect. He brought simplicity and clarity to a number of issues that arise when planning an employee advocacy program. This is one of a series of posts recapping the day and key comments from speakers and guests. Speaker: Jim Dudukovich, Senior Marketing, Digital & Social Media Counsel, The Coca-Cola Company When creating an EA program, there will be a wide variety of legal issues that are going to arise. Legal Issues to Keep in Mind TransparencyFactual accuracyHonestyMandatory vs. optionalProtected activity Designing a Social Media Policy Social media policies can't be designed in a vacuum and can't be written it stone. "Go to the scene." You'll never learn everything you need to know about social media unless you're involved in it.
Jean Lave, Etienne Wenger and communities of practice contents: introduction · communities of practice · legitimate peripheral participation and situated learning · learning organizations and learning communities · conclusion · references · links · how to cite this article Many of the ways we have of talking about learning and education are based on the assumption that learning is something that individuals do. Furthermore, we often assume that learning ‘has a beginning and an end; that it is best separated from the rest of our activities; and that it is the result of teaching’ (Wenger 1998: 3). But how would things look if we took a different track? Jean Lave was (and is) a social anthropologist with a strong interest in social theory, based at the University of California, Berkeley. Etienne Wenger was a teacher who joined the Institute for Research on Learning, Palo Alto having gained a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence from the University of California at Irvine. Communities of practice The characteristics of communities of practice
Stories, Scenarios and Micro eLearning Hybrid PD supported by online ‘communities of practice’ With the many professional educational technology resources available to the K12 community today, it’s imperative that we transition from episodic and ineffective models to an interactive environment that is digitally-based and connected 24/7. This “learning powered by technology” is the approach outlined in the DOE’s National Education Technology Plan (NETP), which calls for applying the advanced technologies used in our daily personal and professional lives to our entire education system to improve student learning; accelerate and scale the adoption of effective practices; and use data and information for continuous improvement. Online professional development environments are the key to helping teachers everywhere achieve this goal. Online programs provide a forward-looking model for professional learning that blends effective in-person events, courses, and workshops with expanded opportunities, immediacy, and convenience. Online communities of practice. Accessing knowledge.
Organisez_vos_donnees un véritable kit de surviepour le monde numériquede précieux conseils etdes astucespour gagnerdu temps C o d e é d i t e u r : G 5 4 8 4 2 • I S B N : 9 7 8 - 2 - 2 1 2 - 5 4 8 4 2 - 6 h t t p : / / l o m o n a c o l i v e g a l e r i e c o m Livres Outils Gérer l’infobésité Internet,e-mails,réseaux sociaux : aujourd’hui,les nouvellestechnologies occupent de plus en plus de place dans notre vie.Unvéritable tsunami d’informations nous assaille chaque jour.Comment ne pas se laisser submerger par ce flot de données ? Personal Knowledge Management Xavier DELENGAIGNE est directeur des systèmes d’information d’une grande ville de la métropole lilloise.Il est également formateur en veille et en cartographie de l’information.Il anime par ailleurs le blog CollectivitéNumérique. Pierre MONGIN est consultant conférencier,auteur et co-auteur de dix ouvrages sur le management de l'information,dont Organisez vos idéesavec le mind mapping (Dunod,2004), Organisez votre vie avec le mindmapping
Upskilling by Jane Bozarth “It should have been part of our work all along to help the learners be better learners.” New media has brought with it new challenges for instructional designers and facilitators. Where just five years ago we were still primarily concerned with things like authoring tools and content management, we now face new demands for making programs more inclusive of learners and building a farther reach for the L&D department. This speaks to the need for new skills. While every designer won’t need to develop every skill, it’s important that you become familiar with most and, depending on your role, start working toward ways of building the new skills for yourself, or building new approaches into programs that others might facilitate or deliver. Paving informal paths Helping learners find one another and information they need is a new critical role for L&D. Curation. Inclusion. Participation. Community management. Want more?
Conducción de Comunidades de Práctica – Metodología de la OPS/OMS | Knowledge Management & Communications diciembre 20th, 20101 comentario El objetivo de este documento es presentar la metodología de la OPS para conducir Comunidades de Práctica. Las comunidades de práctica son grupos sociales creados con el fin de desarrollar conocimientos especializados, compartiendo aprendizajes en función de reflexión compartida sobre experiencias prácticas. Un ejemplo de una comunidad de práctica podría ser un grupo de empleados con un solo interés o conocimiento que comparte problemas e inquietudes dentro de una institución. La Metodología de la OPS para Conducir Comunidades de Práctica abarca una descripción detallada del proceso, que incluye tres fases: Diseño, Implementación y Evaluación. Texto completo aquí You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
What’s your Moodle training Strategy? Tips for creating a topnotch training program | Moodle News Welcome to Moodlenews.com A resource site for all Moodle-related news, tutorials, video, course content information and original resources. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe: RSS feed| Weekly Email Newsletter | Moodle News Twitter Thanks for visiting! The Moodle Feasibility Study we conducted has some great insights to training strategies that schools/institutions take in order to facilitate a higher level of Moodle use (and a more comprehensive use of it’s various features). It seems that there was consensus that no one strategy really will work for training a staff on Moodle. Moodle Power Hour: One of my favorite strategies is the idea of a regular, informal weekly training session that is consistently available and when teachers can simply “drop in”. Training Cycles: In most cases, training and professional development was broken down into a few cycles, Materials: What tips do you have for creating a positive Moodle training environment?
aea8 - EduVision Using eCurriculum to Change Instruction PSA PL Jennifer Sigrist, Director of Teaching & Learning at Van Meter (IA) Schools, talks about Iowa's innovative approach to developing high quality, conceptual-based digital teaching modules through the collective efforts of the Iowa Communities of Practice and Innovation (IACoPi) project." 31551 IA_FortDodge_aea8_aea8_359/psa_815166ea4c6440b1999f6b81cfe79c37_converted_flvconverted.mp4 PLAEA Board Meeting April 21, 2014 PL This is the monthly meeting of the Prairie Lakes AEA Board of Directors, held April 21, 2014 in Pocahontas, Iowa. 88629 IA_FortDodge_aea8_aea8_359/april_2014_board_meeting_25316c1e3bc547ab974429746ecfc6a8_flvconverted.mp4 Using Video Slimmer on the iPad PL Trying to upload a video shot with an iPad can be frustrating. Because an iPad shoots video in high definition, the file size is enormous. Preparing for Download... Video file is missing. Using eCurriculum to Change Instruction PSA Expand... dialog_link Loading...Please wait
Fiches Pratiques PKM - C. Deschamps Arnaud Velten , concepteur des logos du modèle TIICC Gestion du Temps Le chronographe symbolise la mesure du temps. Il était primordial de représenter la notion de planification,décrire graphiquement sa maîtrise, ainsi le quart blanc symbolisant le laps de temps son début et sa fin prévue. Gestion de l'Identité numérique Notre signal numérique se caractérise par nos traits de caractères et ce quel que soit le médium/vecteur numérique. Gestion de l'Information L'information stratégique est parcellaire, la combinaison logique de signaux émis par le domaine permet defaire apparaître des tendances, des besoins, des attentes, des signes.J'ai voulu faire un clin d'oeil à Tetris qui vulgarisa bien avant son temps l'idée suivante : « bien ordonner lechaos prend du sens et fait marquer des points... ». Gestion du Capital relationnel Le capital humain a été, reste et restera le meilleur des investissements. Gestion des Compétences * www.as-map.com, arnauldvelten.wordpress.com, business-commando.com
The Heaven and Hell of Communities & Networks Cómo desarrollar comunidades de práctica en procesos de formación Claves para crear y nutrir los espacios de creación de valor por excelencia en el aprendizaje informal corporativo, apoyado en tecnologías. por Mónica Gutiérrez Ortega, investigadora y consultora en formación corporativa y gestión del conocimiento de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)* En los últimos años ha habido un cambio en la concepción sobre cómo las personas aprenden y utilizan el conocimiento y la información en los contextos profesionales y organizativos. No es una moda pasajera fruto del fuerte impacto de las redes sociales, sino que desde 1991 diversos autores vienen analizando el impacto del aprendizaje informal que se produce en las organizaciones. Las Comunidades de Práctica son grupos no formales cuyo origen y funcionamiento no tienen que ver con el organigrama, ni con las funciones, ni con la jerarquía dentro de la organización. Sin embargo, poseen una estructura formal de funcionamiento, unas dinámicas sistemáticas basadas en una experiencia y una identidad común.
Why Micro Learning Is The Future Of Training In The Workplace Millennials have grown up with devices, they are comfortable with them, and they demand that they deliver in lightning speed. This new rapid demand and rapid delivery, many say, is the major cause of the human attention span decreasing by 4 seconds since 2000 – to an average of 8 seconds, according to a recent Microsoft study. How Business Can (And Should) Capture The New Digital Environment Traditional teaching and learning has got to go. Even many educators are finally on board with this belief. Transitioning current institutions to newer learning will be slow, however, even with the revolution in eLearning options and technology in the classroom. Micro Learning Is The Workplace Learning Strategy Employees are no different in their desire and need for information. Employee Manuals.Employees are not children. How To Make It Work Here are 3 ways to make micro learning work for your employees: Our Brains And Micro Learning Admittedly, not all employee training can be through micro learning.
Wenger, E. (2006). Communities of practice: A brief introduction. Retrieved from by christamccartney Oct 15