Phrases The phrase dictionary includes thousands of common phrases divided into six main categories: Academic Writing, Business Communication, Applications and Résumés, Personal Correspondence, Travel, and Immigration. Within each category widely used phrases are grouped together according to the situation in which a phrase is used. The situation description helps you judge in which context to use the phrase. Futurelearn Screenplays form the starting point for most dramatic films, the essential work from which all other filmmaking flows. All of the tender romance, terrifying action and memorable lines begin at the screenwriter’s desk. This free online course will introduce you to the basic elements and key concepts behind a professional screenplay. The University of East Anglia’s School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing have built this course with instructors and recent alumni from their famed course in Creative Writing. Where could this course take me?
Free Language Learning Software Downloads Hear the language spoken by real native speakers.Read and see the language in its native form.Write words and phrases for stronger recall.Track and maintain your learned items with Byki's Intelligent Refresh System.Unlimited access with no time or session limits.And best yet, it's absolutely FREE! Or, you can purchase Byki Deluxe, the full version of Byki which comes with premium content and functionality that allows you to do word activities, games and much more! The Byki approach to learning languages Many other language learning programs start by teaching grammar.
5 Great YouTube Channels for Learning English September 2 , 2015 Youtube is undoubtedly a great source of educational content to use in class with your students. It also hosts tons of channels that provide instructional tutorials specifically tailored for different learning needs and styles. We have already reviewed some of these channels in previous posts and today we are sharing with you some of our favourite YouTube channels for learning English. Gnoss One Minute Greek One Minute Greek provides an introduction to basic Greek. With this course you will not become fluent, but you will acquire a range of useful expressions which you can use while on a trip to Greece or other Greek-speaking areas. Your efforts are guaranteed to make a good impression on people you meet. The phrases included in this course have been specially chosen to help the learner make fast progress on the basics of Greek, with each new episode building on previously-learned knowledge. By the way, the Greek phrase on the image above actually means “it’s Chinese to me” – that’s what you say in Greek!
Apprendre pratiquer une langue en surfant sur le net Le bonheur aujourd’hui c’est d’accéder à tous les médias du monde (presque) et de pouvoir même lire du japonais en actionnant google translate. Le revers de la médaille de tous ces outils intelligents, c’est que ça n’incite plus vraiment à apprendre des langues. Il faut donc trouver des astuces pour apprendre des langues et profiter du miracle internet, non pas pour devenir débile, mais justement pour profiter de l’internet avant que l’internet ne profite de nous. Obsédé par l’apprentissage, je scrute le net à l’affût de nouveautés pour apprendre des langues. Voilà une extension Language Immersion qui permet justement de nous faire apprendre une langue à dose homéopathique sans toutefois nous assommer et nous dégoutter comme ont su si bien le faire tous mes professeurs de langue jusqu’à la terminale. Scénario 1 : vous lisez couramment l’anglais
UniMOOC One Minute Japanese One Minute Japanese provides an introduction to basic Japanese. With this course you will not become fluent, but you will acquire a range of useful expressions which you can use while on a trip to Japan. Your efforts are guaranteed to make a good impression on people you meet. The phrases included in this course have been specially chosen to help the learner make fast progress on the basics of Japanese, with each new episode building on previously-learned knowledge. Use the buttons above to access the free audio files in our lesson library, or buy the premium pack in our store.