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Fotoshop by Adobé (Adobe)

Fotoshop by Adobé (Adobe)

AlloCiné : Cinéma, Séries TV, Stars, Vidéos, DVD et VOD Comic Sans Criminal Recycling Experiences Truth is, there are many great reasons why you should want to get into the medical office field. There are a few in particular that stick out. Those from generations before are getting older. They get older by the minute. That being said, they will require much more medical treatment than before. That is what makes it so convenient. Thin about this for a second too. The primary reason why so many choose this career is that it’s something they can be proud of. Not everyone can do this job. Imagine going to work and being happy to be there. His response here link It’s also a great way to boost your resume and skills.

Design Basics: A guide to the golden ratio Few design concepts blend the strengths of the left brain and the right brain quite as elegantly as the golden ratio. A formula that traces its roots to the Classical Era in both mathematics and the arts, today the golden ratio is still one of the most vital principles of cutting-edge Internet design. So...what the heck is it? Let's break it down: the golden ratio exists when the ratio of the sum of two quantities to the larger quantity is equal to the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one. This yields an irrational mathematical constant with a value of approximately 1.61803399. Simple, right? The ratio is closely related to the Fibonacci sequence—simply put, a series of numbers, starting with zero and one, in which every number equals the sum of the two numbers that precede it. A handy visual representation of this sequence is known as the golden spiral: OK, Math Whiz: Why does it matter? This sequence is reflected in countless natural and man-made objects.

Lost innocence: Why girls are having rough sex at 12 Teenager girls are under more sexual pressure than ever before. The good news is we can help them through it, although that requires a few lessons of our own. It’s human nature to judge adolescents by our experience. For one thing, girls are becoming women earlier than they used to. Children with ‘precocious pubescence’ can start menstruating at five or six. “When dads aren’t around, they’re more likely to move into puberty earlier,” says parenting expert Michael Grose. In the past 60 years, the age at which girls lose their virginity has dropped from 19 (when many women were married in the 1950’s) to 16, but many start much earlier. Anne Mitchell, the director of the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, says rates of oral sex are climbing. Most worryingly, there has also been a marked increase in unwanted sex, an experience that can have a long-term effect on how a woman feels about herself and her sexuality. This doesn’t sound unusual to 16-year-old Ann.

Le blog de Gromuel Miniature city built with metal type Type City is a recent artwork by artist Hong Seon Jang that uses pieces of movable type from a printing press to create an elaborate cityscape. It’s fascinating to watch as the need for printed books and typography wanes, the unused objects themselves are more frequently used as an actual medium. Jang also completed a much larger Type City in 2009. Also, if you liked this, make sure you watch the creation of Ephemicropolis by Peter Root, a city built from 100,000 staples. Images courtesy Hong Seon Jang and David B. Japanese Artist Paints Breathtakingly Lifelike 3D Goldfish Using Layers Upon Layers Of Resin Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori has captivated the world with a series of stunningly realistic three dimensional paintings featuring goldfish. Fukahori paints the goldfish by using acrylic paint on layers of clear resin, meticulously adding layer upon layer to give the paintings an amazing sense of depth. The result is an image so breathtakingly detailed that we could only think these were real goldfish suspended in time. The paintings were on display earlier this month at an exhibition titled Goldfish Salvation at the ICN Gallery in London. A promotional video for the event showing how Fukahori creates these images was released onto YouTube, where it quickly gained the attention of users from around the net. On the front page of his official blog, Fukahori reveals what inspired him to choose goldfish as the subject of his paintings: Reading this and looking back at his paintings, it’s almost as if Fukahori is breathing life into the same goldfish that saved his. [ Read in Japanese ]
