Nuklear Power 63 Gift Ideas for Under $10 - Cheap and Frugal Christmas Gifts Living a Better Life®(featured column... from the editor's desk) 63 Gift Ideas for Under $10 - For ANY Occasion of the Year!by Michelle Jones Stop! Before you go out and spend hundreds of dollars (or thousands!) These frugal gifts are great for any occasion all throughout the year, including Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, end-of-school teacher gifts and more. There are hundreds of great gifts that can be purchased or made by hand for under $10, gifts that are both thoughtful and frugal at the same time. I know you've probably heard it before but it's really true that you don't have to spend a lot of money to find that perfect gift for someone. Our loved ones probably appreciate our time and love more than anything. Here's a few of my favorite inexpensive gift ideas... 1. Copyright © 2001-2013 by Michelle Jones. You are welcome to link to this page, please do NOT copy, rewrite, or reprint. Thank you!
Randy Clays One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Picasa Web Albums Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google Albino Blacksheep Learn to Love Exercise You want to get in shape. Maybe you've made yet another New Year's resolution to do it. So what's stopping you? People who successfully maintain a workout regimen learn to shift their focus from distant, external outcomes like losing weight to positive, internal experiences in the here and now. The philosophy of intrinsic exercise is my own, but it is based on years of scientific research that I have synthesized to create a whole new way of thinking about fitness. The core concept behind intrinsic exercise is to exercise for its own sake. Personal meaning orientation helps you find exercise rewarding in and of itself. Next, you learn to monitor improvements in your own performance, a concept known as mastery. Personal meaning orientation and mastery connect you to your workouts. As business guru Stephen Covey once explained, we all have four basic needs--physical, mental, social and spiritual . Flow is all about staying in the moment. Set clear goals. Tune in to feedback.
Dominic Deegan: Oracle For Hire America the Banana Republic: Politics & Power: In a statement on the huge state-sponsored salvage of private bankruptcy that was first proposed last September, a group of Republican lawmakers, employing one of the very rudest words in their party’s thesaurus, described the proposed rescue of the busted finance and discredited credit sectors as “socialistic.” There was a sort of half-truth to what they said. But they would have been very much nearer the mark—and rather more ironic and revealing at their own expense—if they had completed the sentence and described the actual situation as what it is: “socialism for the rich and free enterprise for the rest.” I have heard arguments about whether it was Milton Friedman or Gore Vidal who first came up with this apt summary of a collusion between the overweening state and certain favored monopolistic concerns, whereby the profits can be privatized and the debts conveniently socialized, but another term for the same system would be “banana republic.” Yes, I think one might say that.
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