paper crave e-coloriage A Yen For Paper As you can see, I have been doing quite a lot of binding this past week. Quite a pile of it, in fact. I had been loathe to cut into my treasured sheets of handmade Washi, (some of which I showed in my previous post), they were so beautiful - several of them even looked like they were lit from within and the closer I looked at them, the more special they became. However, at the beginning of the week, I decided to make a start, and having begun, I just couldn't stop. Each time I completed one, I thought "Oh, I wonder what this paper would look like once it was bound - they were so pleasing to look at, to hold and to use. This green and pink one with the lovely gold splashes is the Hemp-Leaf binding, or asa-no-ha toji, to give it its correct Japanese name. These binding look deceptively simple, but require a lot of accurate work, in order to achieve a good standard of finish. Ah well, I can always dream.
Hip Hip Hooray! Paper Boats **Papillonnage** The Daily Scrapbook paper mache boat And instructions. Epic instructions. They just go on and on. I hope to add more concise printer friendly instructions later but my Christmas brain just isn’t capable of it. We are making Mediterranean inspired little sail boats with lateen rigging – a single triangular sail on a relatively short mast. What you will need:download pattern here large cereal box scissors scotch tape ruler exacto knife newspaper- 2 colors wall paper paste paint brushes paint skewers. dowels or twigs string heavy duty thread needles – various sizes fabric buttons glue (click thumbnails for larger images) Download the pattern here and cut it out on the dotted line – the solid lines are for scoring - there are little triangles on one end – you can fold those back to trace the line onto your cardboard and poke your pencil through the tip of the V on the pattern to mark your cardboard. Use a ruler to draw the lines as shown on the pattern. Now you’re ready for the mast and yard ( part that attaches to the sail) .
Folding Trees Diy geoball Rakastan geometrisia muotoja. Näiden pienien pallojen sisälle voi synttäreillä tai joulupöydässä kätkeä vaikka karkkia tai sinne voi säilöä omat pienet aarteet. Piirrä vain kuusikulmio ja ruuduta se kolmioilla, taittele, leikkaa, liimaa ja kiinnitä siivekkeet toisiinsa. Tämä icosahedronin muoto on todella monikäyttöinen. Voit tehdä isoja tai pieniä koreja. Kartonki on ehkä helpoin materiaali tähän. Felt & Wire jolis pas japonais en ciment Un tuto très facile pour se créer de jolis pas japonais pour le jardin (ou un vide poche ou même un dessous de plat pour la maison !) à partir de feuilles de rhubarbe Avec les années, je m’interesse de plus en plus à la déco des extérieurs de maisons : jardins, terrasses et balcons ! En effet, bien que ne possédant qu’un petit balcon, j’aime imaginer de beaux extérieurs en espérant un jour posséder un jardin luxuriant. Je trouve qu’un joli jardin/terrasse/balcon est tout aussi important que la déco intérieure et se doit d’être à la hauteur de la décoration de la maison à laquelle ils appartiennent… Imaginez une très jolie maison avec un jardin en friche…ça ferait un peu bizarre, non? Pour le { DIY } de ce mercredi, interessons-nous donc à la déco d’extérieur. Matériel - une belle feuille de rhubarbe - un « moule » rond, carré ou toute autre forme que vous jugez intéressante - de la poudre à ciment et de l’eau - quelques gouttes d’huile Réalisation Source : Hemmariket
its really very interesting and informative article thanks for sharing. by box35100 Oct 19