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(3) Top Speaking Games/ Activities for Kids & Adults! ESL

(3) Top Speaking Games/ Activities for Kids & Adults! ESL

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10 petits jeux pour favoriser l'expression orale et l'imagination Je vous propose des jeux avec les mots qui stimulent l’expression orale et la pensée créative pour une meilleure maîtrise de la langue française… et pour rire ! 1.Improviser une histoire à plusieurs Ce jeu reprend le principe du cadavre exquis à l’oral. Chaque joueur dit une ou deux phrases l’un après l’autre et on recommence. 2. Pendant les vacances, on peut proposer aux enfants de tenir un journal de bord (sur le principe du journal intime) ou un carnet de voyage. 3. Ce jeu est idéal par paire. On peut imaginer des variantes : chronométrer le jeu, trouver la phrase la plus longue ou la plus drôle. 4.Le jeu des mots Un joueur propose une lettre de l’alphabet. A la fin du temps, chaque joueur récite sa phrase à voix haute. 5.Le jeu de la chaîne des mots Les joueurs se placent en cercle. 6.Le jeu du “dis m’en 6” Ce jeu reprend le principe du petit bac, à l’oral. On peut imaginer une variante : imposer 6 catégories de mots. 7.Comment j’ai adopté un gnou (JEU COUP DE COEUR testé et approuvé !) 9.

11 Low-Prep ESL Games for Teaching Online - BridgeUniverse - TEFL Blog, News, Tips & Resources By Krzl Light Nuñes May 19, 2020 1.3k Shares Share Tweet Email Who doesn’t love playing games? Find Something… Hidden Objects Objects Pictionary Odd One Out Tell Me 5 Word Chain The Bragging Game Classmate Speculation The Sentence Maker Tic-Tac-Toe 2.0 ESL Jeopardy ESL Games for Teaching English Online to Young Learners 1. This ESL game for teaching kids online is great for practicing students’ listening and thinking skills, and for reviewing vocabulary. How to play Ask the online student to look around his or her room and find something of a certain color. Alternatively, you can ask the student to look for something that begins with a specific letter. Variation You can ask the student to find something in your online classroom. 2. This online ESL game is an effective and fun way to practice vocabulary and listening or reading comprehension. Before the class, find or prepare a photo with many different objects (e.g. a messy room, a crowded beach). 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide a category. 7. 8. 9. 10.

USEFUL TOOLS IN DEVELOPING/IMPROVING ORAL SKILLS (LISTENING AND SPEAKING) WITH THE HELP OF ICT | TEACHING ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP) To develop oral skills through the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), a wide variety of tools available through the Internet and new emerging Web 2.0 technologies and applications can be found to be used in different types of learning environments, such as distance learning1, e-Learning2, blended learning3, mobile learning4, online learning environment5, etc. (Patrick, 2009). But not all of them are appropriate for every situation; so it the instructional designers´ responsibility to investigate which tools offer the best solution for the different tasks in synchronous and asynchronous interactions and collaboration (Beldarrain, 2006). As West (2009) suggests, the combination of several online tools can be much more powerful to match the strengths and features of each with the requirements of the activity at hand. So the use of one of them does not mean that you have to abandon other useful tools. We begin with digital videos. Ready-to-Go 2. VoIP tools Patrick R.

Listening Skills: 10 Online Tools For Developing Your Students' Skills Over 5,000 graduates now working worldwide Training teachers since 1998 4.9/5 average rating Our courses Menu 10 Tools for Developing Students’ Listening Skills By Nik Peachey on September 23, 2019 Careers, Diploma, Lesson planning, News, TEFL, TESOL, Tips Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin For many students improving their listening skills is the hardest of the four skills to master. Traditionally, listening skills have been developed in the classroom by the teacher using audio files and graded listening activities. This, however, is an area of language learning where digital technology and mobile devices can have a significant impact. In this article I’d like to share a cross section of what’s freely available for teachers and students. LyricsTraining This app has long been a favourite of mine as it combines listening to songs with learning a language. Listen Notes This is a podcast search engine with a huge collection of podcasts on a wide range of topics. Accent Rosie TeachVid

Podcasting in Education: What Are the Benefits? New technology always has a heavy impact on education, and podcasting is no different. Many learning institutions are cutting back on textbooks and investing in technology-enhanced learning. Podcasting, as one of the latest mediums to emerge into the mainstream, is one of the forefront technologies in this change. Podcasting offers the opportunity for lecturers to easily broadcast engaging audio content, which students can then listen to at any time and wherever they are. Many learning institutions which have incorporated podcasting in their education system, have reported really positive results. Flexible Availability – 24 Hours a Day One of the greatest advantages of education podcasts is the portability and convenience they offer. There are free podcast subscription apps available for every smartphone, and these make the process even easier. There's also an option to create a private podcast if you'd only like it to be accessible to your students and nobody else. Click, Talk, Done!

Organiser un débat en classe Organiser un débat en classe n'est plus une activité hors du commun mais elle reste relativement peu fréquente dans une salle de classe. Les compétences mobilisées sont pourtant nombreuses: apporter la contradiction et la multiplicité des points de vue, travailler la prise de parole, écouter les arguments des autres élèves et s'en servir pour répondre, respecter la parole de l'autre etc. Je n'ai pas attendu d'avoir des tablettes tactiles en classe pour organiser ce type d'activité mais une fois de plus elles ont permis une transformation de ma manière de concevoir cette séquence et un engagement approfondi des élèves lors de celle-ci. Le descriptif porte sur une séquence (4h environ: 1h, 2h, 1h) de 4ème en éducation civique (mais elle est transférable à d'autres niveaux et d'autres matières). Etape 1: Préparation du débat. Les élèves ont à leur disposition un corpus documentaire d'environ 30 documents. Etape 2: les rôles de chacun. Chaque rôle a sa fiche d'objectifs. Etape 3: le débat.

11 Fun ESL Speaking Activities for Teens or Adults | JIMMYESL Every language teacher knows that speaking is a core skill to teach and practice, but sometimes it can be challenging coming up with creative or engaging ESL speaking activities and games. You can use them to improve the community feeling inside the classroom, too. Let’s dive into nine quick, easy, and fun ESL speaking activities for teenagers and adults you can integrate into your lessons or use in speaking clubs. They are designed to be high-quality and enjoyable – and mostly suitable for online lessons, too. Join our mailing list to receive a free ESL teaching resource every week. Click to Join They don’t need much preparation, but will get your students talking and help them to hone their conversational skills without even thinking about it. 1. Student level: Pre-Intermediate to AdvancedType of Lesson: Group or Individual This is a great one for students to have fun and be creative. Students choose one person they want to interview. Give each student a list of ten to fifteen verbs. 2. 3.

Remote Teaching: 3 Tools to Assess Students’ Speaking Skills And here we are. Trying to make the shift to online teaching as smoothly as possible. For most of us, it is uncharted territory. Lack of information as to how we need to assess our students does not help either. We are on a roller coaster of emotions and sometimes we feel stuck, restless and unsure about what to do to help our students. But, we need to stay at home. How can we assess our students’ speaking skills? Meanwhile, the question of how to assess our students remains unanswered. 1. Why do I like it? Students don’t have to register.They just need to click a button and start recording.They can upload their own recording and then share the link with their teacher.They get a link for their recording and share it with their teacher. 2. 3. This is a more complex tool but it allows students not only to record themselves from their homes and then share the video clip in a secure platform but also interact with their classmates or teachers.

4 ways to help hesitant students to speak in the classroom « Oxford University Press – English Language Teaching – Global Blog Speaking is one of the hardest skills for a language learner to master. In this post, Verissimo Toste, an Oxford teacher trainer, shares four simple tips to help get even the most hesitant students speaking in class. Getting students to speak in class may be the most difficult task many teachers face. But, when I asked them to say a sentence from the grammar exercise we had just completed, without reading it, the whole class went into panic. So, how can we help these students to overcome the difficulties of speaking in class? 1. Ask them how they feel about speaking. 2. Correcting grammar and vocabulary exercises is a familiar activity in most classes. Most teachers go on to another activity once the answers have been confirmed. As this gets easier for them, give them a time limit of five seconds, holding out your hand and counting down. 3. As students get used to speaking, increase the challenge by increasing the distance between them and the English they will need to use. 4. Like this:

Filmer, enregistrer la voix des élèves : le droit à l'image Télécharger l’autorisation type sur le site Internet Responsable La rubrique Internet Responsable, hébergée sur le site est la ressource nationale de référence pour les questions de juridiques liées à Internet. Les fiches Légamédia présentent de manière concise les réglementations concernant les usages, les données personnelles et la diffusion d’œuvres sur Internet. La boîte à outils vous propose une liste d’autorisations type de captation/diffusion fabriquées par des juristes sous licence . Une autorisation avant la captation Les élèves on un droit exclusif sur leur image et leur voix. Exemple : Un professeur d’anglais demande aux élèves de s’exercer à l’oral en s’enregistrant à l’aide d’un logiciel (comme Audacity). Préciser la destination Si la production est destinée à être diffusée, il faut préciser sur la demande d’autorisation écrite la plateforme sur laquelle la vidéo ou le son seront hébergés. Une demande par projet Exemple 1 : Exemple 2 :

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