The Shapes of CSS CSS is capable of making all sorts of shapes. Squares and rectangles are easy, as they are the natural shapes of the web. Add a width and height and you have the exact size rectangle you need. Add border-radius and you can round that shape, and enough of it you can turn those rectangles into circles and ovals. We also get the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements in CSS, which give us the potential of two more shapes we can add to the original element. These days, you’re best bet for drawing shapes is either SVG or using a clip-path in CSS, which is SVG-like (and can reference SVG). Triangle Bottom Left Shape Triangle Bottom Right Shape Cut Diamond Shape via Alexander Futekov
Validation des données de formulaires - Guides pour les développeurs du Web Ce n'est pas tout d'envoyer des données — il faut aussi s'assurer que les données mises dans un formulaire par un utilisateur sont dans un format correct pour pouvoir être traitées correctement et qu'elles ne vont pas casser nos applications. Nous voulons également aider les utilisateurs à compléter les formulaires correctement et à ne pas ressentir de frustration en essayant d'utiliser les applications. La validation des données de formulaire vous aide à remplir ces objectifs — cet article indique ce qu'il est nécessaire de savoir. Qu'est‑ce qu'une validation de formulaire? Allez sur n'importe quel site à la mode avec un formulaire d'inscription et vous remarquerez des retours si vous n'entrez pas les données dans le format attendu. C'est ce qu'on appelle la validation de formulaire — lorsque vous saisissez des données, l'application Web vérifie si elles sont correctes. Remplir des formulaires web doit être aussi facile que possible. Les divers types de validation de formulaire [Ll].
CSS Triggers Quick Action for Xcode to open on Github CSS3 Patterns Gallery Browser support The patterns themselves should work on Firefox 3.6+, Chrome, Safari 5.1, Opera 11.10+ and IE10+. However, implementation limitations might cause some of them to not be displayed correctly even on those browsers (for example at the time of writing, Gecko is quite buggy with radial gradients). Also, this gallery won’t work in Firefox 3.6 and IE10, even though they support gradients, due to a JavaScript limitation. Submission guidelines If you have a new pattern to submit, please send a pull request. Does it present a new technique? Remplir une div avec une image tt en la gardant proportionnelle JavaScript / JSON — DevDocs The JSON object contains methods for parsing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and converting values to JSON. It can't be called or constructed, and aside from its two method properties, it has no interesting functionality of its own. Description JavaScript and JSON differences JSON is a syntax for serializing objects, arrays, numbers, strings, booleans, and null. It is based upon JavaScript syntax but is distinct from it: some JavaScript is not JSON. Objects and Arrays Property names must be double-quoted strings; trailing commas are forbidden. Numbers Leading zeros are prohibited. Any JSON text is a valid JavaScript expression... ...But only in JavaScript engines that have implemented the proposal to make all JSON text valid ECMA-262. Consider this example where JSON.parse() parses the string as JSON and Global_Objects/eval executes the string as JavaScript: let code = '"\u2028\u2029"'JSON.parse(code) eval(code) Full JSON syntax The full JSON syntax is as follows: Static methods JSON.parse([, ])
Writing your App’s Privacy Policy – Get On The Store Legal disclaimer The contents of this article is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. When you publish an app on the App Store, Apple requires you to provide a link to a privacy policy. You might be putting off writing this privacy policy – you might not know where to start! In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to write and publish your privacy policy today. Why is privacy important? Privacy is “the claim of individuals […] to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others.”Alan Westin (1967) Just like freedom, liberty, and love – privacy is a broad concept that represents many underlying ideas. Privacy allows you to prevent your data from being communicated to others. When apps track you across the web, they can show you the same content over and over again. Legal jargon to know What should you include in the privacy policy text?