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SOL echanger _en_monnaie_Complementaire_20110918.pdf
Related:  Process Après démocratie: mise en oeuvre - after democracy

Declassified Government Documents Declassified Government Documents About Declassified Documents | Security Classification | Guides | FOIA Information | Collections at UC Berkeley | Internet Collections and Indexes | Presidential Libraries About Declassified Documents Documents may be classified for many reasons - issues of national security or privacy. a highly-publicized document is published as a part of an investigation. As there are no clear patterns of publication for most declassified documents, it falls to the researcher interested in a document that is declassified to research which agency created the document, who may have researched the document originally, and where it might be now. Security Classification Executive Order 12958 (Classified National Security Information, April 17, 1995) prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information. The government has had many reviews of security classification. Guides United States intelligence : an encyclopedia.

LES ZOOMS VERTS Les Zooms Verts sont un collectif de réalisateurs et techniciens du cinéma. Notre particularité est de vouloir mettre en lumière (et en son) les multiples initiatives de la société civile qui ont en commun une vision du monde écologiquement soutenable et socialement juste. Nous axons essentiellement nos réalisations vers l’économie solidaire et les alternatives écologiques.Il s’agit de films de création, que nous voulons porteurs de sens et de réflexion, exigeants dans leur forme. Le documentaire est notre champ d’expression principal, mais le court-métrage fiction et le film d'animation sont des formes qui nous intéressent aussi. Nous cherchons également à répondre à différentes commandes, tout en restant en accord avec nos convictions personnelles. Si l'on souhaite une généralisation de ces alternatives à long terme, il est nécessaire qu'une information libre et citoyenne se fasse entendre.

The Art of Compromise: Scrum and Project Governance - The Architect Insider The concepts of agility and project governance are not fundamentally opposed. Each is an attempt to improve the finished product. Scrum strives to do this through close collaboration and the short inspect-and-adapt cycles of the timeboxed sprints. Project governance strives to do it by what we might call inspect-and-approve (or reject) checkpoints in which the product or project is compared to a set of desirable attributes. However, while pursuing similar goals, Scrum and project governance take entirely different routes to achieving those goals. It is in these different routes where problems will arise in mixing the two. Negotiate and set expectations up front. Fit your reporting to current expectations. Invite them into your process. Reference a success. It's one thing to look at agile software development in a test tube; it's another to experience it in the real world.

The Emerging Fourth Sector - The Three Traditional Sectors Businesses create and distribute goods and services that enhance our quality of life, promote growth, and generate prosperity. They spur innovation, reward entrepreneurial effort, provide a return on investment and constantly improve their performance responding to market feedbacks. Non-profit organizations give us ways to celebrate, build and protect the many human values that give rise to healthy, thriving communities. Governmental organizations protect and expand the principles of democratic freedom for both individuals and communities, protecting the public interest while at the same time ensuring a level playing field of opportunity and a common framework of laws and their enforcement at a scale that matches the scale of human activity. The Blurring of Sectoral Boundaries Businesses are dedicating more resources to delivering social and environmental benefits. Figure 1. Figure 2. The Convergence of Organizations Toward a Fourth Sector Figure 3.

Supportive Ecosystem - With such a broad array of activity taking place in the emerging Fourth Sector, why is this sector not thriving yet? This is mainly because there are powerful institutional and structural impediments to the change that is occurring. In order to accelerate the development of the Fourth Sector, a robust ecosystem of support services and infrastructure is required that is tailored to the particular needs of Fourth Sector organizations. Financial Markets Most Fourth Sector entrepreneurs still have to rely on the standard for-profit and non-profit channels to capital. Legal Structures and Regulation At this time, the “legally sanctioned” Fourth Sector enterprise is still largely a hypothetical construct. Tax Policy Current tax policies make little allowance for Fourth Sector organizations. Education and Training Dissemination of Fourth Sector concepts and know-how requires the active participation of our formal and informal educational institutions. Conflict Management Research and Understanding

Quadrant Ken Wilber pirate-politics - An open-source framework for political organizing. Pirate-Politics is a software platform designed to act as an infrastructural lattice around which the social network of a modern political organization can be built. Pirate Politics will be: A system through which users will be able to deliberate over and decide upon a cohesive set of objectives for the organization (adaptive platform) A system that will enable users to actively organize and grow the organization in the real world, and influence and win elections (electioneering system) A showcase of innovative computer learning and collective intelligence techniques that are designed to facilitate direct democracy and consensus decision making within a very large social network. Objectives Broad Use: Although the system is targeted for adoption by independent groups, it should be packaged for deployment by any political organization that could benefit by using it, including political parties and grassroots organizations. Documentation Design documentation can be read here. Getting Started

Dans les entrailles de la machine à expresso mondiale « INSTITUT MOMENTUM Seuls les plus obtus écolo-sceptiques nient encore le risque d’effondrement envi­ron­nemen­tal qui guette nos sociétés : du change­ment cli­ma­tique en cours à la six­ième extinc­tion de masse, en pas­sant par l’épuisement des éner­gies fos­siles et des métaux, la pol­lu­tion général­isée ou la destruc­tion de la terre arable (par éro­sion et par arti­fi­cial­i­sa­tion), tous les clig­no­tants sont désor­mais au rouge. Rétroac­tions pos­i­tives et accélération En l’espace d’une ou deux généra­tions, nous devrons affron­ter l’ensemble des ces fac­teurs con­comi­ta­m­ment, et c’est bien le prob­lème : com­ment relever à la fois tous ces défis, dont cha­cun pour­rait suf­fire à mobiliser toute notre énergie ? N’idéalisons pas la péri­ode qui a précédé notre entrée dans l’anthropocène. Les dom­mages envi­ron­nemen­taux, pour la plu­part irréversibles, y furent nom­breux. Cer­tains ont beau jeu alors d’accuser le « décol­lage » des pays émer­gents, Chine en tête. Philippe Bihouix, mai 2011.

Aux laboratoires de contrôle - une façon pour le renouvellement du secteur public: la FTF [ FTF Dokumentation ] De fleste er enige om, at der er behov for en ny og bedre styring af den offentlige sektor. Men få har et bud på, hvordan man kan udvikle det. I dette notat, som Henrik Hjortdal, Henrik Bendix og Aleksander Stii har udarbejdet for FTF, gives et nyt og spændende bud på, hvordan man med styringslaboratorier kan udvikle meningsfuld dokumentation, styring og ledelse. I notatet beskriver forfatterne, hvordan man tidligere har eksperimenteret med offentlig styring, og hvad tankegangen er bag styringslaboratorierne. Download hele FTF Dokumentation 8: Styringslaboratorier - en vej til fornyelse af den offentlige sektor

Laboratoire de recherche - PERƒEVAL Consultez en ligne nos publications et communications sur les trois axes de recherche du laboratoire PerƒEval ainsi que la banque de données de rapports d'évaluation participative du projet de recherche « Pratiques exemplaires en évaluation participative : développement d'un coffre à outils à l’intention des décideurs et des évaluateurs du gouvernement du Canada » 258 publications trouvées Trier les résultats par Titre | Type de document | Axe de recherche | Année Trier par ordre croissant | décroissant 40 ans d'évaluation des politiques publiques : de la RCB (rationalisation des choix budgétaires) au RCB (Rapport consolidé bisannuel). Auteur(s) : Benjamin Merakchi Année : 2007 Type de document : Rapport Axe de recherche : Évaluation participative Télécharger le document En savoir plus A basic guide to Program Evaluation. Auteur(s) : Carter Mcmanara Année : 2002 Type de document : Guide Télécharger le document En savoir plus Auteur(s) : Office of Evaluation and Studies Année : 2003 En savoir plus
