20 tools and resources every journalist should experiment with
Tools have always come from the need to carry out a specific task more effectively. It's one of the main differences between human beings and the rest of the animal kingdom. We may still be slaves to the same old evolutionary urges but we sure know how to eat noodles in style. In journalism, an abstract tool for uncovering the most interesting and insightful information about society, we can generally boil the workflow down to four stages: finding, reporting, producing and distributing stories. So with that in mind, here are a range of tools which will – hopefully – help you carry out your journalism tasks more effectively. 1. A somewhat simplistic start to the list, maybe, but Google has many tricks that every self-respecting journalist should be taking advantage of. While it is very good for a spot of online shopping and business, journalists need to learn a few tweaks and tips to improve their online searching with the use of search operators. The site search function (e.g. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Journalism Tools sur Pinterest
Pinterest Today Explore When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Journalism Tools @journalismtools·Exploring the new tools & resources for the next generation of journalists. 5.5k followers 48 following Typography & Fonts 28 Pins 2y Discontinued 34 Pins 5y Pictures 116 Pins Privacy & Whistleblowing 63 Pins Video 184 Pins 6y Data Analysis, Scraping & Resources 119 Pins Live-Blog & Chat 18 Pins Brainstorm & Creativity 32 Pins New Models for News 180 Pins Infographics & Dataviz 138 Pins Search 70 Pins Crowdsourcing - Crowdfunding 48 Pins Summarization 5 Pins Drones 2 Pins 7y Verification Investigative Journalism 35 Pins Notes & Writing Tools 29 Pins Mail & Transfer 25 Pins Audio 8y Project Management, Productivity & Collaboration 144 Pins You are signed out Sign in to get the best experience Sign up to see more Continue with Facebook By continuing, you agree to Pinterest's Terms of Service and acknowledge you've read our Privacy Policy Already a member? Are you a business? Get started here!
La Boîte à outils du journaliste web - Nicolas Becquet
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Friends and enemies in the Middle East. Who is connected to whom? - interactive | News
As the US and UK are set to again commit to military involvement in the Middle East, this interactive visualises the intricate, complex and sometimes hidden relationships and alliances across the region. Its tangled, opened state is meant as a kind of visual joke, showing how its fabric defies simple solutions. You can filter relationship types ‘on’ and ‘off’ in the bottom left and also rollover and click on different players to get a clarified view. Understandably, this is an ongoing, evolving diagram which we hope to add to. So feel free to help us make this diagram more accurate. This is a guest interactive taken from the new book, Knowledge is Beautiful (find out more: UK & US), the sequel to Information is Beautiful
NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden's surveillance revelations explained | World news
Two factors opened the way for the rapid expansion of surveillance over the past decade: the fear of terrorism created by the 9/11 attacks and the digital revolution that led to an explosion in cell phone and internet use. But along with these technologies came an extension in the NSA’s reach few in the early 1990s could have imagined. Details that in the past might have remained private were suddenly there for the taking. Chris Soghoian Principal technologist, ACLU NSA is helped by the fact that much of the world’s communications traffic passes through the US or its close ally the UK – what the agencies refer to as “home-field advantage”. The Snowden documents show that the NSA runs these surveillance programs through “partnerships” with major US telecom and internet companies. The division inside the NSA that deals with collection programs that focus on private companies is Special Source Operations, described by Snowden as the “crown jewels” of the NSA. Jeremy Scahill Fiber-optic cable
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« J’ai joué la meilleure game de ma vie, mais je ne m’en rappelle pas… » Jeremy Gouin-Gosselin, ex-joueur de football de 17 ans Le football, c’est plus qu’une passion pour quelque 30 000 jeunes Québécois. C’est aussi un sport où le risque de commotions cérébrales est très élevé, autant sinon plus qu'au hockey. Au point où des joueurs doivent ranger leurs crampons, trop blessés. Pourtant, ni le Réseau du sport étudiant du Québec (RSEQ) ni Football Québec - les deux organismes chargés de les encadrer - n’ont la moindre idée du nombre de commotions que les joueurs subissent. Le RSEQ, qui compte environ 186 000 élèves-athlètes, n'emploie aucun responsable de la sécurité, a appris une équipe de l'émission Enquête. Quant à Football Québec, son « Règlement de sécurité » ne contient pas une seule ligne sur l’obligation pour les équipes de se doter d’un protocole de détection et de gestion des commotions cérébrales. « On est content de ne pas recevoir [les rapports]. Les sports les plus à risque 48 h
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