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The Crisis Of Civilization

The Crisis Of Civilization

Work stoppages involving 1,000 or more workers, 1947-2013 -- Table Table 1. Fault Lines Vår psykologi får oss att strunta i offren för klimatförändringarna - Artikel av Billy Larsson Jag är leg psykolog och fil dr i psykologi. Har även läst miljöpsykologi. Är med i nätverken Framtidsrealisterna och Steg3, samt är initiativtagare till nätuppropet Som psykolog är det både fascinerande och skrämmande att ta del av hur hotet om klimatförändringar hanteras. I tidskriften Nature i juni i år hävdar en grupp forskare att om ungefär femtio år kan medeltemperaturen på jorden vara högre än någonsin under den tid som det funnits människor på jorden. De flesta klimatforskare anser att utsläppen av växthusgaser måste börja minska under detta decennium. Oförmågan att hantera klimatfrågan innebär en moralisk kollaps gentemot kommande generationer. Enligt mig är förklaringarna psykologiska. Tanken att andra människor kommer att drabbas av mitt sätt att leva gör dock inte att vi självklart blir motiverade att förespråka åtgärder som minskar utsläppen av växthusgaser. Innebär det att situationen är hopplös?

Richard D. Wolff, "Capitalism Becomes Questionable" Capitalism Becomes Questionableby Richard D. Wolff The depth and length of the global crisis are now clear to millions. Between the crisis and today's austerity policies lie the bailouts -- a bought government's program to aid mega-finance and other large corporations with unlimited funds unmatched by anything comparable for the mass of working people and smaller businesses. First of all, this deep and long crisis undermines decades of confident assurances and predictions that another deep capitalist depression was no longer likely or even possible. Implicitly, at first, millions of people began to question whether capitalism does still "deliver the goods" as its defenders so long insisted. The old ideological mechanisms that for decades had persuaded most US citizens -- that economic hardship was the result of individual decisions and personal failures -- left growing numbers dissatisfied. In Europe, the same global capitalist crisis evolved differently. Richard D. | Print

25 Documentaries Everybody Should Watch Sans Soleil This is not your average documentary. It is a fleeting memory, a sudden remembrance of times long past, a meditation on time and culture, a touch of an emotional diary. We follow the eyes of a world traveller who makes sharp observations and tries to convey them to his friend. We never learn who they are and where they came from, and this is perhaps a subtle point the documentary wants to make. The narrator’s voice switches from Japanese to German to English to French, thereby embodying the language of the places visited. The Corporation Corporate personhood is probably the elephant in the room when it comes politics. Watch The Corporation for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Cosmos: A Personal Voyage This list wouldn’t be complete without the documentary Cosmos. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High This is a must watch for everyone. Watch The Union on YouTube. The Century of the Self If I have to recommend one documentary to anyone, this is it. Life in a Day Food Inc. Inside LSD

Försökskaniner i ett monetärt experiment | Sverige Hur mycket här i världen finns i obegränsad mängd? Kockprogram på tv, sandkorn, kufiga youtubeklipp. Alla visserligen ymnigt förekommande företeelser, men obegränsade? Knappast. I andra sammanhang skulle någon som på fullt allvar säger sig kunna lösa ett problem genom att ur tomma intet trolla fram något i obegränsad mängd få en medkännande arm om ryggen och ett recept på medelsvag psykofarmaka. Om dessa herrars åtgärder finns det lika många åsikter som det finns ekonomer och politiker. Att centralbanker kan sänka värdet på pengar är något som Ben Bernanke själv var öppen med i ett tal år 2002. ”Den amerikanska staten har en teknik som kallas tryckpress (eller idag dess elektroniska motsvarighet), som gör det möjligt att producera så många dollar den vill till i princip ingen kostnad. Det han beskriver är inhemsk inflation, men även utanför USA:s gränser finns det miniräknare och människor med slutledningsförmåga. Idag verkar allt det glömt. Så vad händer? Och här börjar problemen.

Marxists Internet Archive Food security needs systemic change – Blog Food security needs systemic change I don’t know about you, but the closest I ever got to a Rubik’s Cube, shortly after it was first launched in 1974, was to handle one in a toy store. For me, it seemed insoluble – and many assumed it was, until persistent cubers discovered not just one way to crack the puzzle, but many. And the cube came to mind as I thought recently about the astonishingly complex global security challenge we now face. Back in the seventies we were challenged by a series of energy (or at least oil) crises, but now we see the energy security issue linking ever more tightly to food security, water security, climate security and so on. And all of this came to mind as I trawled through Appetite for Change, a new report from SustainAbility, backed by Nestlé, IBM and Sodexo. One thing I found surprising is just how unprofitable much of the food industry can be. Growing unease about food futures is driving some dramatic trends.

Capitalism vs. Democracy Thomas Piketty’s new book, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” described by one French newspaper as a “a political and theoretical bulldozer,” defies left and right orthodoxy by arguing that worsening inequality is an inevitable outcome of free market capitalism. Piketty, a professor at the Paris School of Economics, does not stop there. He contends that capitalism’s inherent dynamic propels powerful forces that threaten democratic societies. Capitalism, according to Piketty, confronts both modern and modernizing countries with a dilemma: entrepreneurs become increasingly dominant over those who own only their own labor. Piketty’s book — published four months ago in France and due out in English this March — suggests that traditional liberal government policies on spending, taxation and regulation will fail to diminish inequality. Photo “I am hesitant to call Thomas Piketty’s new book Capital in the 21st Century one of the best books in economics written in the past several decades.

All in? In this seminar, Scott Barrett discussed, by using analogies from poker, the dilemmas of collaboration versus protecting individual interests. While all countries have accepted the collective need to avoid danger by limiting "global warming" to 2 degrees Celsius, the pledges states have made post-Copenhagen virtually guarantee that this target will be missed. "This is a puzzle," Barrett says, "but it can be explained once we disentangle the incentives for states to act collectively and individually. About Scott Barrett Scott Barrett is the Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics at Columbia University in New York City. His research focuses on ways in which international cooperation can be promoted to address issues like climate change, disease eradication, and overfishing.
