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John Steinbeck on Falling in Love: A 1958 Letter

John Steinbeck on Falling in Love: A 1958 Letter
by Maria Popova “If it is right, it happens — The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.” Nobel laureate John Steinbeck (1902-1968) might be best-known as the author of East of Eden, The Grapes of Wrath, and Of Mice and Men, but he was also a prolific letter-writer. Among his correspondence is this beautiful response to his eldest son Thom’s 1958 letter, in which the teenage boy confesses to have fallen desperately in love with a girl named Susan while at boarding school. New York November 10, 1958Dear Thom:We had your letter this morning. Complement with six tips on writing from Steinbeck. via Letters of Note Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. You can also become a one-time patron with a single donation in any amount: Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Share on Tumblr

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Firing Neurons | Cell Dance 2010, Public Outreach Video Winner | Science News Charles Bukowski, Arthur C. Clarke, Annie Dillard, John Cage, and Others on the Meaning of Life by Maria Popova “We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.” The quest to understand the meaning of life has haunted humanity since the dawn of existence. Modern history alone has given us a plethora of attempted answers, including ones from Steve Jobs, Stanley Kubrick, David Foster Wallace, Anais Nin, Ray Bradbury, and Jackson Pollock’s dad. In 1988, the editors of LIFE magazine posed this grand question head-on to 300 “wise men and women,” from celebrated authors, actors, and artists to global spiritual leaders to everyday farmers, barbers, and welfare mothers. Pulitzer Prize winner Annie Dillard: We are here to witness the creation and abet it. Ralph Morse Albert Einstein's study shortly after his death, Princeton, New Jersey Legendary science writer Stephen Jay Gould: The human species has inhabited this planet for only 250,000 years or so-roughly.0015 percent of the history of life, the last inch of the cosmic mile. Bill Owens Sicily

La mimica degli antichi investigata nel gestire napoletano - Andrea de Jorio BIGGEST TEAHUPOO EVER, SHOT ON THE PHANTOM CAMERA. // Surfing Videos iframe This day at Teahupoo- Aug 27th 2011 during the Billabong Pro waiting period is what many are calling the biggest and gnarliest Teahupoo ever ridden. Mapping the Human Condition by Maria Popova What the empire of love has to do with the intellect forest and the bay of agoraphobia. We love maps. In 1961, Norton Juster wrote The Phantom Tollbooth, a timeless children’s classic and one of our essential children’s books with philosophy for grown-ups. This map by mid-century American cartoonist Jules Feiffer, who illustrated the book, depicts the marvelous land that Milo finds himself in as he follows his own curiosity. Thanks, @dethe Last week, delicious new work by designer Marian Bantjes (whose latest book, I Wonder, is among the most ambitious and beautiful visual communication volumes ever published) made the rounds — and for good reason: Isle of Knowledge is a beautifully illustrated map of “the ‘known’ beyond which lie monsters,” created for the second installment in Bantjes’ column for UK illustration magazine Varoom on the theme of “Knowledge.” Map of an Englishman Image courtesy of Grayson Perry and The Paragon Press via BBC Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr

Di duelli, scacchi e dilemmi. La teoria matematica dei giochi - Lucchetti Roberto - Libro - IBS - Mondadori Bruno - Container La teoria dei giochi è una recente disciplina matematica che si occupa dello studio di situazioni di interazioni strategiche fra individui. Il suo nome si rifàa appunto al gioco come primo semplice esempio di interazioni fra individui, tesi a ottenere un risultato che non dipende solamente dalle proprie scelte. Essa ha applicazioni fra l'altro in economia, teoria delle scelte sociali, biologia, psicologia. In questo libro vengono proposti, in un modo semplice e accessibile anche ai non specialisti, numerosi esempi che servono a introdurre i principi di base. Successivamente vengono illustrate alcune parti della teoria con particolare enfasi sulle definizioni e sui teoremi fondamentali.

Words bring life to life | The Loom Drew Berry is one of the great movie-makers of the molecular world. He makes gorgeous computer visualizations of DNA, proteins, and the various goings-on inside the cell. Last night I spent a little time watching a new TEDx talk of his just posted online. In case you haven’t seen Berry’s work before, I’ve embedded his lecture here. When I first saw Berry’s work a while back, I was immediately gob-smacked. Berry’s TEDx talk is more satisfying because it’s a talk. There’s no question that people like Berry are going to be making the movies that fill our heads in our future when we think about what’s going on in our bodies. Creative Cartography: 7 Must-Read Books about Maps by Maria Popova From tattoos to Thomas More’s Utopia, or what Moby Dick has to do with the nature of time. We’re obsessed with maps — a fundamental sensemaking mechanism for the world, arguably the earliest form of standardized information design, and a relentless source of visual creativity. Today, we turn to seven fantastic books that explore the art and science of cartography from seven fascinating angles. Map As Art, The: Contemporary Artists Explore Cartography is the definitive overview of today’s bravest, boldest creative cartography, featuring 360 colorful creations by well-known artists and emerging visual experimenteurs alike, including Brain Pickings favorites Maira Kalman, Paula Scher and Olaful Eliasson. Insightful essays by Gayle Clemans complement the maps and overlay a richer sheath of insight onto the work and creative process of these cartographic artists. Matthew Cusick, 'Fiona’s Wave,' 2005 Qin Ga, 'Site 22: Mao Zedong Temple,' 2005 We reviewed it in full here.

Cuban Identity and the Angolan Experience ebook libri e riviste da leggere - cerca il film Cuban Identity and the Angolan Experience Caricamento in corso... Link Sponsorizzati - Tutti i diritti riservati - PI: 01531250676 i titoli sono forniti grazie alla tecnologia Google Books. Another outstanding 3D animation from nucleus animation | Science News 7 Must-Read Books on the Art & Science of Happiness by Maria Popova From Plato to Buddha, or what imperfection has to do with the neuroscience of the good life. If you, like me, are fascinated by the human quest to understand the underpinnings of happiness but break out in hives at the mere mention of self-help books, you’re in luck: I’ve sifted through my personal library, a decade’s worth of obsessive reading, to surface seven essential books on the art and science of happiness, rooted in solid science, contemporary philosophy and cross-disciplinary insight. The question of what makes us happy is likely as old as human cognition itself and has occupied the minds of philosophers, prophets and scientists for millennia. Human rationality depends critically on sophisticated emotionality. Haidt takes this ambitious analysis of philosophical thought over the centuries and examines it through the prism of modern psychology research to extract a remarkably compelling blueprint for optimizing the human condition for happiness. Donating = Loving

Storia di chi fugge e di chi resta, di Elena Ferrante - La recensione di la Repubblica - Esce il terzo e conclusivo volume della trilogia dell'"Amica geniale". Elena Ferrante, anche per il mistero che la avvolge, sta diventando un mito: i primi due volumi de L'amica geniale hanno conquistato la critica internazionale, dunque l'ultimo e conclusivo volume era molto atteso. E non deluderà i lettori: la passione nel narrare è la stessa e insieme l'impressione di una inarrestabile eruzione dell'anima. Quando si apre il terzo e ultimo volume che racconta la storia di Lila e di Lenù, anzi, come recita il titolo la Storia di chi fugge e di chi resta, siamo nell'anno 2010. Elena Greco vive a Torino e guarda l'acqua passare sotto i ponti del Po: l'ultima volta che ha incontrato Lila a Napoli era il 2005. Ecco, sono passati cinque anni da quell'incontro, Lila è scomparsa e di lei non si sa più nulla. Siamo nel pieno delle lotte studentesche, delle rivendicazioni operaie, delle rivolte femministe: il mondo è in fermento e la violenza dilaga. Ha avuto un senso fuggire?
