Related: q1811347_helping_the_golden_generation • Social isolation and its influence on elderly's developmentThe epidemic seniors in America were facing already (opinion) While the immediate concern for many parents has to be the bored, hyperactive child right in front of them, the greater risk of the quarantine is more likely to fall upon their parents, and not only because of older Americans at greater risk from the disease but also because odds are they were already lonely to begin with and further forced isolation, though necessary, could be dangerous. At a time of intergenerational tensions, it's important to remember to have empathy for what seniors are going through in this crisis, and to ask what can be done to help them survive it -- both physically and mentally. Even before the onset of Covid-19, older Americans were experiencing an epidemic of social isolation and depression. One study found that loneliness is as dangerous to one's health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It can lead to dementia or Alzheimer's, heart disease, a weakened immune system and a shorter lifespan. Covid-19 is exacerbating loneliness
The loneliness of old age - and an experiment to see if Instagram can be a cure SINGAPORE: One by one, her family and friends had died or disappeared, leaving her alone. Isolated, Madam Wong Sok Ying could go for days without human contact, holed up most of the day in her one-room rental flat sparsely furnished with an arm chair, single bed, wardrobe, table and little else. “The TV is my best friend. IBM BrandVoice: Technology Can Help The Lonely Elderly Endure Social Distancing As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to sweep through nations, with no vaccine yet available, a cohesive effort to “flatten the curve” through physical isolation has become a critically important tactic to slow the transmission rate. The goal is to reduce the numbers of people getting sick at the same time to prevent local health systems from being overwhelmed. This is particularly necessary for the elderly, who are at much greater risk of severe complications. But these public health isolation measures come at a cost: disruption in our lives and social isolation. Loneliness in the era of social distancing has become a public health crisis in its own right. Ironically, the elderly, who stand to gain the most from social distancing, are also among the communities most impacted by the isolation.
The loneliness of social isolation can affect your brain and raise dementia risk in older adults Physical pain is unpleasant, yet it’s vital for survival because it’s a warning that your body is in danger. It tells you to take your hand off a hot burner or to see a doctor about discomfort in your chest. Pain reminds us all that we need to take care of ourselves. Feeling lonely is the social equivalent to feeling physical pain. It even triggers the same pathways in the brain that are involved in processing emotional responses to physical pain. Tech's role in helping seniors overcome loneliness amid COVID-19 pandemic During the coronavirus pandemic seniors have been more isolated than ever. Health experts have increasingly begun to worry about the impacts of lockdown on this population, which is often forced to stay at home to avoid contamination. A group of panelists at HIMSS20 Digital sat down to discuss how tech can help tackle loneliness and provide virtual care to seniors.
The risks of social isolation Overview CE credits: 1 Learning objectives: After reading this article, CE candidates will be able to: Identify the effects of social isolation and loneliness on physical, mental and cognitive health.Explore how loneliness differs from social isolation.Discuss evidence-based interventions for combating loneliness. For more information on earning CE credit for this article, go to www.apa.org/ed/ce/resources/ce-corner.aspx. According to a 2018 national survey by Cigna, loneliness levels have reached an all-time high, with nearly half of 20,000 U.S. adults reporting they sometimes or always feel alone. Health Effects of Social Isolation and Loneliness – Aging Life Care Association™ Clifford Singer, MD Adjunct Professor, University of Maine Chief, Geriatric Mental Health and Neuropsychiatry Acadia Hospital and Eastern Maine Medical Center 268 Stillwater Avenue Bangor Maine 04402 207.973.6179 csinger@emhs.org Cliff Singer is a geriatrician and psychiatrist. He lives in Orono, Maine and directs the Mood and Memory Clinic at Acadia Hospital and Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program for Acadia Hospital and Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor. He trained in general psychiatry and geriatric medicine at Oregon Health and Science University and served on the faculties of psychiatry and neurology there and at the University of Vermont before moving to Maine in 2010. Clifford Singer, MD
Cognitive decline and social isolation common reasons for elderly financial abuse We’ve all heard the stories about older adults being scammed out of their life savings. Perhaps they were coerced to sign over real estate or a bank account. Or their signature was forged on financial documents by a person they know, possibly even a family member. Unfortunately, this type of financial abuse happens more often than we know.
Social Isolation A Big Risk For Senior's Mental, Physical Health Social isolation and loneliness in senior citizen’s can lead to physical and mental illness. Indeed, seniors become vulnerable to chronic diseases such as cognitive decline, depression, hypertension and heart disease. Social isolation and loneliness are not one and the same thing. Loneliness and Social Isolation Linked to Serious Health Conditions Social isolation was associated with about a 50% increased risk of dementia and other serious medical conditions. Loneliness and social isolation in older adults are serious public health risks affecting a significant number of people in the United States and putting them at risk for dementia and other serious medical conditions. A new reportexternal icon from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) points out that more than one-third of adults aged 45 and older feel lonely, and nearly one-fourth of adults aged 65 and older are considered to be socially isolated.1 Older adults are at increased risk for loneliness and social isolation because they are more likely to face factors such as living alone, the loss of family or friends, chronic illness, and hearing loss. Loneliness is the feeling being alone, regardless of the amount of social contact. Social isolation is a lack of social connections.
It is worth noting that the percentage of those that lived alone or only with a spouse had a much higher chance of committing suicide — something we should take note of as caregivers when assessing the risks. by theresegrosse Oct 14