Related: remote learning • Online Resources during the Pandemic • Online Learning - Best Practices and Resources • TechnologyAdministration / Home Learning Resources RUSH-HENRIETTA SCHOOLS CLOSEDAlthough Rush-Henrietta does NOT have a confirmed case of COVID-19, the coronavirus, we are one of 22 local school districts closing after consultation with the Monroe County Department of Health. This is effective now and until further notice. The health department will review this plan with local superintendents on a weekly basis moving forward.We have created learning resources for students in the event of a closure. During Coronavirus, a Teacher Describes the Scramble to Go Digital At the end of school two days ago, I heard students talking excitedly in the hall outside my classroom. Our school near New York City, in Bergen County, New Jersey, was closing for the next 10 days due to precautions surrounding COVID-19—the coronavirus. Though we learned officially from the district an hour later, the students had picked up the news before us via local TV and social media feeds on their phones. As the announcement spilled out among staff, teachers gathered briefly, concerned that someone had been stricken with the virus—no one had, but someone died in our county—then rushed off to gather the hardware we’d need to use from our new home offices. Earlier in the day, my students told me that their biology teachers were saying we’d be out for the rest of the year. I expressed skepticism, but now I’m not so sure.
COVID-19: Everything you need to know to stay healthy and entertained while stuck at home For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website. Schools, businesses, restaurants, gyms, museums and other public places across the US closed down this week in attempts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people are staying home and practicing social distancing to avoid spreading the viral disease further. 15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher Recent technological advances have affected many areas of our lives, including the way we communicate, collaborate, learn, and, of course, teach. Those advances necessitate an expansion of our vocabulary, producing definitions such as digital natives, digital immigrants, and the topic of this post—21st-century teacher. As I write this, I’m trying to recall if I ever had heard phrases such as 20th-century teacher or 19th-century teacher.
Keeping Students Connected Thru COVID19 Closures Pt. 1 – Don't Shush Me! Hi everyone! Our entire state (PA) has closed all schools in response to COVID-19. I’m fortunate that our district has just actually closed, and we are not being asked to continue instruction during this time. Resources that Support Distance Learning - Health Services & School Nursing It is important that LEAs leverage their existing distance learning technology platforms as they transition to distance learning environments for the coming weeks and months. This will speed the transition time for both educators and students to be able to engage virtually. If these systems are already in use, administrators and teachers should communicate directly with families to articulate the ways the existing system(s) will support distance learning. If these or similar resources are not in use already, the list of available resources below will provide educators with options for creating a foundation for communication, sharing, and digital learning. Below is a table of contents to navigate these resources effectively. 1.
Celebrating Student Success in Online Learning Picture this moment: a teacher is handing back graded exams to a classroom full of anxious students. There’s a jittery excitement as each learner looks at his or her grade and work, and the comments the teacher wrote on the tests. After the students finish looking at their own tests, they survey the entire classroom, looking for facial expressions that indicate the positive or hurtful experiences graded assessments so often induce. The “handing back of the test” ceremony often ends with the teacher making some remarks recognizing students that have performed particularly well, or where student improvement is needed. In an online learning environment, recognition of this type is largely absent.
How to Use Google Tools to Help Students Track Their Learning Have you ever walked into your classroom and realized that your students had no idea what to expect? Maybe they were unsure of the requirements for a class essay or project, or didn’t really know where they were in terms of the necessary components of an activity. This can be a terrible feeling, and it’s one that our students experience all too often.
Exclusive: Zoom CEO Eric Yuan Is Giving K-12 Schools His Videoconferencing Tools For Free On Thursday, on the heels of Zoom's biggest day ever for downloads the day before, CEO Eric Yuan was taking the time to remotely sign up schools to free accounts of his videoconferencing software. First was a prestigious school in Silicon Valley, then two schools in the Austin, Texas area. “They told me they’d connect with my team, and I said, ‘no, I’ll do that for you,’” said Yuan, reached by Zoom at the San Jose, California-area home that is now his office for the foreseeable future. Resources For Teaching and Learning During This Period of Social Distancing - MindShift Leaders can best serve their schools and districts by prioritizing mental health over curricular efficiency. The anxiety produced by the evolving crisis is compounded with teachers who may now have their own children to care for at home, ill family members, the stress of managing household resources to comply with social distancing measures, or they may fall ill themselves. This is the context in which some teachers are asked to quickly redeploy their classes. Ideally, they will be granted sufficient time to organize their lives and reconfigure their classes before resuming teaching.
A teacher's 7 tips for remote learning during the coronavirus Imagine yourself sitting on a beautiful beach in the Philippines, enjoying a relaxing week off from school when your phone buzzes with messages. Your flight back to China has been cancelled. Your school is closed. You need to be ready to support teachers thousands of miles away who must start “home-based learning” on Monday. That’s what happened to me, and as much as I wanted to chuck my phone into the ocean and go back to my coconut drink and my Michael Connelly novel, I knew I needed to get to work. The coronavirus had caught us by surprise and as a technology coach I knew I needed to work with our administrators, teachers, and learning support team to figure out a way to use the digital tools we had at our disposal to piece together an experience that would enable us to keep students connecting and learning from home.
10 Student-Tested Chrome Extensions 10 Chrome Extensions That Students Will Really Use Google Dictionary (free): Sometimes articles in content area classes can be challenging, especially when students are faced with unknown words. While they could open a new tab and run a search for these words, this extension offers a much easier alternative that doesn’t disrupt a student’s workflow. The student can double-click on any word in a text to see a small pop-up window with a definition, and they can hear the pronunciation of the word. The student can also launch a complete Google search for the word from the pop-up—increasing their understanding by seeing the word in a variety of contexts.