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Mobile Game Engines: Interviews with Mobile Game Engine Developers: Jason Brownlee: Spring RTS Engine gameplay - free 3D game engine Scrolling Game Development Kit | Free Games software downloads java-universal-tween-engine - The Universal Tween Engine allows you to create smooth interpolations on every attribute from every object in your project ! See the Changelog page. The Universal Tween Engine enables the interpolation of every attribute from any object in any Java project (being Swing, SWT, OpenGL or even Console-based). Implement the TweenAccessor interface, register it to the engine, and animate anything you want! In one line, send your objects to another position (here x=20 and y=30), with a smooth elastic transition, during 1 second). // Arguments are (1) the target, (2) the type of interpolation, // and (3) the duration in seconds., Type.POSITION_XY, 1.0f).target(20, 30).ease(Elastic.INOUT); // Possibilities are:; // interpolates from the current values to the targetsTween.from(...); // interpolates from the given values to the current onesTween.set(...); // apply the target values without animation (useful with a delay); // calls a method (useful with a delay) // Current options are: // You can of course chain everything: myManager.update(delta * speed); // Let's go!

Cafu 3D Game and Graphics Engine Moai | The mobile platform for pro game developers Scratch 1.4 Download ScratchEd An online community for educators using Scratch, with stories, discussions, and resources, such as the Scratch curriculum guide. Scratch Wiki The Scratch Wiki contains a wide variety of articles by Scratchers for Scratchers, including advanced topics and tutorials. Scratch 2 Offline Editor Download the Scratch 2 offline editor. Scratch 1.4 Download Links and information on the previous version of Scratch. Scratch Statistics Explore up-to-date statistics about the Scratch online community. Scratch and the Physical World Connect your Scratch projects to the physical world with MaKey MaKey, LEGO WeDo, or PicoBoard. Scratch Logo Access the Scratch logo and other media files. Write Once, Play Everywhere - Home

List of game engines Many tools called game engines are available for game designers to code a game quickly and easily without building from the ground up. Free/libre and open source software[edit] Note: The following list is not exhaustive. It mixes game engines with rendering engines as well as API bindings without any distinctions. Proprietary[edit] Commercial[edit] Freeware[edit] These engines are available without monetary charge, but without the source code being available under an open-source license. With related games[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Jump up ^ " - Installation Policy". Novashell Game Creation System What is Novashell? Novashell is a high-level 2D game maker that tries to handle all the hard work behind the scenes allowing you to whip up sweet games using path finding, dialog, persistent dynamically sized maps with construction/deconstruction, save anywhere, and especially features that adventure and RPG type games would use. It's also built to allow easy sharing of games you make and modding of them. The underlying concept is everything is cut and pastable and can be added and removed even during play. The worlds/games/mods it makes can be played under Windows, OS X, and Linux without changes. Can create stand-alone games for Win and Mac, from either platform! Or, just use Novashell's powerful map editor and the XML export option to use with your favorite game engine. Open source under a zlib/libpng license. >>Feature list Screenshots Screenshots from the included example games: Note: This project is in beta but the changes from here on out are expected to be minor. You a programmer?
