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Best free courses & lectures

Best free courses & lectures
Updated June 29, 2012 Not every teacher is a great teacher. Not every course is a great course. So, this list is my effort to help you separate the winners from the losers. This list of the best academic podcasts and webcasts is a work-in-progress. For a description of my criteria for choosing a course or lecture for this list, click here. A warning: The internet is a changeable place and universities can change their websites without warning. Anthropology Introduction to Biological Anthropology (iTunes), Terrence Deacon, UC Berkeley Deacon’s class is a fascinating mix of biology, genetics, animal ethology and anthropology, as he works his way from single-celled organisms up to human physiology and the evolution of culture. Prehistory and the Birth of Civilization (audio), Tara Carter, UCSD Carter relates the story of hominid evolution and the birth of social organization with infectious enthusiasm. World Prehistory (feed) Tara Carter, UCSD Archaeology/Classics Art History Biology Computers Asia

Numeric Photography | Media Arts and Sciences Chiropractic Chiropractic is well established in the U.S., Canada and Australia.[20] It overlaps with other manual-therapy professions, including massage therapy, osteopathy, and physical therapy.[21] Back and neck pain are the specialties of chiropractic but many chiropractors treat ailments other than musculoskeletal issues.[9] Most who seek chiropractic care do so for low back pain.[22] D.D. Palmer founded chiropractic in the 1890s, and his son B.J. Conceptual basis Philosophy Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine[1] which focuses on manipulation of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine.[2] Its founder, D.D. Chiropractic philosophy includes the following perspectives:[32] Straights and mixers Straight chiropractors adhere to the philosophical principles set forth by D.D. and B.J. Vertebral subluxation "Physiologists divide nerve-fibers, which form the nerves, into two classes, afferent and efferent. Scope of practice A treatment table at a chiropractic office

How I Became the Kind of Person Who Can Work a Room I did it. I went to a cocktail party where I didn't know anyone, and successfully chit-chatted for two hours. (Not to myself. I actually spoke with other people.) I have never been good at the kind of networking where you're supposed to walk into a room full of strangers and walk out with "connections." The very idea makes me cringe. The Secret to My Big Turnaround These days, I'm actually looking forward to networking receptions. Here's how I learned. Then one of my colleagues told me about the trick he uses: When he walks into a room alone, he looks for pairs of people who are talking, and introduces himself to each person. I had always thought I was supposed to approach people who were by themselves. "Because everyone else is there to meet other people, too," he explained. Consider the alternatives: Approaching one person makes it harder to extricate yourself. It Works; It Really, Really Works This is the bizarre thing.

20-Year-Old Hunter S. Thompson’s Superb Advice on How to Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life As a hopeless lover of both letters and famous advice, I was delighted to discover a letter 20-year-old Hunter S. Thompson — gonzo journalism godfather, pundit of media politics, dark philosopher — penned to his friend Hume Logan in 1958. Found in Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience (public library | IndieBound) — the aptly titled, superb collection based on Shaun Usher’s indispensable website of the same name — the letter is an exquisite addition to luminaries’ reflections on the meaning of life, speaking to what it really means to find your purpose. Cautious that “all advice can only be a product of the man who gives it” — a caveat other literary legends have stressed with varying degrees of irreverence — Thompson begins with a necessary disclaimer about the very notion of advice-giving: To give advice to a man who asks what to do with his life implies something very close to egomania. Every man is the sum total of his reactions to experience.

The Craft of Photography Documenting the Streets: Tips from Dominic Stafford Cambodia-based freelance photographer Dominic Stafford focuses his work on Southeast Asia. Here, he offers tips and examples for photographing the streets — anywhere in the world. Two Seconds to Better Photos: Try the Rule of Thirds We’re constantly taking photos, from Instagrammed images of that really good sandwich at lunch to posed, just-so portraits of family… Set the Scene with a Three-Picture Story I upload sets of photos to my photoblog and use images to liven up posts here all the time, but… Photographing People: Ten Tips From NomadRuss Russ Taylor, aka NomadRuss, is a cultural documentary and NGO photographer, as well as wilderness guide who’s been leading trips… Just Published: A Complete Photography 101 Guide Here’s another free ebook to add to your virtual bookshelf: Photography 101: The Basics of Photography and the Power of… A World Through Lo-Fi: Using Filters on Your Images Hey, Daily Posters! Photography 101: Editing Basics

Home page Kurt Vonnegut, după ce i-au fost arse cărțile: ”Credeți că noi, scriitorii, suntem niște șobolani!” Numele Liceului Drake din North Dakota a ajuns pe primele pagini ale ziarelor în octombrie 1973 când membrii consiliului de conducere a şcolii au decis să ardă 32 de exemplare ale cărţii Abatorul cinci, scrisă de Kurt Vonnegut, pe motiv că este inacceptabilă. Ziarul Daily News din 1973 îl citează chiar pe preşedintele consiliului de conducere al liceului, Charles McCarthy, care a motivat arderea cărţilor lui Kurt Vonnegut pe motiv că acestea nu erau potrivite pentru copii. “Nu am fost de acord cu limbajul obscen folosit în carte. Ar putea fi studiată la facultate, dar nu în acest liceu”, a declarat McCarthy în noiembrie 1973. Se pare că imediat după ce cărţile sale au fost arse în public, Vonnegut a trimis o scrisoare conducerii liceului prin care şi-a exprimat dezgustul şi dispreţul faţă de decizia luată. 16 noiembrie 1973 Dragă domnule McCarthy, Vă scriu dumneavoastră în calitate de preşedinte al consiliului de conducere a Liceului Drake. Kurt Vonnegut

What We Eat Affects Everything - James Hamblin How men and women digest differently, diet changes our skin, and gluten remains mysterious: A forward-thinking gastroenterologist on eating one's way to "gutbliss" Robynne Chutkan, MD, is an integrative gastroenterologist and founder of the Digestive Center for Women, just outside of Washington, D.C. She trained at Columbia University and is on faculty at Georgetown, but her approach to practicing medicine and understanding disease is more holistic than many specialists with academic backgrounds. She has also appeared on The Dr. Chutkan’s first book comes out today. Dr. The title of your book is catchy and uses this evocative term "gutbliss." I did come up with it. So I decided to open an integrative practice where we focus on additional things besides the illness, like the things that created the illness. People advised against calling the book Gutbliss and said, “Oh, it’s sort of in your face; it makes me think of stool and intestines.”

'A First-Rate Girl': Yates, Franzen, and the Problem of Female Beauty I have a friend who dates only exceptionally attractive women. These women aren’t trophy-wife types—they are comparable to him in age, education level, and professional status. They are just really, notably good looking, standouts even in the kind of urban milieu where regular workouts and healthy eating are commonplace and an abundance of disposable income to spend on facials, waxing, straightening, and coloring keeps the average level of female attractiveness unusually high. My friend is sensitive and intelligent and, in almost every particular, unlike the stereotypical sexist, T & A-obsessed meathead. I have another friend who broke up with a woman because her body, though fit, was the wrong type for him. Some people would say these men are fatally shallow. To me, these stories highlight the intense and often guilty relationship that many men have with female beauty, a subject with profound repercussions for both men and women. For Frank, April represents success.

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