Overcoming Stress Everybody has it, and everybody talks about it, but nobody really knows what stress is. WHY? It is because stress means different thing for each of us, and is also different for each of us. Manage your stress and become more productive rather than self-destructive. Stress is a part of modern living.
TODAYonline The efforts and struggles of caregivers often go unnoticed, unappreciated and unrewarded. It is an unenviable and stressful task providing care and emotional support for those who are physically challenged or stricken with abnormal behaviour caused by mental health issues. Still, caregivers strive on in sacrifice, out of love for recipients who are likely to be loved ones or family members. Understanding the stress response: Harvard Health Publishing Chronic activation of this survival mechanism impairs health A stressful situation — whether something environmental, such as a looming work deadline, or psychological, such as persistent worry about losing a job — can trigger a cascade of stress hormones that produce well-orchestrated physiological changes. A stressful incident can make the heart pound and breathing quicken. Muscles tense and beads of sweat appear. This combination of reactions to stress is also known as the "fight-or-flight" response because it evolved as a survival mechanism, enabling people and other mammals to react quickly to life-threatening situations. The carefully orchestrated yet near-instantaneous sequence of hormonal changes and physiological responses helps someone to fight the threat off or flee to safety.
Stress Management Workshop Singapore. Stress Management Course Stress Management Course in Singapore Stress can be defined as emotional strain or state of mental tension as a result of demanding or adverse circumstances. Stress management is taking charge of your emotions, schedule, environment, thoughts, and how you deal with your problems. Stress management includes a wide range of psychotherapies and techniques that are aimed at controlling one’s personal levels of chronic stress, with the aim of improving everyday functioning. You should note that stress produces various mental and physical symptoms that vary according to one’s situational factors. Although life throws curveballs that can become difficult to handle, stress management offers a lot of ways to maintain overall well-being and manage anxiety.
Common Causes of Caregiver Stress If you’ve been taking care of a chronically ill spouse or elderly parent, you may be feeling the effects of caregiver stress. If you’re feeling frustrated or overwhelmed or are experiencing increased stress symptoms, you’re not alone. Providing this type of care can place a great deal of pressure on a person, and caregivers are often surprised by the amount of stress they feel. Here are just some of the pressures that many caregivers face. Fear or Uncertainty The Impact of Stress (Bressert S., PhD, for Psych Central) Stress often is accompanied by an array of physical reactions. These symptoms can be characteristic of other physical or mental disorders. A health care professional can rule out other causes after you have undergone a physical examination.
Breathing Exercises to Help Reduce Stress - Headspace There are countless techniques you can practice, including breathing exercises for stress, increased energy, and general relaxation. The simplest breathing technique is to count your breaths. You start by counting 1 on the inhale, 2 on the exhale, 3 on the inhale, and so forth. You can choose to count up to five, then repeat back at one, to make sure your attention doesn’t wander. You might want to set a timer, as you would a meditation, or perhaps set your goal for the number of breath cycles you will count.
When carers are burnt out, who cares for them? SINGAPORE: When a loved one becomes a patient at home, it can take a toll on the family, especially the primary carer. Take, for example, Mr Richard Ashworth, who left behind a career as an office manager to take care of his adoptive father, John, nine years ago. His father, 86, suffers from a host of age-related health issues, including dementia and colon cancer.
Early help for trauma stress, Health News SINGAPORE - Most people expect to handle some stress in their lives, but nothing quite jolts the body and mind as a traumatic event. A person is said to have gone through one if he has been in a car crash, was violently assaulted or witnessed a severe workplace injury. In these intense moments, he might fear for his life and safety, or that of others. In the aftermath of a traumatic event, the usual approach is to ensure the person has physically recovered. But medical professionals here are increasingly paying attention to the mental well-being of such patients as well.
6 steps for coping with stress using a personality-based approach - Psychology Compass Entrepreneurship comes with its fair share of stresses, anxieties, obligations, duties, and tasks. From retaining top talent and creating cultures of fairness, to guaranteeing financing and making the best possible decisions at every fork of the road – yes indeed, the stressors are plentiful. Effectively coping with stress, is a crucial factor in entrepreneurial success. And not only are they plentiful, they also vary. caregivers.org Are You a Caregiver? You are a caregiver if you care or support a frail, homebound elderly. You could be a family member, relative or friend. Your care recipient may require assistance in daily living activities, such as bathing, feeding, toileting, transfers and walking. He or she may be homebound and also require long term care for multiple chronic medical conditions, such as stroke, hypertension and diabetes.
Predictors of Academic Stress Among College Students - Karaman - 2019 - Journal of College Counseling Each year, millions of students enroll in colleges and universities with the goal of obtaining degrees, which they hope will lead to the acquisition of desirable careers and satisfied lives. Although attending college is a new stage for many individuals and their families, this period can be stressful for some students because of the transitional nature of college life (Aspelmeier, Love, McGill, Elliott, & Pierce, 2012). Sources of stress include academics, feelings of loneliness, job hunting, family, life goals, social pressure, and physiology. Stress, specifically academic stress, can deplete students' levels of subjective well‐being and cause lowered grades and dropped courses (Misra & Castillo, 2004; Watson & Watson, 2016). Given the detrimental impact of stress on college students' academic and psychological functioning, examining predictive factors of stress is important.
Getting Respite Respite care options come in the following forms; at a senior care centre and at a nursing home. Your loved one’s condition and the duration in which you need the service will help you decide on the suitable option. At a senior care centre(for seniors who require some supervision or need some assistance with daily care activities) This is suitable if respite is required only during the day. While at the centre, seniors take part in social activities ranging from simple exercises, art and craft, to karaoke sessions. Meals are provided, and care staff will look after the seniors’ daily care needs such as toileting and feeding (including tube feeding).Seniors can make use of this option on an ad hoc basis, even for a day.