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Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs Guerrilla News Network Michael Lewis The Wolf Hunters of Wall Street By MICHAEL LEWIS How a band of outsiders discovered that the stock market was rigged — and set out to change it. April 6, 2014, Sunday Shorting Reform Dear Wall Street: here’s a plan to shape financial reform to your advantage. May 30, 2010, Sunday The No-Stats All-Star The N.B.A. February 15, 2009, Sunday How to Repair a Broken Financial World By MICHAEL LEWIS and DAVID EINHORN There are obvious changes in the financial system to be made, to prevent some version of what has happened from happening all over again. January 04, 2009, Sunday New Orleans: The Day After When the storm finally passes and the wind ceases to blow, the only evidence of property damage for many blocks around us is in our front yard. September 02, 2008, Tuesday An Unsettling Visit to an Empty New Orleans The city has imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew. August 31, 2008, Sunday The Changing Room Where very very large men prepare to be Giants. February 03, 2008, Sunday Serfs of the Turf

Contest The IRE Awards is the annual contest of Investigative Reporters and Editors Inc. recognizing the best in investigative reporting by print, broadcast and online media. After judging, all entries are placed in IRE's Resource Center story library so that IRE members may learn from others' triumphs and troubles. The contest helps identify techniques and resources used by the entrants. The awards recognize outstanding investigative work in several categories. Click on a date to browse previous years through the archives: The National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting, a joint program of IRE and the Missouri School of Journalism; the Knight Chair at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication; and IRE are proud to have the Philip Meyer Journalism Award, a contest to recognize the best journalism done using social science research methods. The contest also helps identify the techniques and resources used to complete each story.

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