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8 Online revenue model options for Internet businesses

8 Online revenue model options for Internet businesses
Selecting the best revenue options for Internet startups I’m often contacted by site owners with an idea for a new site who are trying to work out how much revenue they’ll be able to raise depending on the number of visitors to their site. There’s no simple answer to this, but to help, several years ago I created this spreadsheet model which also features in my books as an activity to help students working on this topic. It shows the main parameters you need to set – blue fields and it works how the revenue earning – orange fields. The Site Ad revenue model If you plug in some average figures for pay-for-performance-based advertising options like cost per click or cost per action approaches li as shown below it shows why fixed fee and CPM models tend to be preferred by publishers. It also shows that you need substantial traffic to to make much money through advertising. How to use the revenue model calculator It allows these parameters to be set: The 8 Internet revenue model options 1. 2. 3.

How will mobile video usage change in 2013? A summary of mobile video marketing trends In this article we are going to show how mobile video usage is likely to change in the coming years and offer some tips on how you can ride the wave to benefit your business. Over recent years, we have seen major changes in both online video and in mobile usage. A combination of the two has transformed the way we interact with our mobile phones and the way that we watch online video. What are the experts saying? Cisco has recently predicted a 13x increase in mobile data traffic from 0.9 exabytes per month in 2012 to 11.2 exabytes per month in 2017. 1) Increase in mobile users 2) More mobile device/connections 3) Faster (average) mobile speeds 4) An increase in the amount of mobile video The fourth point is of particular interest here. What do we mean by mobile video? The obvious answer is that mobile video is video that is watched on mobile devices. How is mobile video usage going to change? Increase in mobile users Increase in mobile devices 1. 2.

Publications RTB In Online Video Ads To Hit $1B By 2014 04/08/2013 By 2014, real-time bidding in online video advertising will account for 24.7% of all U.S. online video spending -- or $1.14 billion. Over the past year, Forrester Consulting found that RTB has been the fastest-growing segment of the online video advertising market -- growing more than 100% from 2011 to 2012, and forecast to grow more than 70% in 2013. The report was commissioned by SpotXchange, a large marketer of digital video ad inventory, which recently reported that its own RTB business saw a 596% increase in global bid requests from 2011 to 2012. “Buyers have recognized the inherent value and transparency that RTB and programmatic provides,” Michael Shehan, president and CEO of SpotXchange, said regarding the strong forecast. In addition to growth in bid requests and revenue, SpotXchange said its RTB marketplace experienced a tenfold increase in global RTB impressions from 2011 to 2012 -- including a 35% increase in Europe.

Soon, all online advertising will be video Cameron Yuill is the Founder and CEO of AdGent Digital. Video advertising will double approximately every two years until all online ads will be video ads. That’s right — all online ads will be video. I am calling this prediction “Cam’s Law” (after moi) with due respect and deep regard to Intel Founder Gordon E. Moore, who in 1965 predicted that the number of transistors on integrated circuits would double every two years thereby exponentially increasing computing power. Trust me, it does not take a genius to see the trends. But That Was Last Year Now three months into 2013, I feel ever more confident about Cam’s Law given the astronomical speed at which video advertising has grown in popularity. Consumers love video; not just cat MEMEs, but original content. Advertisers can’t ignore the numbers As advertisers are beginning to embrace tablet advertising, in virtually every case they want video in their ad units. Watch this space. Original TV image via Shutterstock

Google s’apprêterait à racheter WhatsApp pour 1 milliard de dollars L’application de messagerie WhatsApp serait en cours de négociation avec Google pour un éventuel rachat par le géant américain selon le site Digital Trends, qui cite des sources internes. En cours depuis plus d’un mois, les pourparlers se seraient cristallisés autour du prix d’acquisition, qui pourrait ainsi avoisiner le milliard de dollars. WhatsApp est une application disponible sur iPhone, Android, BlackBerry ou encore Windows Phone qui permet d’envoyer gratuitement pour moins d’un euro par an des messages, photos et vidéos aux autres utilisateurs de l’application. Après Microsoft avec Skype ou Facebook avec Instagram, un autre service de messagerie et de partage serait ainsi racheté au prix fort par un acteur majeur du secteur. Pour Digital Trends, ce rachat interviendrait dans le cadre du développement de Google Babble, un produit fusionnant les différents services de communication de Google et qui s’appuierait ainsi sur WhatsApp, une des applications les plus populaires sur mobile.

Prêts aux e-commerçants : Kabbage grossit encore, eBay et Amazon se préparent Kabbage lève 75 millions de dollars de dette pour prêter aux e-marchands, tandis qu'eBay et Amazon peaufinent des programmes de prêt concurrents. Les banques et autres sources de prêts habituelles des marchands américains se montrant particulièrement frileuses depuis la crise financière de 2008, un espace s'est progressivement créé, aux Etats-Unis, pour des sources de financement alternatives. En particulier, la start-up américaine Kabbage, qui prête de l'argent aux e-commerçants, vient de lever 75 millions de dollars de dette auprès de Victory Parc Capital et Thomvest Ventures, somme qui servira à financer ces avances. Kabbage prête en effet aux marchands désirant vendre sur les marketplaces d'eBay, Amazon et Etsy, mais auxquels les banques n'accepteraient pas de prêter. Du côté d'eBay, sa filiale de paiement électronique Paypal, qui prête déjà de l'argent aux cyberacheteurs, vient également de commencer à financer des marchands présents sur la place de marché

Permission Marketing by Seth Godin - Free Offer This site has been up and running for more than ten years, when the book first came out. Hard to conceive of today, but the book was a top 100 bestseller for almost a year. Since then, over a quarter of a million people have stopped by to ask for the first four sample chapters. It's not your fault. Is it any wonder that consumers feel like the fast-moving world around them is getting blurry? This is a book about the attention crisis in America and how marketers can survive and thrive in this harsh new environment. There's no more room for all these advertisements! I remember when I was about five years old and started watching television seriously. With just five channels to choose from, I quickly memorized the TV schedule. Growing up, it seemed like everyone I met was part of the same community. About ten years ago, I realized that a sea change was taking place. I found myself throwing away magazines unopened. The clutter, as you know, has only gotten worse. That's right. 1. 2. 3. 4.
