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Twenty top predictions for life 100 years from now

Twenty top predictions for life 100 years from now
16 January 2012Last updated at 08:50 Last week we asked readers for their predictions of life in 100 years time. Inspired by ten 100-year predictions made by American civil engineer John Elfreth Watkins in 1900, many of you wrote in with your vision of the world in 2112. Many of the "strange, almost impossible" predictions made by Watkins came true. 1. IP: Likelihood 10/10. PT: Good chance. 2. IP: Likelihood 10/10. PT: Good chance. 3. IP: Likelihood 9/10. PT: Good chance. 4. IP: Likelihood 8/10. PT: Good chance. Continue reading the main story More readers' predictions English will be spelled phonetically (jim300) Growing your own vegetables will not be allowed (holierthanthou) The justice system will be based purely on rehabilitation (Paul) Instead of receiving information from the media, people will download information directly into their brains (krozier93) Crops will be grown in sand (jim300) 5. IP: Likelihood 8/10. PT: Pretty close. 6. IP: Likelihood 8/10. PT: Great try! 7. 8. 9. Related:  Futur

40 Awesome Futuristic City Illustrations Cities have always been a place where people share ideas and knowledge. I think this one of the reasons why cities have been inspiring artists to create many futuristic cityscapes illustrations. I collected here some of these awesome sci-fi city illustrations. It would be very cool if you could suggest more great illustrations and artists to our list. Stay up to date with Zeemp news, simply follow @zeemp. John Alvin – James Paick – Robert Brown – Rob Sullivan – Hideyoshi Ruwwe – Nikita Buyanov – Portfolio Felicity Moore – Portfolio Nguyen Manh Hung – Portfolio Ioan Dumitrescu – Portfolio Eduardo Peña – Portfolio Peter Ang – Portfolio Christian Hecker – Tiberius Viris – Alex Popescu – Andree Wallin – Dylan Cole – Seung Jin Woo – Portfolio Marek Okon – Portfolio Dmitry Zaviyalov – Portfolio Saul Espinosa – Related Posts

Lilypad floating city concept - Image 1 of 10 The Lilypad floating city concept is designed to house climate change refugees Image Gallery (10 images) With global sea levels predicted to rise significantly over the next century due to climate change, a lot of people living in low lying areas are expected to be displaced from their homes. Architect Vincent Callebaut has come up with a possible relocation destination for these climate change refugees in the form of the “Lilypad” concept – a completely self-sufficient floating city that would accommodate up to 50,000. View all With a shape inspired by the highly ribbed leaf of Victoria water lilies, the double skin of the floating “ecopolis” would be made of polyester fibers covered by a layer of titanium dioxide (TiO2), which would react with ultraviolet rays and absorb atmospheric pollution via a photocatalytic effect in the same way as the air-purifying concrete and paving stones we looked at last year. Via freshome. About the Author Post a CommentRelated Articles

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lettres - visions du futur : cauchemar et utopie mis à jour le 30/11/2013 Une séquence sur le genre de la science-fiction mise en œuvre en classe de 4ème.Présentation des objectifs, du corpus, du déroulement des séances. mots clés : séquence, collège, 4ème, 3ème, science-fiction, anticipation, utopie Cette séquence vise à consolider les connaissances des élèves sur les genres narratifs en leur faisant découvrir le genre de la science-fiction.Il s'agit également de poursuivre la construction de leurs compétences de lecture pour les amener à percevoir la critique implicite que peut véhiculer un texte d'anticipation, de les amener à percevoir les enjeux du genre de la science-fiction pour réfléchir, à travers le détour par le futur, sur le temps présent.Ce parcours permet enfin de mettre en place les connaissances et repères nécessaires à un projet d'écriture : la création d'un journal du futur. Les séances avec les activités et les références des documents : Séance d'introduction : pourquoi écrit-on de la science-fiction ? auteur(s) :

19th Century French Artists Predicted The World Of The Future In This Series Of Postcards If you’ve ever struggled to imagine how life will change over the next century thanks to technology, take comfort — you’re not alone. Over 100 year ago, some French artists tried to do the same thing. French science fiction novelist Jules Verne During that time, one of the most influential science fiction writers ever had been busy letting his imagination run wild with all the possibilities that the age of science was opening up. Verne’s stories were popular among the French, and their imagination swooned with the endless possibilities of the future. Starting in 1899, a commercial artist named Jean-Marc Côté and other artists were hired by a toy or cigarette manufacturer to create a series of picture cards as inserts, according to Matt Noval who writes for the Smithsonian magazine. What’s amazing about this collection is how close their predictions were in a lot of cases, and how others are close at hand. For instance, the artists were fascinated by the possibilities of flight.

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Disaster Resistance and Surrealism Make Strange Bedfellows - Architectural Craziness Insanity Thursday, March 13, 2014, by Spencer Peterson Photo via Design Boom Architecturally-leaning artist Dionisio González, a senior lecturer at the Universidad de Sevilla, has taken disaster resistance to a pretty weird place in a recent series. Setting his sights on Dauphin Island, Alabama, a small barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico that suffers from devastating hurricanes, González has designed a series of otherworldly homes for the locale that, per the project description, "give shape to new habitable structures in the vacuums in the perception of spaces that had previously been devastated." Inspired by Neolithic stilt houses, of all things—and from the look of the digital model above, a pile of rolled-up magazines recovered from a flooded basement—his approach is a rather... unconventional one for meeting the needs of a threatened community.

What will blow our minds in the *next* 30 years? Predictions are a mug’s game. If they come true, you likely didn’t push your thinking hard enough. If they don’t come true, you risk looking like an idiot. Below, we asked many of the attendees and speakers at this year’s just-wrapped TED to riff off the conference’s theme (“The Next Chapter”) and tell us what they think might radically change society, life, technology and so on in the *next* 30 years. “One of the things about learning how to read — we have been doing a lot of consuming of information through our eyes and so on — that may be a very inefficient channel. “The seamless integration of our physical and virtual worlds. “I hope it will be a rejection of technology that makes us more isolated from one another and more easily surveilled. “Progress in medicine, global access to information and a global age pyramid that is already turning upside-down will create a global movement towards an increased demand for good health care. 2. 3. “What is next? This isn’t inevitable though.
