Kusudama Tutorial part 2 Today I am showing you part 2 of how to make a kusudama ball. You can find the first part here. In part 1, I showed you have to make the individual flowers; you should now have 12 flowers made from 60 individual petals. For part 2 you will need: 12 flowers (made from 60 petals)GlueString or a ribbonBead(s) As you might be able to see from the finished kusudama at the top of the page, I made 6 flowers from blue paper and 6 flowers from a recycled map. Start to glue the flowers together one petal at the time – this will give the nicest result. When you add the 3rd flower, there are 3 petals to connect. After you have attached all 6 flowers you end up with 2 sets of half a kusudama. I used 3 beads on the bottom. Now take one of your 1/2 kusudamas and put some glue on the top. Glue your string down, making sure it is nice and straight. That’s it! In the last photo you can see another kusudama I finished earlier. If you are having a go with this 2 part tutorial we would love to see your work!
Balloon lights tutorial Here in New Zealand we are now in the middle of winter, and when playing around with some LED fairy lights I thought I would combine my love for origami and bringing some winter sparkle to our house. And so the balloon lights were born!! Ok let’s get started with the tutorial! This is what you need for this project: Pretty paper (appr. 20 sheets, mine were 90 x 90mm) on a white or light background. Here are my 20pcs of paper after I cut them with my guillotine. Now first make a water-bomb base. With the printed side of the paper facing up, valley fold in half. After that turn 90 degrees and valley fold in half again. Now turn the paper over and do the same diagonally. Now for the last part of the water-bomb base. Use the creases you have made so far and the paper should naturally fall into this shape. Here is your finished water-bomb base. Now to make the actual balloon. Fold the corner on the left hand side (top layer only) up to the middle. Now turn over and do the other side. All done!
Paper Models of Polyhedra Carambola Flowers by Carmen Sprung If you’ve been following me on Flickr for a while, you’ve probably seen this picture of Carambola Flowers before – I folded them ages ago! But since my Pro account is going to expire in a few days time (and I don’t feel like upgrading it again), a lot of my old photos won’t be displayed anymore. So I decided it would be a good idea to share the very best of them on my blog! These absolutely beautiful origami flowers were designed by Carmen Sprung and I just love them! Each flower is made from a single sheet of paper, not from a square though, but from a pentagon. I would recommend using fairly thick and strong paper (80-90 gsm) to fold them – Tant origami paper will be just the right choice! Description Video tutorial presented by Sara Adams of HappyFolding.com. Tags: Carmen Sprung, Floral
Phantasiereisen Einfach nur zuhören, entspannen und genießen und so etwas Gutes tun für sich selbst. klicke auf das gewünschte Phantasiereisen-Bild. In den folgenden Themen-Kategorien findest du weitere Phantasiereisen und Meditationen. Klicke dazu auf das gewünschte Themen-Bild. Dies ist eine Themengruppe, der mehrere Themen-Kategorien untergeordnet sind. Es lohnt sich auch ein Besuch unserer ursprünglichen Meditations-Download-Seite www.1-meditation.de, dort stellen wir einige unserer älteren Phantasiereisen als Texte vor. Dein Traumparadies Es sind deine ganz persönlichen Phantasiereisen. Ideal ist ein Ort, an dem noch ganz ursprüngliche Natur ist. Dies kann ein Ort sein, den es wirklich gibt und den du kennst. Vielleicht hast du so einen Ort auch nur auf einem Bild oder in einem Film gesehen und wolltest immer schon einmal dort sein. Dein Traumparadies muss es jedoch nicht geben. Mit allen Sinnen die Phantasiereisen genießen Sieh dich um! Höre genau hin! Versuche alles, was du sehen kannst, auch zu hören:
Omniglot - the guide to languages, alphabets and other writing systems Tipp! Die Merkaba Meditation Anleitung (Atem Aktivieren Seminar Pendel) | MeditierenLernen.com Seinen Atem spüren, dabei Energie und Liebe empfinden, das gelingt nur jenem, der sich auch damit beschäftigt. Einmal reicht hier nicht, sondern man muss viel Zeit zum meditieren lernen investieren. Zeit, die man sich nehmen sollte, denn wer die Merkaba Atemtechnik beherrscht, der fühlt sich frei, sorgenlos und hat das Gefühl in einer anderen Sphäre zu schweben. Länger habe ich jetzt nichts mehr von mir hören lassen. Ich habe jedoch die Zeit genutzt, diese Merkaba Meditationsanleitung für euch zu entwickeln. Neben der richtigen Atmung muss man auch Kenntnisse über die sieben Chakren haben. Das erste Chakra, das Wurzelchakra findet man zwischen Anus und den Genitalien.Das Zweite, das Sakralchakra findet man unterhalb des Bauchnabels.Das dritte Chakra wird auch als Sonnengeflecht bezeichnet und ist das Solarplexuschakra.Das Herzchakra findet man in Höhe des Herzens. Bevor es mit dem richtigen Atmen losgehen kann, sind einige Vorübungen ganz wichtig. Lege die Handflächen nach oben.
5 Questions to Ask Your Characters | Book-in-a-Week Many writing workshops start their sessions on character development with a sheet detailing the hero’s name, age, eye color and hair color. They then move onto his job, his hobbies, and his family background. Next they might add a picture from the Internet or a magazine which looks a little like the hero, and perhaps an image of his home or workplace. This is all useful information, and great for keeping track of details so you do not find them changing as you write. These questions can be answered in different ways. The best questions to ask about your characters are ones that will take you away from the predictable paths of family, schooling and employment, so that when you return to their everyday world, you find it enriched by the knowledge you have gained. What keeps your protagonist awake at night? If you find prompts like these helpful, Peter Elbow has a very extensive list in his guide Writing With Power . However, there is no need to turn to expensive writing guides.
Yantra - Geometrical figures that are abodes of Gods A Yantra is a geometrical figure that is a combination of an intricate network of lines at specific angles to each other. According to sacred texts worshipping yantras can bring about prosperity, peace, health because God's reside in the yantras. The Shri Yantra and its importance has been discussed earlier. Here are described only some specific yantras that have been found to be very effective. Shri Yantra: Also known as Yantra Raj (King of all yantras) - For wealth, property, jewels and peace. Kuber Yantra: For gain of real assets and gain of wealth. Kanakdhara Yantra: For increase of business and gain of parental property. Vashikaran Yantra: For controlling a person . Dashammahavidya Yantra: For all kind of success and protection from enemies. Kalsarpa Yantra: For individuals having the kalsarpa yoga in their chart. Bagalamukhi Yantra: For winning against enemies, for quelling enemy intentions. Mangal Yantra: Prevention from accidents, gain of land and to subdue Manglik Dosha.
Dragon - Dragon NaturallySpeaking - Nuance Dragon speech recognition software makes it easier for anyone to use a computer. You talk, and it types. Use your voice to create and edit documents or emails, launch applications, open files, control your mouse, and more. Quickly and easily capture your thoughts and ideas while Dragon helps you get more done faster. Products Whether you’re at home, school, work, or on the road, Dragon software gives you complete voice control Dragon Solutions Speech recognition tools are being used by individuals and leading organizations to streamline data collection/documentation Support & Training Whether you’re a new or experienced Dragon user, find a collection of resources to improve your Dragon experience Dragon Community Connect with with other Dragon customers to learn more about Dragon, share ideas, get news updates, and more
Das morphogenetische Feld Morphogenetisches Feld Das morphogenetische Feld Das morphogenetische Feld ist ein hochinteressanter Theorieansatz zur Erklärung einer Vielzahl paranormaler Phänomene. Da wir im Rahmen der Hypnose-Ausbildung immer wieder auf das morphogenetische Feld angesprochen werden und es auch als Erklärungsansatz für einige Phänomene wie Reinkarnationstherapie oder PSI-Wahrnehmungen dienen kann, möchten wir an dieser Stelle einmal detaillierter darauf eingehen. Beim morphogenetischen Feld handelt sich um eine Art allumfassendes Bewusstseinsfeld, aus dem Informationen aufgenommen werden können, das aber auch als mentale Verbingungsebene zwischen zwei oder mehr Menschen dienen kann. Einige typische Beispiele für Begebenheiten, die mittel Hilfe der Theorie des morphogenetischen Feldes erklärt werden könnten: Eine Mutter spürt aus über 1000 km Entfernung, dass es ihrem Kind schlecht geht. Wie kann lassen sich solche Begebenheiten erklären? Morphogenetisches Feld und Gehirn Morphogenetisches Feld und Hypnose
Valve hands over its own movie-making tools to gamers Valve is planning to release the Source Filmmaker to let gamers animate and record their own videos using the game developer's titles Valve has gained a reputation over the years not just for consistently putting out great games, but also for the slick trailers and promo videos that go along with them. But now the developer is turning the tables and handing over its own video-making tools to fans free of charge. With the Source Filmmaker, gamers will be able to direct, animate, and record their own videos as if they were shooting on location inside a video game. The new tool will allow gamers to make their own movies using the acclaimed Source game engine directly. Where the Source Filmmaker differs from most animation tools is that it acts as an all-in-one package for rendering, video editing, sound editing, motion capture, etc. The developer is currently handing out beta keys for the Source Filmmaker through the official website, with a full release planned for later this year.