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Shenandoah National Park - Backcountry Camping - Beginner Trips

Shenandoah National Park - Backcountry Camping - Beginner Trips
New and Beginner Backpacking Trips Using Campgrounds Is this your first time backpacking? Perhaps you are trying out new equipment? Someone in your group is new to backpacking or nervous? There are a number of situations where planning your backpacking trip around staying in a campground makes the most sense. Learning how to backpack and backcountry camp all at the same time can be overwhelming and often leads to unintentional resource damage. (For those of you wanting real luxury, backpacking to lodges or cabins in Shenandoah National Park is also an option, but isn't covered here.)

Hiking Trails, Camping in Parks, Maps and Hotels | Outdoor Adventure on PICKATRAIL& - StumbleUpon 10 Unbelievably Beautiful Places You've Probably Never Heard Of 12 Guy Trips That Will Change Your Life - StumbleUpon digg 1. Paddle the Grand Canyon Tackle 300 miles of some of the most powerful white water on the planet the old-school way, in a wooden boat.Why: Spending 13 to 18 days navigating the Colorado River through the mile-deep canyon, gazing up at 2 1/2 billion years’ worth of the earth’s crust on a nimble dory that launches you off the lips of roiling rapids turns you into a geologist, a waterman, and a more humble human being. 2. The Chyulu Hills of Kenya—the inspiration for Hemingway’s Green Hills of Africa—are where three national parks converge to protect lions, rhinos, elephants, buffalo, and leopards—the big five—and Masai warriors have become its conservationists and guides. 3. The world’s largest mammal can reach lengths of 100 feet (think three school buses) and weigh in at 200 tons—more than an entire herd of elephants. 4. 5. 6. You’ll be stripped of your watch and cellphone. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Moab meets the Grand Canyon 200 miles south of the U.S. Source: menshealth

Zen Backpacking - Ultralightweight Backpacking Packing List Contact: Ultralightweight Backpacking Packing List For backpacking, less is more. Traveling ultralight means that you carry just enough to stay alive and have move easily since you only carry a feather weight pack. Instead of figuring out what you can do without, sit down and figure out what you must have and can't do without. Reexamine your list and determine what you can do to replace two items with a single item and how you can make each item or system lighter. The amount of gear needed for 1 weeks is the same for 3 months. Please feel free to link to this site so that others can find it. Zen Backpacking <a href=" Backpacking</a>

Why I Love Japan - Funny News, Photos, Videos and Creative Designs, Arts -No Newz People ask me why I love Japan. This is my answer. The New Way to Find the Best Airfare Deals | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice - StumbleUpon If you’re like most bargain airfare seekers, chances are your flight shopping goes something like this: 1. Go to or Or,, or 2. 3. Please. These days, websites alert you when particularly great deals become available out of your local airport to your desired destinations — not to mention the ones that actually predict what airfares will look like in the near future so you can adjust your travel plans accordingly. Interested? In the video above, editor at large Jason Cochran walks you through the details, with specific advice on which websites to visit in order to get the best travel deals. Next, swing by Bing Travel and those websites try to predict airfares based on historical data. Finally, these days your search for deals doesn’t end with the ticket purchase. For more details, watch the video above, or on

Mangan's 10 Essentials for Happy Hiking Most of these aren’t essential for survival; they’re essential to me for having a good time on on a hike. (The official survival essentials are listed at the end) 1. It’s not just a matter of carrying enough water — you need access to more if you run out. That means two things: a) letting your water supply determine your hike length (turning back when it’s half-gone, for example); and b) having a plan for running dry. There’s a whole industry built around keeping you hydrated. Availability of water is as integral to a hike plan as distance, elevation gain and altitude. Water should never be far from your mind … but you don’t want to be in a situation where it’s all you think about, though, because that usually means you’re all out. 2. The most basic risk of hiking is getting lost. It doesn’t really matter what kind of map you have, so long as it tells you where to turn to get back where you came from. 3. The fabric closest to your feet has the most impact on them. 4. It’s worth considering.

Camping Tips and Advice from the Love The Outdoors Camping Guide From a “macro” perspective, the general principles of camping are relatively simple. More than anything else, it’s a matter of adaptation and acclimation to living outdoors rather than within four walls. Regardless, there are a multitude of tips and tricks to help make that transition easier, and allow your time spent camping to be more relaxing and enjoyable. General Outdoor Tips The tent is the focal point of most camping trips. Campers can also benefit from a few non-specific outdoor principles. What to Bring on a Camping Trip With any luck, each camping trip proves to be a unique experience. How to Budget for a Camping Trip Like most anything else, budgeting for a camping trip is easiest when you start big and work your way down. As that line is tested, you’ll have to make the nitpicky decisions that ultimately determine your trip’s bottom line. Camp life is made easier by gaining experience and learning the tricks. Reader Tip: Keep Clean while Camping with a Pump Sprayer Avoid the Itch
