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30+ Really Useful Infographics Tools & Resources

30+ Really Useful Infographics Tools & Resources
Infographic credit: Ivan Cash Infographics are everywhere! Whether you’re a fan of them or not , infographics have become a staple of web content and are engaged in a seemingly endless love affair with social media. As digital marketers, we’re interested in the content marketing potential of infographics, which can generate thousands of pageviews, social media shares, backlinks and capture mindshare. If you’re interested in developing your own infographics to reap these potential benefits, we put together this list of 30+ useful infographic tools and resources to help you on your way. Whether you’re just looking for simple online charting tools or seeking complex data visualization software, the list below has got you covered! (Listed below in Alphabetical order!) Do you know of any great infographics creation tools or data resources that didn’t make it on our list? Comments(12)

5 Interesting Virtual Museums and Activities for Students As field trip budgets are increasingly trimmed at schools everywhere, teachers will need to find some alternative virtual activities for students. Here are five museums that offer excellent virtual tours and activities for students. The Vatican Museums website hosts a fairly detailed virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel. In addition to the tour of the Sistine Chapel the Vatican Museums host virtual tours of five other places and exhibits. The European Virtual Museum is the product of collaboration between twenty-seven European museums. Tenement Museum is a resource for US History teachers that can best be described as an interactive virtual museum. The JFK Presidential Library and Museum website has four interactive exhibits for learning about John F. The White House Diary is an interactive flipbook of Kennedy's schedule while in office. The JFK Timeline is an interactive timeline Kennedy's presidency.

The 5 Best Free Tools For Making Slick Infographics It's not enough to simply write about data any longer; the world wants visuals. While there are many professional information designers making a name for themselves, such as Nicholas Felton of, the majority of these digital artists are up to their eyeballs in high-paying work. Where does this leave you? Well, if you want to spruce up your documents, blog posts, and presentations, there are some free tools online that can help. Many Eyes This IBM Research tool gives you two choices: an option to browse through existing sets of data, or use your own. Google Public Data Explorer Like IBM, Google has made a public version of one of its research tools. Hohli There are many occasions when a Venn Diagram is the perfect way to describe a concept or compare relationships among a few different things. Wordle Although this tool describes itself as a "toy" for generating word clouds, it can be an effective service to spruce up your work. Watch more Work Smart: [Images by Wordle]

Seven Whiteboard Tools for Teachers & Students Whiteboard apps on tablets and in your web browser can be great for diagraming and explaining concepts. Here are seven good options for creating diagrams and other drawings on your iPad, on your Android tablet, or in your web browser. Aww App is a super simple browser-based application for creating drawings. Draw It Live is a nice little website that offers a free space for you to instantly create a collaborative whiteboard to use with anyone you like. FlockDraw is a simple service that allows people to quickly and easily collaborate on the creation of a drawing. SyncSpace is a whiteboard app available for iPads and Android tablets. Educreations is a new iPad app that turns your iPad into a whiteboard. Knowmia is a website and an iPad app for creating, sharing, and viewing video lessons. ShowMe is a free iPad app for creating whiteboard videos.

10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics Advertisement Who can resist a colourful, thoughtful venn diagram anyway? In terms of blogging success, infographics are far more likely to be shared than your average blog post. Designing An Infographic Some great tips for designing infographics: Keep it simple! Ideas for infographic formats include: Timelines;Flow charts;Annotated maps;Graphs;Venn diagrams;Size comparisons;Showing familiar objects or similar size or value. Here are some great tutorials on infographic creation: Creating Your Infographic Plan and research.If required, use free software to create simple graphs and visualisations of data.Use vector graphic software to bring these visualisations into the one graphic. Ultimately, if you have a little design skill, the very best approach is to create all the simple graphs and illustrations yourself using vector graphic software. Free Online Tools For Creating Infographics Stat Planet Hohli Hohli is an intuitive, simple online chart maker. Creately New York Times Many Eyes Wordle Tableau

Animated Science Lessons for Children The Children's University of Manchester has great collections of animated lessons covering seven science subjects for students of early elementary/ primary school age. The lessons cover The Body and Medicine, Energy and Environment, Earth and Beyond, Teeth and Eating, Micro-organisms, The Brain, and Exercise. For each science subject covered by The Children's University of Manchester there is an introduction followed by seven to ten interactive animations. For example, in The Earth and Beyond students can see how the position of the sun affects the length of shadows. Students can advance the sun through the sky. As they advance the sun they can use a ruler to measure the lengths of the shadows that they create. Applications for Education The Children's University of Manchester science lessons could be good place to find supplementary interactive materials for your elementary school science lessons.

Scribblar - Free Interactive Online Whiteboard Search lessons by keyword Jeopardy [SMART Notebook lesson] A jeopardy game template to be used for a chapter review, or end of year testing review. It takes a while to g... Subject: Special Education, Mathematics, Other, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Science, Health and Physical Education, Art and Design, Citizenship, Modern Foreign Languages, Geography, History, Cross-curricular, ICT, English as a Second Language, Music Grade: Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Post-Secondary Submitted by: Harvey Search terms: Jeopardy, Games Download 0.96 MB Open in SMART Notebook Express
