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The Top 10 Smart Cities On The Planet

The Top 10 Smart Cities On The Planet
Last year, I spent considerable time researching best practices for climate resilient cities—an endeavor that culminated in what I believe was the first ever global ranking of resilient cities. Now, after extensive research on smart cities initiatives around the globe, I have developed what may be the first ever global rankings of smart cities. The term "smart cities" is a bit ambiguous. Some people choose a narrow definition—i.e. cities that use information and communication technologies to deliver services to their citizens. I prefer a broader definition: Smart cities use information and communication technologies (ICT) to be more intelligent and efficient in the use of resources, resulting in cost and energy savings, improved service delivery and quality of life, and reduced environmental footprint—all supporting innovation and the low-carbon economy. Here, then, are the top 10 smart cities: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.)

5 Ways The Smart City Will Change How We Live In 2012 By 2050, the world’s population is projected to be more than 9 billion, with roughly 70% of people residing in urban areas. With more people flocking to cities, there is an urgent demand for smarter, more sustainable cities. A city’s infrastructure is comprised of a number of systems, including transportation (e.g. roads, bridges, public transportation, etc.), sewage, utility (e.g. gas, electricity, water treatment and delivery), and public and private buildings. Urbanization and proliferation of these systems are key to quality of life, but also create a significant toll on the sustainability, energy efficiency and capacity level of a city. What many people don’t realize is how much buildings contribute to this strain. In the U.S. alone, buildings account for 70% of all energy use and 38% of all carbon emissions. The urgency to create more sustainable buildings comes to the forefront as President Obama recently launched the Better Buildings Initiative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Comment vont s'organiser les villes dans les pays émergents ? - Info sciences - Sciences & Santé Geneviève Férone est l'invitée d'info-sciences tous les lundis de cet été. Elle est connue notamment pour avoir créé en 1997, la première agence de notation sociale et environnementale. Elle est aujourd'hui, directrice du développement durable chez Véolia Environnement. En Chine il y a un peu plus de 80 villes de plus d'un million d'habitants qui viennent de naître. "Bienvenue en transhumanie; sur l'homme de demain" de Geneviève Férone et Jean-Didier Vincent paru chez Grasset. "2030 : le krach écologique" de Geneviève Férone est paru chez Grasset.

Top European cities In January 2012, Co.Exist published my smart city rankings. This year, I sought to more accurately rank cities based on a holistic model of smart cities around the globe. This year, we are going to release two separate rankings. This first ranking represents the top 10 smart cities in Europe, and the follow-up will be the top 10 smart cities in North America. In an attempt to improve the rankings, I developed a metric called the Smart Cities Wheel, which contains six key components of smart cities and three key drivers for each component. For each of the six components of the Smart Cities Wheel, I sought to obtain more than one data source to rank each city in its respective region, except in cases where the singular data source was sufficiently rigorous (e.g. 1. 2. 3. 4. In the Smart Living category I only used Mercer’s annual Quality of Life survey results. 5. 6. 7. 8. But overall it is the city’s governance that stands out. 9. 10.

How much money does it cost to go Off-Grid and to live on the Land? 1. One of the most important items to find when preparing to go off grid is land with running water on it. Everything else can be brought in but water is essential, one must have a good water source. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Une économie sociale is-moi ce que tu fabriques, je te dirai qui tu es. Fabrique métropolitaine, Fabrique à initiatives… Décidément, le mot est à la mode chez nous. Si ça continue, on va appeler les travailleurs des ouvriers. Donc, il y a dorénavant une fabrique à initiatives, dans une ancienne fabrique de biscuits et biscottes, aux Échoppes. Pas de machines s'agitant mécaniquement dans un vacarme digne des Temps modernes : 120 mètres carrés de moquette ou équivalent, portes vitrées, bureaux, table de réunion… Ici, c'est la matière grise qui est à l'œuvre. « Nous animons le dispositif pour l'Aquitaine », précise Jérémy Brémaud, directeur d'Atis (Association Territoires et Innovation sociale). « Nous sommes implantés à Pessac dont la municipalité manifeste une volonté politique forte pour l'économie sociale et solidaire. À cette occasion, le premier projet concrétisé avec la Fabrique à initiatives a été présenté. Nombreux partenaires

Singapore Is On Its Way To Becoming An Iconic Smart City This past week I had the pleasure of being invited to Singapore to present my research on smart, innovative cities. Tropical greenspaces throughout the city are juxtaposed with remnants of its past through an authentic China Town, Little India and others--all of which mixes with a modern, robust, waterside financial district, as well as upscale, North-American-style malls and entertainment districts. That’s a lot for a small island with about 5 million inhabitants. For those of us interested in smart city evolution, Singapore is a fascinating place to explore. Nearly 90% of the Singaporean population owns their own home or apartment. While Singapore has one of the highest home ownership rates in the world, the politicians are doing their best to keep vehicle ownership rates (and subsequently traffic and new road infrastructure) as low as possible. Singapore is definitely pushing the envelope on innovation in policy and infrastructure. Of course, not all is perfect.

L'attitude prospective par Gaston Berger L’attitude prospective par Gaston Berger Avant d’être une méthode ou une discipline, la prospective est une attitude. C’est dire que l’adjectif doit ici précéder le substantif. Le sens de « prospectif » est évident. Ces deux adjectifs ne sont pourtant pas aussi parfaitement symétriques dans leur signification que dans leur forme. Lorsqu’on réfléchit à l’importance qu’ont pour les hommes les années qui s’ouvrent devant eux et devant leurs enfants, on ne peut manquer d’être surpris par le peu de place que tiennent l’avenir et le futur dans les préoccupations des philosophes ou des écrivains. Voir loin – Le caractère principal de l’attitude prospective consiste évidemment dans l’intensité avec laquelle elle concentre notre attention sur l’avenir. L’attitude prospective ne nous tourne pas seulement vers l’avenir. L’expérience a déjà montré que la tentative n’était pas absurde et que les résultats ne manquent pas d’intérêt. Ceci précise notre tâche.

High publicity for cities Press release, 23 June 2011 Amsterdam Smart City has won the European City Star Award 2011. The jury awarded the prize to the project for being exemplary in demonstrating how cities can make successful efforts to use energy sustainably. Amsterdam Smart City makes such efforts by uniting public parties, private organisations and Amsterdammers to test initiatives and new technology together. Regional awards This City Star is part of the Regio (Regional) Awards, awarded annually in Brussels. Accepting the award in Brussels, Amsterdam Alderperson for Economic Affairs Carolien Gehrels said: “In order to move forward, it is vital to work together with Amsterdammers to develop solutions in the field of energy transition. Amsterdam Smart City Amsterdam Smart City is a cooperative project involving Amsterdammers, companies, knowledge institutions and governments. The ultimate aim of these projects is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in line with the targets at European, national and city levels.

MODERN HOMESTEADING A Plan for Food Self-Sufficiency Planning a garden in advance can help you enjoy local, homegrown food year-round! Estimate how much to grow or buy and learn how to achieve food security with these guidelines. Backyard Chicken Facts - 5 Things No One Told Us A few facts that might help you decide whether or not to get chickens for your backyard. Best Guard Dog for Your Homestead Read guard dog training tips and advice on guard dog breeds best suited for your needs. Build This Predator-Proof, Portable Chicken Coop Our newest low-cost portable chicken coop plan makes raising backyard chickens easier for just about anyone. Deep Litter Chicken Manure Management Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the deep litter system and how you can manage a small flock’s manure easily and efficiently. Home Cheesemaking: From Hobby to Business Artisan cheesemakers who aspire to make their passion a profession will face many challenges on the way to establishing a successful business. Live on Less!

Un schéma régional de l'économie solidaire rès de 200 acteurs de l'économie solidaire et de l'innovation sociale viennent d'adopter à Bordeaux le premier schéma aquitain pour le développement de l'économie solidaire et de l'innovation sociale. L'idée de Bérénice Vincent-Delpeyrat, élue régionale Europe Écologie-Les Verts (Dordogne), est d'accompagner le développement des structures, des territoires et des pratiques dans le domaine de l'innovation sociale. L'économie sociale et solidaire emploie quelque 110 000 salariés en Aquitaine, dont 80 % dans les associations, et représente, coopératives comprises, quelque 10 % du PIB aquitain. Les services à la personne, les circuits courts d'approvisionnement comme les Amap (Association pour le maintien d'une agriculture paysanne) ou les nouvelles formes d'habitat, mutualisées ou coopératives, en sont les principaux vecteurs de développement.

Singapore's 'supertrees' spark green thoughts 18 June 2012Last updated at 12:04 ET By Saira Syed Business reporter, BBC News, Singapore Kenneth Er, chief operating officer of Gardens by the Bay and a forest ecologist, explains what the project seeks to achieve They look like they belong on another planet with their wiry canopies and greenery where the bark should be, but the man-made "supertrees" that sit against the backdrop of Singapore's central business district mimic the qualities of trees here on earth. Seven of the 18 structures are fitted with solar panels that convert sunlight into energy. They are part of an energy-efficient green space called Gardens by the Bay that has cost 1bn Singaporean dollars ($784m; £504m). "It provides a green lung for the city rather than just having high rises everywhere," says Kenneth Er, chief operating officer on the project and a forest ecologist. He hopes that people leave the garden with a sense of "how to recreate nature's balance". Emissions debate 'Disadvantaged' 'Extremely vulnerable'
