Las asombrosas medusas de Alexander Semenov, maestro de la foto submarina El biólogo ruso Alexander Semenov es uno de los fotógrafos de vida submarina más reconocidos del mundo, especialmente célebre por hacer retratos de la fauna marina vibrantes de color y energía. Semenov acaba de presentar su nueva serie de imágenes tomadas en la Estación Biológica del Mar Blanco en Rusia y en la que se destaca la fotografía de medusas. El fondo del mar parece el espejo de un espacio galáctico poblado por exóticos seres que evocan cerebros flotantes, conciencias translúcidas conectadas a la mente del océano. Semenov logra capturar a las medusas, que se han convertido en una de las especies dominantes, de una manera altamente estilizada, casi como si estuvieran posando a la cámara y accedieran a formar parte de un catálogo. Es posible que las medusas sean visualmente el animal más psicodélico del planeta. Semenov es además buzo y director del programa de la Estación Biológica del Mar Blanco. [Colossal]
The Girl Who Loves to Levitate (14 photos) - My Modern Metropolis - StumbleUpon Natsumi Hayashi is a sweet-looking Japanese girl who, one day, decided to take self-portraits..of herself levitating. She can be spotted in and around Tokyo, equipped with her SLR and her self-timer. When she feels the moment strike, she presses the shutter button down and then, quite literally, "jumps" into place. What I love most about her shots is that they don't feel forced. When I asked her how others react to her jumping around Tokyo, here is a funny story that she shared. "So I stopped jumping and apologized to them by saying, 'I am taking jumping photos for my wedding party's slide show.' "Then, I took one of the best levitation shots of the entire series." "We are all surrounded by social stress as we are bound by the forces of earth's gravity," Natsumi says when asked why she took on the series. Natsumi Hayashi's website
baby chameleons photo Random photo Submit your photo Stumble Thru animal photography Tags: baby animal chameleon baby chameleons by igor siwanowicz 1 047 420 views Rating: +26 a happy family of polar bears baby meerkats cute “mini lion” kitten Adorable Photos of Animals With Their Babies That Will Make You Go ‘Aww’ Place your ad here Loading... About OneBigPhoto is your daily dose of high quality photos. 2726 photos uploaded Important stuff Top rated Top galleries Submit photo Privacy policy Wallpaper Contact us Connect with us Search Some rights reserved. ©2013 Impresionantes fotografías de perros nadando bajo el agua perros bajo el agua Seth Casteel labrador retriever Show captions Showing image 1 of 5 Un Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mirando hacia las profundidades En estos días la Red se ha visto asaltada por una serie fotográfica de Seth Casteel que retrata expresivos rostros de perros debajo del agua, una combinación entre la familiaridad del objetivo con la originalidad de la técnica que cautivado la atención de millones, demostrando de paso la impresionante capacidad de viralización de Internet. Un labrador retriever detrás de su presa —una pelota Esto último es importante porque el trabajo de Casteel había pasado ligeramente desapercibido hasta que un par de estas fotografías fueron posteadas en Reddit, Google+ y Facebook, tres polos más que suficientes para ganarle decenas de miles de opiniones favorables y una amplísima difusión hasta entonces para él desconocida, además de la multiplicación exponencial del número de visitantes a su sitio. Una definición de la felicidad Sitio de Seth Casteel.
Incredible Wildlife Photography | Peachy Green Wildlife — By Stephanie on January 11, 2010 at 10:58 am Canada goose protects her young Ever have one of those moments when you think to yourself, “Boy, I wish I had my camera?!” Well, you can enjoy the good fortune of the photographers who were not empty handed when they shot these amazing animal pictures. These high-speed images are treasures that tell stories we rarely get to see – let alone capture – in stunning detail. Incredible wildlife photography like this takes a steady hand and sharp eye. Bringing home the bugs.... If you oohed and ahhed over the first couple of pictures, you might have to prepare yourself for the next image…. open wide! All in one bite? The best wildlife photography is often expressed through the unexpected. Hey! What is more adorable than a curious monkey – particularly one that wonders what all the photography fuss is about? Among cute animal photographs, you’ve gotta agree… this one tops the charts! Ready for my close-up! Synchronized stretching Owls in a fir tree
La lengua psicodélica de una mariposa y otras fascinantes fotos microscópicas Before I sink Into the big sleep I want to hear …The scream of the butterfly. Jim Morrison El mundo microscópico —ese fractal del cosmos— revela sus secretos a la luz de la tecnología y seguramente la competición Nikon Small World es soberbia en lo que respecta a exhibir la belleza y complejidad de este micromundo. Arriba una lengua de mariposa fotografiada bajo luz polarizada por Stephen Nagy: una resbaladilla psicodélica que traza un camino hacia el otro lado del espejo con su lamido lisérgico. Gota de agua —cápsula— con dos larvas de mosquitos. El monstruoso—casi cefalópodo— rostro de un coleóptero de amplia nariz. La cabeza de una hormiga bajo luz negra.
Hormigas traslúcidas devorando líquidos de colores (FOTOS hormigas_abdomen_traslucido Show captions Showing image 1 of 1 Todo comenzó cuando el científico Mohamed Babu y su esposa encontraron una peculiar especie de hormigas en el jardín de su casa de Mysore, en la India. Estas hormigas, cuya parte trasera de sus cuerpos es parcialmente traslucida, cambian de color, mimetizándose con el alimento que ingieren. “La idea de fotografiarlas me vino luego de que mi mujer me mostró cómo algunas hormigas cambiaban de color cuando bebían las gotas de leche que se habían derramado en nuestra cocina” afirma Babu. A continuación, el científico indio decidió colocar gotas de azúcar coloreadas y esperar a que las hormigas se alimentarán de ellas. Curiosamente, el “experimento” hogareño de Babu, derivó no solo en una obra de arte orgánico, sino que manifiesta cabalmente uno de los refranes populares más conocidos: somos lo que comemos. [Daily Mail]
Portraits of Dogs as They Shake Off Water For her series “Shake“, pet photographer Carli Davidson photographed curious portraits of dogs shaking off water. Use a fast shutter speed and you can capture all kinds of strange expressions on your dog’s face. You can find the rest of the photographs in the series here. Shake (via Photojojo) Image credits: Photographs by Carli Davidson and used with permission 25 Most Beautiful Animals Photography on StumbleUpon I think the most beautiful pictures are those made in nature. Nothing compares with the expression of a tiger, the majestic flight of an eagle or the strength of a white bear. Below you can see 25 the most beautiful animal photographs that will capture your attention, and were stumbled on StumbleUpon.
All the baby animals! You do not decline Chuck Norris. SCORE 814 Accurate. SCORE 167 I can kind of believe some of this is butter. Walking a dog vs. walking a cat. A baby chimp adopted by a dog. Reactions to being placed inside a box. Embrace the Dark Side! Scumbag brain. The eyes of a creature Forget about BeetleCam and other devices. A British photographer risked his life as he captured these wildlife shots. Jonathan Griffiths held his camera just inches away from tigers, bears and cougars as he took the pictures. (Jonathan Griffiths/Solent) The 32-year-old endured minus 40 degree Celsius temperatures at a Canadian wildlife breeding reserve as he gained the trust of each animal over two or three days. (Jonathan Griffiths/Solent) He enticed them with meat – mainly chicken – to photograph them close-up in his 15-month project. ..and in another shot a tiger left condensation on his lens with its breath. The currency trader flew to Canada, where he stayed in a lodge by a wildlife breeding reserve. Jonathan said: “At first I was quite nervous being so close to the animals as I did not know what to expect and they are wild… (Jonathan Griffiths/Solent) My family think I’m a bit nuts and worry about the consequences if something went wrong. Two Brown bears roar at the camera.