Secret défense
L'intervention française au Mali (opération Serval), qui a démarré de manière fracassante le 11 janvier dernier, était dans les cartons depuis 2009. Une planification de l'état-major, baptisée Requin, prévoyait alors quasiment ce qui advenu cet hiver. Et qui a failli être déclenché à plusieurs reprises sous la présidence Sarkozy... Puis après l'élection de François Hollande, qui juge le dossier malien prioritaire, tout se met en place à partir du 31 octobre 2012. L'offensive des djihadistes en janvier servira de coup de sifflet pour y aller. Attention, il ne s'agit pas d'un récit détaillé des opérations militaires depuis janvier - à la manière de Jean-Christophe Notin sur l'Afghanistan ou la Libye. L'ouvrage revient sur les causes de cette crise, c'est-à-dire à la fois la déliquescence de l'Etat malien et la montée en puissance des groupes terroristes au Sahel, comme AQMI, qui trouvent leur origine dans la guerre civile algérienne.
HOWTO make a shooter's sandwich
From the Guardian, directions for making a shooter's sandwich -- a sandwich made by hollowing out a round loaf, filling it with two steaks and some cooked mushrooms, wrapping and tying it, and then compressing and slicing it. Yum! Don't bother resting the steaks. Work fast and tuck the first one, dripping and hot, straight into the bottom of the hollow loaf...Dollop in your hot mushroom mixture...Tuck your second steak over the mushrooms. At this stage I usually smear hot horseradish on the top steak and Dijon mustard on the inside of the lid... How to make a shooter's sandwich (via Reddit) (Image: Tim Hayward/Guardian)
A restaurant (/ˈrɛstərənt/ or /ˈrɛstərɒnt/; French: [ʀɛʁɑ̃] ( Types[edit] Restaurants may be classified or distinguished in many different ways. Restaurants range from inexpensive and informal lunching or dining places catering to people working nearby, with simple food served in simple settings at low prices, to expensive establishments serving refined food and fine wines in a formal setting. For some time the travelling public has been catered for with ship's messes and railway restaurant cars which are, in effect, travelling restaurants. Restaurant staff[edit] A restaurant's proprietor is called a restaurateur /ˌrɛstərəˈtɜr/; like 'restaurant', this derives from the French verb restaurer, meaning "to restore". History[edit] Greece and Rome[edit] In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, thermopolia (singular thermopolium) were small restaurant-bars that offered food and drinks to customers. China[edit] Ajisen Ramen restaurant in Nanjing. The people of Hangzhou are very difficult to please.
SITE Monitoring Service
Photo | a razor, a shiny knife
Here is a collection of photo galleries from our prior events, our traveling and our test kitchen. They will be randomly updated as we collect new photos and do our best to give interesting and witty explanations for what is going on in each photo. If you would like more information on any of the events listed below please feel free to contact us or leave comments. 23 July, 2011 – Meatopia 14 July, 2011 – Film Shoot with Sundance Channel 1 May, 2011 – NYC Dining Car – Lunch on the L Train 16 March, 2011 – food(ography)
- Renseignement, Défense, Technologie, Terrorisme, Intelligence économique