Face the dragons Face the Dragons Séance 1 Séance 3 Séance 4 Séance 5 Séance 6 Séance 2 <nombre>5</nombre><script></script> The red dragon challenges the ice dragon to fight. The mayor creates a flag in honor of the red dragon. The ice dragon freezes the village. A red dragon lives in a cave next to the village. The people of the village are hungry. Answers: Captions Claws British Council - George and the dragon The Powers of Dragons <nombre>X</nombre><script></script> Breathe underwater Become invisible Fly fast Shoot lightning Breathe fire Regenerate Shoot ice Teleport Toothless 3. Mini-Mission I How to train your dragon Le Superlatif Champion 1 Champion 2 Monstrous Nightmare Food Personality Weakness
Escape Game Charlie and the chocolate factory par chognard.nathalie sur Genially It's a catastrophe! Charlie has lost his golden ticket... Catastrophe! Charlie a perdu son ticket d'or... It must be somewhere in the house.Help Charlie find it or he won't be allowed to visit the chocolate factory Il doit se trouver quelque-part dans la maison! Please, come in! Maybe Grandma Josephine's husband can help you... Click on his face! Grandpa Joe hasn't seen the golden ticket.Maybe Grandma Georgina's husband has a clue... a clue : un indice Click on his nose! Bad luck! Bad luck : pas de chance... Click on her right hand! This ticket is nowhere to be found! Impossible de mettre la main sur ce ticket! Maybe Charlie's father has seen it.. Click on his left ear It's incredible! Incroyable! Mrs Bucket is your last chance. Mme Bucket est votre dernière chance... You know mums are really good at finding lost things! Tu sais que rien n'est vraiment perdu tant que maman n'a pas cherché... Click on her mouth! Yes!!! Oui! The golden ticket is on the table! It is under Charlie's toy chocolate factory!
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Catch the irregular verbs by D. Araujo by araujo_dulce on Genial.ly escape game created by Miss D. Araujo How do you know if you master the English irregular verbs ? Follow the steps of your mission and your teacher Miss Araujo will give you an infallible method to know them ! Accept FINALMission CONSEIL : utilisez Chrome et non Firefox sinon des pages auront des erreurs ! run win do hit go Which verb doesn't change? hear heared heart heard Which form is correct? Can you speak louder ? sold said spoke say Which verb is correct? Yesterday, he ... he was sorry. you your keep the 2 words at the bottom Then, click here *Try again! Mathematics - Arithmetic Natural Sciences Physical education Social Sciences How do you say "acheter"? bought build buy Which verb is NOT related to "shopping"? smell cost pay Which verb does NOT change with i-a-u ? find sing ring Remember the word MUST for later! HOW DO YOU SAY "J'ai passé 2 mois confiné" IN ENGLISH ? I've spent2 months locked up I sent 2months locked up I slept2 months locked up I was locked up for 2 months I sang 2 months locked up I swore2 months locked up
The Stolen Warhol The Stolen Warhol,Night At the Museum:,Welcome to the MOMA: the Museum of Modern Art. This is an evening tour of the special exhibition about Andy Warhol,What is happening here?,START,FREEZE! Escape game Al-ANDALUS Escape game Cambiar la historia Christine Morales Merci à RV, Nicolas Forestier, profe Villamates et à S'cape pour les extensions et à la sonothèque pour les sons. Continuar Acabas de subir a una máquina del tiempo. Sonido: sonothèque Empecemos Te deseo la bienvenida, §nom§, encantada de conocerte. Prehistoria Edad contemporánea Edad media Edad Moderna Edad antigua Pulsa el botón y descubrirás adónde vas a viajar. edad media vas a viajar a la Clip2Comic Cuenta una leyenda que este palacio rojo como la sangre esconde un secreto. Cuenta una leyenda que en una fortaleza roja se esconde un tesoro FABULOSO. Elige tu avatar En la lámpara §nom§ se esconde tu primera pista. Responde a este primer acertijo y luego pulsa en la torre. Ve este vídeo §nom§ y contesta las preguntas para obtener el primer paso del sortilegio. Clip2comic Para entrar en el palacio y encontrar el tesoro vas a tener que adivinar la clave de cuatro dígitos (cifra del primer enigma + fecha de la llegada de los moros) No, no, no. Dragons Quiz No
londres by delannayvalerie on Genially Welcome to London!,A day in London,Au fur et a mesure des jeux , note toutes tes depenses pour trouver le prix de ton sejour (code final),Let's go shopping,At the restaurant,What did they order?(Que commandent-elles?),I would like a coffee ....,For me , .................., please,For me , ...................., please,At the restaurant,What did they order? Ireland Glisse les étiquettes au bon endroit et tu verras probablement un Leprechaun apparaître. Clique sur les carrés oranges afin de voir les traductions. Protestantismbecame theofficial religion.Tensions startedbecause Irishpeople weremainly Catholics. After many centuries of wars and tensions between England and Ireland, Ireland is split into two: The Republic of Ireland (independant) and Northern Ireland (British). The Celts settled on the island. Norman vikings, who invaded England, invaded Ireland. Saint Patrick spread Christianity. Camogie is a variant of hurling, it is only played by women. Camogie Players use a stick (un bâton) called a hurl to hit a small ball (the sliotar) in the goals. Hurling Gaelic football is very popular in Ireland. Gaelic footbal Gaelic Games Source: Northern Ireland The Republic of Ireland OFFICIAL NAME: Northern IrelandCAPITAL: BelfastPOPULATION: 1,893,667 MONETARY UNIT: Pound sterlingOFFICIAL LANGUAGES: English AREA: 14,130 square kilometres
Escape the Island of Tears by anglaiscondorcet on Genially Transcription Le jeu 1 18 élèves de 3ème euro donc de bons élèves ayant pour la plupart un niveau B1 voire B2 pour les meilleurs d'entre eux. Le jeu est cependant adaptable à des élèves d'un niveau plus faible en fournissant davantage d'aides. Objectifs Réalisé à l'aide de Google Draw Scénario Le dénouement en RA* Bilan Intro Réalisationdu jeu Et après? Le jeu 2 Escape the Island of Tears Organi-gramme Le plan d'action Souhaitant faire découvrir le thème de l'immigration de la fin du 19ème siècle et du début du 20ème siècle aux Etats-Unis à mes élèves, j'ai lu et écouté de nombreux témoignages, effectué des visites virtuelles d'Ellis Island, compilé des photos... Voici les documents et objets dont disposent les élèves. Matériel et outils numériques Qui suis-je au fait? Un escape game en cours d'anglais pour découvrir Ellis Island Un escape game:c'est quoi & pourquoi? Un "escape game" ou "jeu d'évasion" est un jeu mêlant fouille, résolution d'énigmes et manipulation de gadgets. "C'est un escape game !".
New York, New York C. Rollo Mila Studio, NY map She left a message, she is playing hide-and-seek... I don't likethis game because I don't have a good sense of direction. Nina has disappeared... Hey Christine,You know I like playing games and today's game is: Hide and Seek! Hello young lady,Do you know me? What is thismonument? LOOK! Who built the Statue of Liberty? The statue was a gift from the people of France.What does the statue represent? Hey Christine,I'm happy you found my book. Who built the Statue of Liberty? The statue was a gift from the people of France.What does the statue represent? What an immense place! Watch for 2mns 10 BEST THINGS TO DO & EAT in CONEY ISLAND | Brooklyn , New York ( There's nothing here :( Oh yes,Times Square you're right There's nothing here in...What's the name of thisplace? Oh yes,The Brooklyn Bridge you're right There is no message fromNina here, on the.... Let's go inside! Creation: 1872 1959 1997 1930 Price: 39$ 25$ 117$ Free Are you Nina's friend?